Ralph Waldo Emerson - Selected Bibliography on Emerson lyrics


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Ralph Waldo Emerson - Selected Bibliography on Emerson lyrics

Bibliographies Bryer, Jackson R. and Robert A. Rees. A Checklist of Emerson Criticism 1951-1961. Hartford: Transcendental Books, 1964. Burkholder, Robert E. and Joel Myerson. Emerson: An Annotated Secondary Bibliography. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1985. Burkholder, Robert E. and Joel Myerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism, 1980-1991. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994. Woodlief, Annette. Emerson's Prose: An Annotated Checklist of Literary Criticism Through 1976. Studies in the American Renaissance, 1978. Pages 105-160. See also Paul Reuben's Emerson bibliography and Donna Campbell's bibliography. Belknap Press at Harvard University publishes the definitive editions of Emerson's works,including lectures and journals. Biography Allen, Gay Wilson. Waldo Emerson; a Biography. NY: Viking P, 1981. Barish, Evelyn. Emerson: The Roots of Prophecy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1989. Buell, Lawrence. Emerson. Cambridge: Belknap [Harvard] P, 2003. Bufano, Randolf J. "Emerson's Apprenticeship to Carlyle, 1827-1848." American Transcendental Review. 13 (1972): 17-25. Gonnaud, Maurice. An Uneasy Solitude. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1987. Harris, Kenneth Marc. Carlyle and Emerson: Their Long Debate. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978. McAleer, John. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Days of Encounter. Boston: Little, 1984. Porte, Joel. Emerson in His Journals. Cambridge: Belknap P, 1982. Slater, Joseph, ed. The Correspondence of Emerson and Carlyle. New York: Columbia University Press, 1964. Porte, Joel. Representative Man: Ralph Waldo Emerson in his Time. NY: Oxford UP, 1978. Richardson, Robert D. Emerson : The Mind on Fire : a Biography University of California: Berkeley, 1995. Robinson, David. Apostle of Culture. Philadelphia: UP Press, 1982. Rohler, Lloyd. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Preacher and Lecturer. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1995. Rusk, Ralph. The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. NY: Columbia UP, 1957. Thurin, Erik Ingvar. The Universal Autobiography of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Lund, Sweden: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1974. Wagenknecht, Edward. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Portrait of a Balanced Soul. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Criticism and Collections Selected criticism on Emerson's Poetry. Allen, Thomas M. "The Geological Revolution in American Time." Conference on Temporal Politics. [http://epsilon3.georgetown.edu/~coventrm/asa2001/panel9/allen.html.] Anderson, John Q. The Liberating Gods. Coral Gables: Univ. of Miami P, 1971. Bishop, Jonathan. Emerson on the Soul. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1964. Portions reprinted in Sealts, pp. 140-44, and Konvitz, pp. 201-10. Brown, Lee R. The Emerson Museum: Practical Romanticism and the Pursusuit of the Whole. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1997. Buell, Lawrence, editor. Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, NJ. 1993. Burkholder, Robert and Joel Myerson, eds. Critical Essays on Waldo Emerson. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., 1983. Cady, E. H. and Louis Budd, eds. On Emerson. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1988. Carpenter, Frederic Ives. Emerson and Asia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1930. Carpenter, Frederic. The Emerson Handbook. NY: Hendricks House, 1953. Cavell, Stanley. Conditions Handson and Unhandsome: The Constitution of Emersonian Perfectionism. Chicago: U Chicago P, 1990. Cayton, Mary Kupiec. Emerson's Emergence: Self and Society in the Transformation of New England, 1800-1845. Chapel Hill: UNC P, 1989. Cheyfitz, Eric, The Trans-Parent: Sexual Politics in the Language of Emerson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1981. Donadio, Stephen, Stephen Railton, and Ormond Seavey. Emerson and His Legacy: Essays in Honor of Quentin Anderson. Carbondale: SIU P, 1986. Duncan, Jeffrey. The Power and Form of Emerson's Thought. Charlottesville: U VA P, 1973. Ellison, Julie K. Emerson's Romantic Style. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984. Field, Susan L. The Romance of Desire: Emerson's Commitment to Incompletion. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1997. Garvey, T. Gregory, ed. The Emerson Dilemma: Essays on Emerson and Social Reform. Athens: Uni of GA P, 2001. Geldard, Richard G. The Esoteric Emerson: The Spiritual Teachings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Hudson, N.Y.: Lindisfarne Press, 1993. Geldard, Richard G. God in Concord: Ralph Waldo Emerson's Awakening to the Infinite. Burdett, N.Y.: Larson, 1999. Gelpi, Donald L. Endless Seeker: The Religious Quest of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1991. Gougeon, Len. Virtue's Hero: Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1990. Harris, Kenneth Marc. "Coleridge, Carlyle and Emerson." Essays in Literature. Fall 89: 263-279. Hodder, Alan D. Emerson's Rhetoric of Revelation: Nature, the Reader, and the Apocalypse Within. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1989. Hopkins, Vivian C. Spires of Form: A Study of Emerson's Aesthetic Theory. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1951. Hudnut, Robert K. The Aesthetics of Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Materials and Methods of His Poetry. Edwin Mellen Press, 1996. Hughes, Gertrude Reif. Emerson's Demanding Optimism Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1984. Hutch, Richard A. Emerson's Optics: Biographical Process and the Dawn of Religious Leadership. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1983. Ihrig, Mary Alice. Emerson's Transcendental Vocabulary. New York: Garland, 1982. Jacobson, David. Emerson's Pragmatic Vision: the Dance of the Eye. University Park: Penn State UP, 1993. Kateb, George . Emerson and Self-Reliance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage P, 1995. Konvitz, Milton R. and Stephen E. Whicher, eds. Emerson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1962. Lange, Lou Ann. The Riddle of Liberty: Emerson on Alienation, Freedom, and Obedience. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986. Leary, Lewis. Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Interpretive Essay. Boston: Twayne, 1980. Levin, David, ed. Emerson: Prophecy, Metamorphosis and Influence. New York: Columbia UP, 1975. Levin, Jonathan. The Poetics of Transition: Emerson, Pragmatism, and American Literary Modernism. Durham: Duke UP, 1999. Lopez, Michael. Emerson and Power: Creative Antagonism in the Nineteenth Century. Dekalb, ILL: N ILL UP, 1996. Loving, Jerome. Emerson, Whitman, and the American Muse. Chapel Hill: UNC P, 1982. Makarushka, Irene S. Religious Imagination and Language in Emerson and Nietzsche. New York: St. Martin's, 1994. McMillin, T. S. Our Preposterous Use of Literature: Emerson and the Nature of Reading. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000. Michael, John. Emerson and Skepticism : the Cipher of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins P, 1988. Mott, Wesley T. and Robert Burkholder, ed. Emersonian Circles: Essays in Honor of Joel Myerson. Rochester: URochester, 1997. Myerson, Joel, ed. Emerson Centenary Essays. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982. Myerson, Joel, ed. Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Oxford, 2000. Neufeldt, Leonard. Emerson: New Appraisals: Symposium. Hartford, CN: Transcendental Books, 1973. Neufeldt, Leonard, The House of Emerson. Lincoln, NE: U Nebraska P, 1982. Newfield, Christopher. The Emerson Effect: Individualism and Submission in America. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago P, 1996. O'Keefe, Richard R. Mythic Archetypes in Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Blakean Reading. Kent: Kent State UP, 1995. Packer, Barbara. Emerson's Fall. New York: Continuum, 1982. Paul, Sherman. Emerson's Angle of Vision: Man and Nature in American Experience. Harvard University: Cambridge, 1952. Poirier, Richard. The Renewal of Literature: Emersonian Reflections. New York: Random House, 1987. Porte, Joel, editor. Emerson: Prospect and Retrospect. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1982. Porte, Joel, Emerson and Thoreau: Transcendentalists in Conflict. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1966. Porte, Joel and Saundra Morris, editors. The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. Porter, David T. Emerson and Literary Change. Harvard University: Cambridge, 1978. Rao, Adapa Ramakrishna. Emerson and Social Reform. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1980. Roberson, Susan L. Emerson in His Sermons. Columbia: University of Missouri P, 1995. Robinson, David. Apostle of Culture: Emerson as Preacher and Lecturer. Philadelphia: U Penn P, 1982. Robinson, David M. Emerson and the Conduct of Life: Pragmatism and Ethical Purpose in the Later Work. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Robinson, David. The Spiritual Emerson: Essential Writings. Boston: Beacon Press, 2003. Rosenwald, Lawrence. Emerson and the Art of the Diary. New York: Oxford UP, 1988. Rountree, Thomas J., editor.Critics on Emerson. Coral Gables: U Miami P, 1973. Sacks, Kenneth S. Understanding Emerson: "The American Scholar" and His Struggle for Self-Reliance. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003. Scheick, William J. The Slender Human Word: Emerson's Artistry in Prose. Knoxville: UT P, 1978. Schermeister, Pamela. Less Legible Meanings: Between Poetry and Philosophy in the Work of Emerson. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999. Sealts, Merton M. and Afred R. Ferguson, eds. Emerson's "Nature"--Origin, Growth, Meaning. 2d ed. Carbondale: SIU P, 1979. Sealts, Merton M., Jr. Emerson on the Scholar. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992. Simon, Myron, and Thonton H. Parsons, eds. Transcendentalism and Its Legacy. Ann Arbor: UMich P, 1966. Steele, Jeffrey. The Representation of the Self in the American Renaissance. Chapel Hill: UNC P, 1987. Teichgraeber, Richard F., III. Sublime Thoughts/Penny Wisdom: Situating Emerson and Thoreau in the American Market. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. Van Cromphout, Gustaaf. Emerson's Ethics. Columbia: University of Missouri P, 1999. Van Cromphout, Gustaaf. Emerson's Modernity and the Example of Goethe. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990. Van Leer, David. Emerson's Epistemology: The Argument of the Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. Versluis, Arthur. The Hermetic Book of Nature: An American Revolution in Consciousness. St. Paul, Minn.: Grail, 1997. Wagoner, Hyatt. Emerson as Poet. Princeton University: Princeton, 1974. Whicher, Stephen. Freedom and Fate: An Inner Life of Emerson. NY: AS Barnes, 1953. Wilson, Eric. Emerson's Sublime Science. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999. Yoder, R. A. Emerson and the Orphic Poet in America. Berkeley: Univ of California P, 1978. Zwarg, Christina. Feminist Conversations: Fuller, Emerson, and the Play of Reading. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1995.