Queen Liliuokalani - The Kumilopo - Era 15 lyrics


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Queen Liliuokalani - The Kumilopo - Era 15 lyrics

THE FIFTEENTH ERA. Haumea, she of Nuumea that stood in loose ground Of Mehani Nuu's thick sward at Kuaihealani at Paliuli, As the deep darkness is the greatness of her rank, The sacred lonely heavens from Kamahaikaua, From Kamehaikaua, god of Kauakahi, Who cut the sacred step, and cut the heavenly Haiuli, Felt bitterness in his breast, anger and jealousy of his rival, Landed on the island of Lua, of Ahu a Lua, and stayed at Wawau. This female god, wife of Makea, Was Haumea the great and fearless one. A strange woman was Haumea in her life, For she married her grandchildren, And married her children; Married her son Kaukahi, whose wife was Kuaimehani; p. 74 Married her grandson Kauahulihonua, Whose wife was Hulihoma; Married her grandson Haloa, whose wife was Hinamanoulu; Yes, his wife. Married her grandson Waia, whose wife was Huhune; Married her grandson Hinan*lo, whose wife was Haunuu; Married her grandson Nauakahili, whose wife was Haulani; Married her grandson Wailoa, whose wife was Hikopuanaiea. Kio was born and Haumea was discovered, Haumea was found to be wrinkled, Very aged, with watery eyes; Her form was irregular, Was sour temper'd and crabbed. 'Twas Uaia who discovered that she was filthy. Her back was wrinkled as well as front. He stamped on her breast, which shook down the wall of Nuumea; Shook the floor; her breast was like that of a dog; Those breasts which raised high chiefs Took deep root from this woman of the forest. Ole was born the man and his wife. Pupue was the man and Kamahele his wife. Manaku was the man and Hikohoale his wife. Kahiko was the man and Kaea his wife. Luakahakona was the man and Koulamaikalani his wife. Luanuu was the man and Kawaomaaukele his wife. Kii was the man and Hinakoula his wife. Ulu was born, Nanaulu was born. Ulu was the man, Punuu his wife. Nana was the man and Kapulani was his wife. Nanaie was the man and Kahaumokuleia was his wife. Nanaielani was the man and Hinakinau was his wife. Waikalani was the man and Kekauilani was his wife. Kuheleimoana was the man and Mapuuaiaaala was his wife. Konohiki was the man and Hakaululena was his wife. Waolena was the man and Mahuie was his wife. p. 75 Akalana was the man and Hinaakeahi was his wife. First Maui was the man and Central Maui was born. Crouching Maui was born, Maui with a malo was born. The malo with which Akalana girded his loins From which Hina became pregnant, and by fire brought to life a fowl. An egg was that child, which Hina brought forth. Her husband was not a fowl, Yet a chicken was brought to life. When the child cooed Hina asked, I have no husband, yet a child is born. A brave child is born to Hinaakeahi (Hina of the fire). It roused the anger of Kialoa and Kiaakapoko (tall post and short post). They are Hina's brothers, The two posts that guarded the low cave; They fought hard with Maui and were thrown, And red water flowed freely from Maui's forehead. This was the first shower by Maui. They fetched from the sacred Awa bush of Kane and Kan*loa. Then came the second shower by Maui. The third shower was when the elbow of the Awa was broken. The fourth shower was the sacred bamboo of Kane and Kan*loa. The fifth shower was the edge of the umu (oven). The sixth shower was the first rise. Maui sobbed and inquired for his father. Hina denied he had a father; That the malo of Kalana was his father. Then he longed for fish for Hinaakeahi, Learnt the art of fishing, was sent by Hinaakeahi. Go hence to your father; 'Tis there you will find line and hook; That is the hook, 'tis called Manaiakalani. p. 76 When the hook catches land 'twill bring the old seas together. Bring hither the large Alae of Hina, The sister bird Of the great fiery showers caused by Maui. He is the great magician that caught By the mouth and fins Pimoe, The royal fish that raise commotion in the sea. Pimoe was wooed and won by the Ina of Maui. But pity sprang for Mahanauluehu, The children of Pimoe. They were taken ashore, eaten by Maui, all but the fins. So Pimoe was saved by the fins. Mahanauluehu was saved by the tail. Hinakeka was abducted by Peapea (the bat), The great god of the bats. So showers in plenty were sent by Maui Which scratched the eyes of Peapea with eight eyes. They fought a battle with Moemoe. Maui became reckless and fought the sun For the noose that Maui laid. And Winter (Makalii) won the sun, So Summer was won by Maui. They drank of the yellow waters to the dregs Of Kane and Kan*loa. By strategy the war Embraced Hawaii, encompa**ed Maui, Kauai, around Oahu. At Kahaluu was the after birth, at Waikane the navel. It dropped at Hakipuu, at Kualoa. For this is Maui of the malo, The wonder of the land, Yes! of the land.