Puya (RO) - Viată Nouă lyrics


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Puya (RO) - Viată Nouă lyrics

Laura Fara tine vreau sa-ncep o viata noua Nu conteaza daca-mi rupi inima-n doua Chiar nu mai suport pe strada mea sa ploua Vreau o viata noua, o viata noua Puya I told you to shut up, you don't know what you're doing You forgot where you started from, you're making me very angry You forgot how your house used to look like When I brought you here, you were dressed with Turkish clothes (meaning of low quality) What are you saying? I'm not good enough anymore? (Ha ha) What are you saying? That you have fallen in love on the way? Is this your gratitude? I didn't think you were like this Now you tell me you don't want me, that you've found love Tell me! What makes him better than me? Tell me! Why do you think you'll be better? I've put gold around your neck, I've traveled with you allover I have never hit you, never cursed you Now I see, I've been too nice to you My darling, it's obvious you took it for granted (not exactly literal) Get back in bed, do what you've learned Do your job... Laura Fara tine vreau sa-ncep o viata noua Nu conteaza daca-mi rupi inima-n doua Chiar nu mai suport pe strada mea sa ploua Vreau o viata noua, o viata noua Keo & Puya Tu..Nu m-auzi..Cand iti spun..Te iubesc si imi doresc Sa uitam.. Tot ce-a fost.. Din trecut sa te rapesc Stiu ca vrei.. Altceva.. Viata ta o pot schimba Pot sa-ti dau.. Tot ce vrei.. De acum fi doar a mea Langa mine poti sa-ncepi o viata noua Nu, nu ezita nu ma refuza Niciodata n-o sa-ti rup inima-n doua Nu, de langa mine nu pleca Puya You tell me you don't need money, you want love That you'll gonna give me back the bags, the rings The car, everything, you've changed You tell me you've found a real man Remember the way you met him You tell me it doesn't matter, that he cares about you a lot Haha...You're so stupid, remember... "I'm looking for a generous man, for a hot night" That's how your dating announcement sounded like Can't you understand, the man wanted some relaxation It's like a game for him, a game of luck Just when things were going so well between us, you give up on everything Come, don't cry, get into the car, it's raining You're pathetic, can't you see it almost 2 am? You're no Julia Roberts, he's no Richard Gere It will end badly, this is no movie It's not a movie It's not a movie It's not a movie Laura Fara tine vreau sa-ncep o viata noua Nu conteaza daca-mi rupi inima-n doua Chiar nu mai suport pe strada mea sa ploua Vreau o viata noua, o viata noua Hai temrina cu circu asta...! Te rog vino termina cu circu asta,nu vezi ca ne facem de ras?! Hai, hai lasasa tragedia asta! UUUU, m-ai speriat! Suie-te-n masina! Lasa prostiile, suie-te-n masina! Tu chiar crezi ca vrajeala astea tine? Suie-te-n masina! Asculta la mine, o sa ramai p drumuri! Suie-te-n masina! Hai ca se uita lumea la noi, suie-te-n masïna!