Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Although you think you're a superstar Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Although you think you're a superstar Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all although you think that you know it all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your silly life makes no sense at all Although you think you're a superstar Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Although you think you're a superstar Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Although you think you're a superstar Your silly life makes no sense at all Your silly life makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Your bullsh** talk makes no sense at all Although you think that you know it all