There's a snap as you step on a twig We're frozen on tiptoes in fear And sink to our heels in relief Past kids on their paperround trails Milkfloats and shiftworker cars And revellers staggering home Rendezvous at the top of the park Gaze down at the smoke and the lights The buildings suspiciously quiet And I reach for a Paperchase bag Rip pages from plain A4 pads Write notes for the city below And I'm folding arrows, and you're folding darts, dear And I'm E H Mathews and you're Ninomiya It's all in symmetrics and aerodynamics in cla**ic design As it glides from my hands Past the padlocked park gates Through the cold city streets Past the tired chief execs Somersaults and pirouettes Past health spa retreats Venture capitalists 'Til they swoop and they fall Paper aeroplanes are raining down Just to haunt you We'll launch 'til we drop Chapped hands and sharp paper cuts Bruises and javelin arms And they'll glance off the lampposts and trees Knock hats off the suits in the street And land in their coffees and teas So I'm making airfoils and you've built a fuselage I'm writing sound bites and you've written monologues So, pick the targets, they'll fly with a serene velocity girl Glide and then fall Past the rush hour cars And the cinema aisles And the rooftop hotels Pirouettes and somersaults Past old market stalls And juvenile courts Til they swoop and they fall Paper aeroplanes are raining down Just to haunt you somehow And as the sun comes up Gaze at the horizon and ask What on earth is going on? Pirouettes and somersaults