Strange What is your name? Nomiya maki Birthday? The twelfth of march Horoscope? Pisces Blood type? A(*) How do you call Yourself? Watashi(**) What kind of men do you like? Cheerful japanese men Or shy foreigners What kind of man don't you like? Cheap blokes Lovers at the moment? I have one Strange Favourite kind of food? Uncooked food Food you dislike? Fattening food Taste in clothes? Vulgar, cute, gorgeous Clothes you dislike? My highschool uniform Hobbies? Barbie dolls What were you doing On sunday last week? I went to meiji-jingu(***) At what time Did you wake up this morning? Eleven...thirty Favourite hairstyle? Betty boop Haistyles you dislike? Curled fringes(****) Favourite fashion designer? Betsy johnson Favourite lipstick? Elizabeth arden Foundation? Sk two Perfume? Coco chanel Eau de toilette? Coco chanel What hair colour do you Wish you were born with? Red Strange Do you consider Yourself a good cook? No What dish do you cook best? Tomato stew What do you wear To sleep? Pyjamas What was the first thing You swallowed this morning? Air Strange Strange Favourite word? Date Words you dislike? Effort, patience, courage Favourite flower? Tulips Favourite colours? Sky blue, black, violet Favourite season? Spring What's the place you most Want to visit at the moment? Mmmmm...the southern islands Strange Profession? Singing songs Do you like your job? I do Do you like your songs? I do Do you like your voice? I do Plans for the future? I don't know Since you were born What happening has Made you happiest? The fact that i was born And the Saddest? It's too sad to be told Strange What is it about the way You look you like most? Nothing And what do you dislike most? I'm too thin What side of your personality Do you like most? My couldn't-care-lessness And the one you most dislike? My couldn't-care-lessness Do you have any bad habits? Messing up my room When did you fall In love for the first time? In fifth grade What kind of guy was he? He had long hair I saw him at the library He made my heart beat fast What about Your present lover? He's mysterious and He makes me laugh What do you want from him? That's a secret Strange What did you dream last night? I dreamt that My poster was pasted All over town But nobody Noticed me Do you believe in dreams? I do Are you superstitious? I am Do you believe in magic? I do Do you believe in god? I do Strange Strange