Ophthalamia - Ophthalamia / The Eternal Walk (part Iii) lyrics


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Ophthalamia - Ophthalamia / The Eternal Walk (part Iii) lyrics

[Kapitel I: Gri doden gor sig sedd] Lingt, lingt nere I bergets svarta djupa salar Der de morka skuggorna tysta smyger och vesande talar Der trollmor slickar sina blodiga h+nder Der I vattnet han ventar som en tuva med ogon som brender Du hans krafter ej beger kenner; synd or skam For nu kryper den gri doden ur sitt gomstelle fram I vattnet si svart han som ett dott tred flyter Han fram ur sin hila endast kommer n+r dagen tryter Var forsiktig du vandrare for linga knotiga fingrar dig annars tar I den porlande b+cken han som nattens kung far Ett litet steg fel och du hos Gri doden hammar Med d-dens grepp han dig mer en gerna omfammar O+ndliga skogar I morkret sig sprida I Ophthalamias Satans natt du skall lida Dunkla skuggor treden over dig kastar Bli ej forford av nattens onda gastar Efter denna natt solen for digej lysa mer Han skall dra dig I det bottenlosa djupet ner Natten bloder svart mine dess oga er Lingt bort I fjerran och her dig alldeles ner Viskande, vesande, manande han dig befalla Lengre och lengre ut I natten den kalla Noglur bitir rifa dig sundur, poka grar pig vil faxma Augu leita, nefi vixra, bixdu fyrir lifnu xinu, xig hlifa hann ekki [Kapitel II: Blott ett byte for gri doden du er] Gi vidare och lyssna icke till de dodas drenkta grit Ingen klara sig ur Gri doden grepp si vit Svarta djevlarde skratta I natten De leva som han I detta onda doda vatten Med sitt linga toviga hir han dig kommer att strypa Infor denna urminnes skepnad in skall komma att krypa Akta sig noga for denna gri satan, for dig han vill ha Om onda ogon du I morkret ser, vend annars dig han skall ta Tre minar roat hans dystra dodslek nakttar Han mingen ging verre er, en dolken som I dit hjerta skar Om din vandring du vill fortsetta lysna di till mitt ord Fortsiktig genom skogen dig ta, leta sedan efter din hjord Fjallin hi ber vix himmin svartur dalur djupir augna yndi er xax sem f*gur er enir gildra er, svo varaxu xig einir dokkur myrkrix skuggi reisa sig yfir heiminn [Translation:] [Chapter I - The Grey d**h appears] Deep down in the black halls of the mountains Where the dark shadows silently sneaks and hissently speaks Where mother troll licks her bloody hands There in the water he awaits like a tuft with eyes of fire His power nor desire you know, pity and shame From his hidingplace the Grey d**h now creepingly appears He floats like a dead tree in the water so black He appears from his den only when day turns to night Be careful, o wanderer, Long and bony fingers will otherwise thou take In the rippling brook he travels as the king of the night One false step and you beside the Grey d**h will end He is more than willing To embrace you with the grip of d**h Eternal forests spreads in the dark You shall suffer in Ophthalamias satanic night The trees throw obscure shadows over you Do not get seduced by the evil ghosts of the night After this night, The sun for you shall shine no more He will pull you down to his bottomless depth The night bleeds black, the moon is it's eye Far away in the distance and here you very near Whispering, hissently, calling upon, he you command Further and further into the cold night Sharp nails you tear apart Grey mist will embrace you Eyes seek nose sniff Pray for your life, he won't spare you [Chapter II - You are only prey for the Grey d**h] Walk further and do not listen to the cries of the dead Noone will make it through the Grey d**h's grip, so wet Black devils laugh in the night They live in this evil, dead water just like him With this long tangled hair he will strangle you In front of this ancient shape you will have to crawl He wants you, so beware of this grey Satan If you in the darkness evil eyes see, Turn black, otherwise he'll get you Three moons amused his gloomy d**hplay observes Many times worse he is Than the dagger that through your heart cut If your walk you wish to continue, then listen to my word Wander carefully through the woods, Then search for your horde HEY! High mountains against a black sky Deep valleys a delight for the eye are Beauty a trap is, so beware A dark majestic shadow rises over the world