Was a rover, on land and on sea 'til a good woman's love she made a new man of me Life had no meaning, it was so incomplete 'til a good woman's love put me back on my feet Still a-roamin' I go home in the evening and she's waiting there And I know that no matter what happens she'll always care And when night falls and the moon shines above I'm a man with a dream and a good woman's love I was a rover, on land and on sea 'til a good woman's love made a new man of me Life had no meaning, it was so incomplete 'til a good woman's love put me back on my feet 'Stead a-roamin' I go home in the evening and she's waiting there And I know that no matter what happens she'll always care And when night falls and the moon shines above I'm a man with a dream and a good woman's love