Natalie Marie Howell - Anouther year at hell in hell lyrics


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Natalie Marie Howell - Anouther year at hell in hell lyrics

Anouther year at hell in hell anouther year at hell in hell anouther yea at hell in hell everyone who knows me knows singing/wrighting is all I ever wanted to do in life its the only thing I wanted to be in life always wantd to help people get off the streets but now I go to a school where theres no chior I live in a place where people call me a b**h and through rocks play he said/she said always pointing fingers at each outher denying what they said and just taking off running when they know im pissed always telling me there not scared but the second they say or do anything to me they take off running its stupid and than you you have north dallas high school I want to make that school work but I just can't there system and how they run things is messed up every day I go to that school pretending everything is ok when I just want to break everything in the school music is all I am now its been ripped out of me and I have no ida what to do except to tell you its anouther year at hell in hell anouther year at hell in hell anouther year at hell in hell is what it is with no way out no sign of change coming for the better I just can't take it anymore im tired of houlding everything in yet I can't let it out either so than it is and always will be anouther year at hell in hell anouther year at hell in hell wish I could leave yet I can't feeling trapped reaching a dead end and all I want to do is sing and write anouther year at hell in hell THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 17 TYPED BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18