MTK - Self Defense (Interlude) lyrics


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MTK - Self Defense (Interlude) lyrics

One Rifle Per Family I do believe each family has the right and responsibility to defend themselves from tyrannical, corrupt police; politicians and lobbyists tryna to manipulate laws to protect their money, while they criminalize you for feeding your family And when I say "family" I don't necessarily mean Mom and Dad, you know, I mean your community, your neighborhood... And that rifle is symbolic of that defense but I really do mean a rifle And I probably get in trouble for this sh** but. you know That's funny 'cause studio gangstas rap about k**ing their own people and they get plaques, I get Home Land Security letters and sh** But f** y'all man, stop closing schools and maybe I'll put the rifle away But until then, educate, organize, mobilize One Rifle Per Family Brrrt