When degenerates get together, make a group, think that they clever They can't be stopped or re-levered towards a better forever Not even for the smallest time, they form a thing like a sweater And a sword breaking through Kevlar, a weathered belief No matter you endeavour, it stays even if it's a terror If you try to get better, fit in if you rejected You won't fit in that is life, I know it already for right Life goes on like a kite, high and you can lose it tonight No matter the price or the colour, we all the same in the light Go lower careful, respectful is for pussies and rectums Be greater inventful, not Doggy! Your own position, be fateful Get some idiots together, make a belief, think you clever And don't let someone destroy it, defend it, enjoy it Reject someone later, don't debate, throw grenades, uh They will work and forever don't to come out and communicate, uh In the end you get played, dam