In the wilderness uncountable voices earplugs for the birds and the animals and blinders for your beast of burden, the will for learning these books were made for burning in the wilderness beneath the ancient sand lies crushed and tanned those sapphire girls may we never forget you Alert status red but the sun comes up instead In the wilderness the only place to find freedom is in the dictionary under "F" men in holes, men in caves, men in chains I ask but the store clerk needn't check man I forget which came first the bad idea or me befallen by it? not giving a sh** may we never forget you Alert status red but the sun comes up instead In the wilderness senile live the zealous lost to the treasures that compel us muted down like patriots amiss you know I'm jealous of how you can just turn them off those bad ideas that feel so soft may they never forget you Alert status red but the sun comes up instead