Mark Cuban - Comments on Alex Rodriguez Suspension lyrics


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Mark Cuban - Comments on Alex Rodriguez Suspension lyrics

Horrible. I think it's disgraceful what Major League Baseball is trying to do to him. Look, it's not that he doesn't deserve to be suspended. He does. They have policies in place: A first-time offender is 50 games, and a second time is 100. [Two hundred and eleven games], that's personal. I've got to tell you, with my experiences with Major League Baseball -- and after all of this, there's no chance I'm getting to buy a team -- it's basically become Bud Selig's mafia. He runs it the way he wants to run it. They don't want me to own a team. When I was trying the buy the Rangers, even after the Cubs, when I was trying to buy the Texas Rangers, it was an open option. I sat in there with my good, hard-earned money trying to bid, and they did everything possible to keep me from buying the team. They had lawyers in there trying to change the rules; they had people trying to put up more money. It was horrible. Obviously, Bud Selig does not like to be tested. He does not want anybody to stand up to him. It shouldn't be that way. That's one of the poor things about sports. How much money a player makes should have nothing to do with the way you treat them. The reality is the guy broke the rules. He basically admitted that he had broken the rules before. But to come out [with the suspension MLB is going for] and try to give him a lifetime ban, that's just wrong. Being in sports, I try to pay attention to all of the technology and everything. It's never been proven that HGH helps a baseball player or a basketball player. It's just been so tainted that players shouldn't take it that it's become banned for no good reason. You can go in a lot of different directions. But I think this is more about Bud Selig trying to flex his muscles and say, 'If you don't kiss the ring, I'm going to take care of you and kick you out of Major League Baseball.' I think that's wrong.