Lynn Levin - Eve and Lilith Back at the Garden lyrics


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Lynn Levin - Eve and Lilith Back at the Garden lyrics

Eve and Lilith peered through the padlocked gates of the garden, now a restricted community. Eve glared at Lilith, “You told me it was easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission. Now look.” “That's what I always do,” Lilith replied, aware that under the circumstances she sounded pretty lame. “Plus,” said Eve, “I think I'm pregnant.” “I told you to use protection,” said Lilith. “But Adam promised…” Lilith Rolled her eyes. “Him and his teaspoon of joy,” said Eve. A fault line threatened her brow. “Girlfriend,” counseled Lilith, “either change your live or accept your life but don't go around mad. Let that anger go,” said Lilith. “Just let it go.” Eve hated it when her friend got preachy. Anyhow when it came to holding onto anger Eve was an Olympian, a gold medalist. She clung to a grudge like a shipwrecked sailor to a scrap of wood. It had something to do with her excellent memory. As Eve s**ed on the red lollipop of her hurt the two women trudged back to Nod. All of a sudden something dark waved in the gra**. “Eek!” shrieked Lilith. “A snake!” She high-stepped in panic. Oh, woman-up, thought Eve as she grabbed a Y-shaped stick, immobilized the critter's head, stared straight into its eyes. The snake looked back at her with a who me? look. “This one's harmless. It's only a dumb animal,” said Eve. “k** it! k** it!” pleaded Lilith. “Sorry,” said her friend. “No can do.” Eve let the snake go. She just let it go.