Brother, what have you done? Sticking needles in your arm. Brother, never said we'd walk away from family. These so called "friends", They kept pushing you in. I hate my love for you, But you cared for me, so I'll care for you. [Chorus:] Brother, will you come home? You've hit the ground so hard, it's breaking me down. Brother, brother, we make a stand. You've hit the ground so hard, So, take my hand. You said yourself that you were done with this. I believed you, it's the trust I miss. When my eyes (....) You'll remain part of everything. I am your friend, talk to me. Tell me anything. I love you despite everything. This is family. [Chorus] This means everything to me. (This means everything to me). Will you come home? Brother, will you come home? You've hit the ground so hard it breaks my heart.