Lost - Pilot (Final Production Draft) lyrics


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Lost - Pilot (Final Production Draft) lyrics

1 OVER BLACKNESS, MUSIC. OMINOUS AND FOREBODING. THEN, OUT OF THE DARKNESS, A SINGLE WORD. FLOATING IN SPACE, OUT OF FOCUS, TOWARD CAMERA. AS IT APPROACHES IT COMES INTO FOCUS, BUT IT'S SHARP ONLY FOR A BRIEF MOMENT: LOST AS IT NEARS US IT AGAIN LOSES FOCUS -- AND AS WE MOVE THROUGH THE "O" OUR MUSIC CRESCENDOS, THEN STOPS ABRUPTLY AS WE CUT TO: 2 A MAN'S EYE EXTREME CLOSEUP. Open wide. The man's skin wet, speckled with soil and flecks of blood. His breathing CLOSELY MIKED -- erratic. This man's in shock. The SOUNDS of INSECTS and ANIMALS other-worldly. A blink. Then, the REVERSE ANGLE: staring up hundreds of BAMBOO STALKS. Sunlight almost impenetrable through the dense forest. SLIGHTLY WIDER on the Man's face as he stares upward, disoriented, stunned. 40-years-old. Fit. In normal circumstances, one glance would make you feel confident in him. Trusting. But here, now, he's the one in trauma. His name is JACK. Then, a RUSTLING SOUND -- something COMING -- it gets LOUDER and Jack suddenly SNAPS his head to the side to see something appear through the thick bamboo foliage -- A WHITE LABRADOR. Collar. Tags. It stops abruptly, twenty feet away from Jack, looking at him. And for the first time, we PULL BACK TO A WIDE SHOT of the intense, alien-looking BAMBOO FOREST. The dog just stares at Jack, who we now see wears a BUSINESS SUIT and lies on his back, caught in broken bamboo stalks. And Jack just stares back. It's an odd tableau -- man and dog looking at each other, both entirely out of place... Finally the Lab turns and huffs back into the jungle, disappearing in the claustrophobic bamboo -- and Jack would call out "Wait" if he could even think that clearly and he turns to sit up and it's a PAINFUL MOVE -- he manages to extricate himself from the plants -- and while still on his knees, he opens up his suit jacket to check out the source of his pain. Something on his left side -- but we're so TIGHT on his face that whatever he sees, we don't. Yet. His reaction to his wound is more disappointed than terrified. He manages to get to his feet, feeling something in his jacket pocket. He reaches in... and pulls out a MINIATURE BOTTLE OF VODKA. And we HOLD ON his face as he looks at it... considering... his heart beginning to POUND, his fear growing, as does a SOUND -- a FRIGHTENING, ODD SOUND -- something REVVING in the distance -- SOMETHING LOUD -- and the horror of what he suddenly understands far outweighs any physical pain. He moves off -- 3 EXT. BAMBOO FOREST - DAY Jack moves as fast as he can through the THICK BAMBOO -- and as he goes there's something that almost beckons to him -- he hurries through the thick growth, his determined eyes focused on the thing he approaches -- and as he gets closer to it, we finally see it: A WHITE TENNIS SHOE Laces untied, caught mid-fall in a bamboo tree, hanging by a branch, twelve feet above ground. He stops for a moment, looks at it. Again: THE LOUD REVVING -- but it's CLOSER NOW - - and suddenly the most important thing in the world is that he get there and fast -- so he's moving now, even faster than before -- through a straight-away miracle path, he's near SPRINTING now -- BREATHING QUICKLY, ERRATICALLY as he makes his way -- 4 EXT. BRUSH - DAY -- and now he's running from bamboo into JUNGLE BRUSH -- thick still, but there's some more sunlight and he's almost there and finally he bursts out of the brush onto -- 5 EXT. BEACH - DAY -- and Jack runs up, finally stopping dead in an EXTREME CLOSEUP. He's bathed in SUNLIGHT now -- squinting at what he sees -- and we're just on his eyes. HOLD ON HIM, in shock, until he moves forward -- and IN THE SAME SHOT, we PAN AS HE MOVES -- 180 DEGREES UNTIL WE'RE BEHIND HIM, LOOKING OUT ON SOMETHING ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC. Only twenty yards away... 6 A PLANE CRASH ON THE BEACH 777 -- PASSENGER AIRLINER -- 250-Seater -- the MIDDLE SECTION of the fuselage PLOWED INTO THE SAND -- one WING STICKING STRAIGHT UP, TOWERING SEVEN STORIES INTO THE SKY, sporadic SPARKS BURSTING FROM THE INVERTED ENGINE, showering down on the absolute MAYHEM on the sand -- 7 ANGLE -- and it is like a f**ing WARZONE: scattered FIRES and wreckage -- DOZENS OF PEOPLE RUNNING ABOUT, some injured, others not -- they're helping each other, SCREAMING -- their cries drowned out by the SOUND and WIND caused by the ENORMOUS JET ENGINE -- no, not the one on the wing pointing upward -- the other one -- the one on the INVERTED WING, now cracked off its brackets and resting at SAND LEVEL. And the ENGINE STILL REVS -- SPASTICALLY, ERRATICALLY -- SPEWING COOLANT and SPARKS and su*kING IN SAND every time it THROTTLES UP -- 8 TIGHT ON JACK as he takes this in, overwhelmed -- knowing he's part of it -- his eyes WELL UP in fear -- sorrow -- confusion -- and he turns to look for help -- 9 ANGLE -- but what he sees... is nothing. His look spans 360 degrees: there's only spectacular ocean, waves violently CRASHING as far as a half mile from shore -- a distant coastline -- then MOUNTAINS -- jagged, 2000-foot high peeks -- a deep valley of JUNGLE -- then his eyes are back on the horror of the CRASH -- 10 ANGLE -- where DOZENS OF LIVES are in the balance -- and all at once he knows that some -- perhaps most -- will die if he doesn't take action -- and so he does -- 11 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY Chaos. Terror. Smoke, fumes, fire -- people desperately trying to help each other -- running, screaming -- everything happening at once -- 12 ANGLE And amid the madness, the JET ENGINE MOMENTARILY REVS DOWN -- enough to HEAR A MAN'S SCREAM -- Jack turns to the source: a MAN is caught -- STUCK UNDERNEATH two rows of airplane seats -- ten feet to the side of the malfunctioning engine --Jack hurries across the insanity toward the man -- flash- pa**ing pieces of conversation as he runs -- KOREAN MAN (searching for his wife) -- SUN!!! SUN!!! MAN #1 -- GET AWAY FROM THE GAS!!! STAY OVER THERE!!! WOMAN #2 -- SHE WAS RIGHT HERE! I DON'T KNOW! MAN #2 I NEED SOME HELP! PLEASE--! [TRANSCRIPTION IN PROGRESS]