The sky's so perfect I could scream As if I've not woken from this dream I feel a terror seeping in Something just beneath the skin Everything feels wrong Everything is wrong with me The stars keep staring back at me Hiding something I can't see All these memories flooding back Filling up the heart I lack Everything is wrong Everything feels wrong with me Such familiar horizon Comforts me as it always has A pale glow shall soon wash over Leading to the home I never had Everything feels wrong Everything is wrong with me A world devoid of inspiration And I have never felt so weak I seem to see myself as a failure The old mirror so oblique And yet I breathe each day And yet I breathe each day As if to prove I am alive A simple mark of desperation As I throw my mind away A fleeting spark of inspiration Of the words I cannot say Everything feels wrong And everything is wrong with me Everything feels wrong Everything is wrong Everything feels wrong Everything is wrong with me