Crystal, Chiffon, Ronnette Little shop, Little shop of Horrors Little Shop, Little Shop of Terrors Call a Cop Little Shop of Horrors No uh uh ou noo Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors Bop sha bop Little Shop of Terrors Watch em Drop Little Shop of Horrors No uh uh ou noo Shing a Ling what a creepy thing to happein Look out (Crystal) , Look out (Ronnette), Look out (Chiffon), Look out (All) Shang a Lang fell the sturm and drang in air yeah, yeah, yeah Sha la la Stop right where you are don't you move a thing You better ( Ronnette) Tellin you better Tell your mama somethin's gonna get her she betta, everybody betta beware Comea, Comea, Comea Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors Bop sha Bop You'll Never Stop The Terror No uh uh ou no uh uh ou no uh uh ou noo