Linkin Park - Enth E End lyrics


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Linkin Park - Enth E End lyrics

[Intro] Yo, this is the beginning of Monday Bars 16 Bars. But this is special Dedicated to all the haters And to all my fans To know who I really am Yo, esto es Lunes de Barras Son 16 barras, osea un verso Zeroxdan.. Fluyendo con el ritmo! Esta letra la dedico Para que conozcan a Zero [Verse 1] One Thing, I dont know why It does not even matter how much I try Most of the time I will get hate, for speaking out my mind But I know deep inside they hate on me because they know I am right So what? I am not bragging, I know I am bright Im shin-ing, Most rappers rap without feel-ings I feel my beats and I feel the rhytm I live my music, thats my algorhythm I feel sometimes I got authism Living with positivism and divising wisdom within my reasons My weapon is my soul. I channel every chakra point until my ball of energy is done Im coming from the Ashes I once had burned, to show all of you That there is no way you can say that you can't do what you dream, son I live my dreams everyday, making this world a better place to live on, still I say [Hook] I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter [Verso 2] Una cosa, y es que no entiendo porque Tanto que intento y sigo viendo que nadie me entiende Todos me odian, nadie me quiere Todos detestan, al unico que los entiende Pero cuando te necesitan, corren a verte Pero cuando los necesitas, todos desaparecen Tiene sentido? no, pero no importa cuanto intentes Siempre habra gente, que viven de ti, y no les importas. Comprendes? Nadie es indispensable, ni ninguno de ellos te mantiene El mal se saca de raiz para evitar que se riege Lo mas comico de todo es que luego se molestan y te advierten Que ser malo te trae mala suerte Por eso sé que sus vidas deben de ser miserables No odio a nadie, pero se quien no merece ser mi compadre Yo nunca me rindo y seguire siendo bueno Lo hago con mucho esfuerzo, y por eso yo digo esto! [Hook] I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter [Outro] Zeroxdan I hope you liked this first Monday Bars More will come soon Espero que hayan disfrutado de este Lunes de Barras Y mas vendran pronto Zero Out Zero Fuera