Katie_Gr - The Corisiant-ROUGH DRAFT lyrics


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Katie_Gr - The Corisiant-ROUGH DRAFT lyrics

Katie Griger English 252 Short Story 30 June 2015 The Corisiant Chapter 1: Grayson Every day I see you, I know there is something different between you and the rest of us. While we talk during pa**ing period you stare blankly into your locker for the five minute duration. As we ask the teacher for help, you complete the a**ignment with no questions. We eat our lunch and you disappear for a half an hour. The last bell rings for the day and as everyone else rushes out of the building you patiently roam the halls until everyone has left. What are you hiding? Who are you really because this charade can only be that, an act? I stare at this girl from eight am until three thirty pm each school day. She is in most of my dumb cla**es here at Ash Grove High School. I cannot figure her out, I don't even know if she realizes that I'm watching her. I have never had issues with girls not noticing me until she came to school. Second grade she came as a transfer from somewhere in Connecticut. I only know this because that's what our teacher recited to us; as if she had memorized only the essential questions her folks gave answers to. Questions they thought eight year olds would ask. Since then I don't think I've ever heard her speak. I take that back, in seventh grade she was in Mr. Burke's cla** who made everyone answer a question of his every day. She switched that cla** for another science teacher as soon as she could. Normally I don't creep on people, but it is freshman year and I just have to know within these next four years, before we graduate, who she is? Whether she tells me or I find her family, I need to know who she really is and why she has been so distant. That is why I have paid attention to her cla** schedule, what she fills her pa**ing periods with, and when and how she leaves from school. For a small town nothing unusual happens, but I know she isn't what folks around here would call a normal teenage girl and neither are her parents that she may or may not have. I've never seen them for myself, but no one else seems to be questioning their existence. … Four hours later, once the school closes and locks the front doors, Grayson finds Braley walking towards the outskirts of town. There are only a few blocks of houses on either side of the street, what we natives have named “downtown”, until the great plains of Nebraska flooded with corn and bean crops surround the outskirts of the village called Endicott. Strangely enough she walks with confidence into the tall stalks of corn right past Ms. Crillin's old farmhouse on the edge of town. As Grayson peaks his head in between the corn rows Braley jumps out as if to protect herself while scaring him for dear life in the process. Before Grayson can start pestering her for answers she guilt's him into explaining himself. As Grayson explains his curiosity Braley cuts him off in a long sigh and begins her story as if she has been waiting for someone to ask. Chapter 2: Braley's Inner Conflicts Never did I think that I'd be in this situation. Here, with no one to talk to, but you. No one has questioned me and where I came from since I started school here. At the age of eight I started a lonely life. No one wanted to talk to me because I acted different from the other kids. I wasn't asked to join kids in the school yard for recess, go to any sleep-overs, nor was I asked the simple question of, “Are you okay?” by anyone! Going into Junior high, with the merging of multiple schools, I thought there would be a chance for someone to notice me. That is all I wanted, for some recognition that I am here and I do belong, but no. I understand that I am not like the rest of them, but couldn't they accept a girl, or whatever you wanna call me? Well, since I knew that for five years, prior to Junior High, that I was ignored I couldn't imagine being hopeful for the future. So from that point I decided that I wouldn't wait for anyone to notice me, but instead focus on graduating and then move on to do bigger and more impactful things with my life. That brings us to today. Chapter 3: Braley's Confession “I couldn't stand to look at you yesterday and here I am expressing to you my deepest secret. Since I can remember my first thought, I haven't been the same as everyone else. Even my thoughts are clouded with questions and details that no one else needs to worry about. The world looks grim the way I see it. People hurt each other, prices on everything are ridiculously high, and here I sit hiding what I am because of the judgment I would receive otherwise,” Braley was full of pa**ion when expressing her outlook on the world as she has had too long to bottle up these emotions. “Little do you know that the reason why I am an orphan isn't because my parents didn't want me, they were too young when they had me, or because they were abusive, it's because I am not human. Well, not fully. I have powers others cannot imagine and because of that I was placed here to improve this town in the way you treat each other. My family is a part of many who are spread throughout the world whose intentions are to better humanity, since our kind does not think you can do it on your own. Through the idea of the “power of influence” we take that one step further. We begin to feel what you do and change how you react and think to different kinds of stimuli. I know I am saying this to you as a reiteration because I think you have suspected who I am for a while. I am telling this to you because I know you are not human, but I don't think you are of my blood either,” Braley was smart, but even her powerful mind couldn't get past his thick skull. “I am a Corisiant. While you may not have known who I am exactly, I suspect you had your questions about me. Why you have chosen now to speak up is beyond me because God knows I can't read your mind.” Corisiants may have the power to influence human's emotions, but for some reason she could not affect his nor could she control her own when she was around him. In second grade Braley was adopted by two humans and introduced into the Endicott village. While she knew, and everyone else understood, that she did not belong (and they all accepted this fact) one person did not. Grayson Nash did not accept anything that could affect his quiet little village or anyone that he did not already understand their intentions. While Braley has always suspected his curiosity, she would never approach him first. Instead he let her struggle thinking she was alone and unwanted by humankind or any other species for that matter. Her forgiveness may not be easily influenced by him since she is in control of her own emotions, so far. Chapter 4: The Story Braley was born with the intention to save the human race. Her parents were of a race humans would cla**ify as aliens. Although they look, act, and in all other ways appear to be the same as humans, they have powers. The Corisiants have always lived on Earth and had the powers to influence humans in their actions and emotions. Initially this power could only be infused into the human specimen by touch, but with the technology humans have invented it has only made the Corisiant's jobs easier. They can now use their minds to control what the humans do and how they respond to others. While technology has not benefited the Corisiants directly, the complexity of the human mind has dwindled due to the lack of effort humans now put in to connecting with each other. The ease and accessibility of emotions through online chats, texting, and so on has only made the influence of Corisiants stronger. Corisiants are trained to raise their young until their eighth birthday and on that day a host family, human chosen by the birth parents, will adopt the child through the influences made by the Corisiant parents. By the age of eight the child understands that his or her job is to influence the family, friends, and anyone else it comes in contact with to spread love and joy. Unfortunately the beginning of war and hate was not initiated by the human's mistakes, but instead by rogue Corisiants who believed that their power was strong enough to influence hatred throughout the human race. Unlike humans, Corisiants are well aware of, and in contact with, other species of intellect outside of the Milky Way galaxy. In order to be a threat to other species in faraway galaxies these Corisiants believed that the owning of a planet would give them that influence. With this threat in hand they could eventually dominate anything and anyone with a snap of a finger and the humans would follow their orders. Corisiants do not have the power to affect the minds of each other, but instead, only other species (humans, animals, and so on). Luckily enough positive motives were spread with pure Corisiant beliefs spear heading the fight and battles in war that caused the “bad guys” to become extinguished. A governing body has set the new guidelines and regulations for the Corisiants since. This body consists of four that function at the same level. They are named the Dynamic. Their powers were found to be more than the average Corisiant. They could tap into species such as those with weather affecting abilities to conduct similar shows. Their laws set in place would encourage the best and brightest of the Corisiant race to reproduce and intertwine their lives with the humans. With the forceful push of Corisiant children to be spread throughout Earth, positivity, peace, and love would eventually overcome the cynical feelings that still exist. Braley is one of many who continue to live this mission out. While she herself does not shine positivity, her imprint of emotions on others has changed that of Ash Grove High School alone. Corisiants are meant to live their life alone spreading love and joy until they turn thirty five. This age is thought to be safe for getting involved with another, meaning between the two Corisiants, neither one can ruin or impact the work each is capable of completing. This and the reproduction rate of the Corisiant race are just as important as the other. While these limits and age restrictions are set, the same amount of Corisiant youth should be brought into the world at the same time as to not disrupt the order of things. At Braley's age, fourteen, she has not yet been in contact with another Corisiant. The mapping is set so far in advance for their lives that the paths of each Corisiant's life is set to cross at specific moments as well. In her case, she has already broken her timeline. She was not supposed to reveal herself to anyone until age twenty five. At that time a Corisiant by the name of Zebulon Woodle would run into her at the local gas station in Endicott. Their reveal to each other would set the next ten years of off and on dating before they would enter into a marriage on their thirty fifth birthdays. Unfortunately the Dynamic does step in when their plan is set off course, although unlike many other Corisiants Braley is one with special powers. Powers she knows nothing about until Grayson's arrival. Chapter 5: Grayson's Meltdown How does she know!? I would never have imagined myself here, being caught in my own lie. I have been living happily for fourteen years in my town. I've fit in with everyone, during cla**, on the hockey team, through holidays spent as a town. What have I given away to her for her to already think I am someone other than I claim to be? Being the most popular has worked out for me, no questions asked, ever. The storm clouds began to unfold as if someone above them was pouring a bundle of them from a large pail. A bright and sunny day quickly morphed into grey and dark blue skies. Rain drops started to peck at Braley's cheeks, “What is going on Grayson?” A long pause has filled the time between her questioning his origin and the weather change. “I know Nebraska weather is strange, but the sky looks unnatural.” “Why are you questioning me? I wanted to know more about you in order to befriend you so your last four years of grade school wouldn't stink.” Grayson still held a worried complexion as the rumble of the air beat through Braley's bones. “Really, why now? I haven't had anyone since I came here in second grade and now you want to be friends? All those times I couldn't hold back my tears at recess when girls would talk about their friendships and the lack there of for me, or when my wrists were stained red from the hope that pain would wash away. Not one of those moments, forget it, years, did you even think to ask who I was.” Braley was now the one fuming with anger and lightning cracked from either side of the street where they had found themselves shift to. “Braley I didn't know. How could I ever mean to ignore that? Why would I want to hurt you more? All I want to know is what gave you the impression that I am not who I say I am?” “Your face. You always reflect that of the weather. When the sun is out your face is bright, alert, and happy. When the storms roll in suddenly, it seems as if you are made of patches as your cheeks look like clouds. When the rain hits your face it looks as if your skin absorbs the water like a dry desert thirsty for the rain. Someone like this is not of my kind. We cannot affect the weather, but only human emotions, yours of which I cannot seem to impact.” Braley seemed to have leveled off in anger and turned to the realization that she should not have revealed herself to someone who she knew not to be of her species. Chapter 6: Consequences Unlike most friends who deal with differences in the way they were brought up, Braley and Grayson review their differences in power. Grayson finally confesses that he is a Toripene whose powers consist of contorting the weather based on their emotion. This power allows them to flood the Earth or leave it dry as a barren waste land. Fortunately they are of the few who stray from extreme, such as Antarctica and desert areas, and control the climate here in Nebraska. While the weather seems to be off the charts, in reality the influences of many emotional distresses are affecting the wave of temperature. Grayson's family own large amounts of land so when the rain is good their crops flourish, luckily that can happen every season is needed. While there is no overseer for the Toripene race, each looks out for the other as if to always stand guard. Humans are not known to like change, especially if they found out that other races were of influx onto their planet. In fact, these other species have always lived on Earth, just keeping the human race in the dark as they have never been one of acceptance. “Why didn't you tell me sooner? I wouldn't have thought I was unwanted or more importantly unneeded.” Braley struggles with acceptance as most of the human species does, although Corisiants usually find themselves fitting in smoothly to not draw attention. “I have never needed to. I thought you were quiet by choice, I had never realized what kind of torment you had put yourself through all those years? I could ask you the same thing.” “I will probably be in trouble now for not following my mission and confessing myself to you.” Grayson stared at Braley with such confusion as her differences seemed to mean a lot more than having powers. Instead, hers meant having a change in lifestyle. Being stripped of her family in order to accomplish this big emotion of hate in which no one can cure, is it really worth it? The clouds lifted and the sun streamed through the leftover wisps of cloud and shone on Braley's face. “Beautiful,” Braley had no words for his power let alone his life in general. No worries about a plan or mission, just living his life curiosity and all. As she dazes in her own imagination where she feels closed off from the world around her and the noises are hard to understand she can feel rain hitting her back in reality. “Braley, I am not doing this. What, what are you doing. Braley!” Grayson sat in a confused position as he tried to wake her up from what seemed to be a daydream. When she awoke she was sitting in a puddle of water from the rain that seemed to shower only herself. “Braley are you like me? Why are you affecting the weather also?” Grayson became the questioner once more. “I said I can affect your emotions after I've felt them for myself. Since I finally understand you now, I too can affect the weather by tapping into your emotions a little. Sorry.” Braley smiles and her small storm vanished as she wiped clear of any tie she had into his mind. As they sat talking for what seemed to be hours playing with his emotional affects on her they wondered if they would ever be caught, caught in the most horrifying form from the Dynamic. This government was not known to punish lightly. They believed that with quick, harsh, and broadcasted punishment to the other Corisiants, a repeated offense would not occur by others. The two parted ways and went to their homes looking forward to the next school day to see each other. That night a flash of lightning and a storm began to brew. This storm was unnatural unlike Grayson's. The purple lightning and strange fall of rain seemed to be that of something else. Braley knew it was strange, but didn't know what to expect. Chapter 7: Stormy Feelings As the sky grows dark so does the tone of the wind. The clouds leak rain like tears from a child. Drip by drip the ground soaks up the moisture which fertilizes the crops. Miles and miles can be seen from the house and within those miles are the acres of farmland owned by my adoptive family and only a few others. For years I have lived here on the plains, but never have I seen a storm, such as this, grow so fast and spread as quickly. The howling winds and shifting temperature indicate a tornado, but the tendrils from the clouds are everywhere in patterns. Every so often a needle shape shoots out from the grouping of clouds as if to pinpoint a location. Thunder and lightning join this storm as well, but in a different fashion than normal. Thunder bangs in a certain rhythm, bang…bang…crack of lightning. The strikes of lightning are also strange. Instead of shining a bright yellow, almost white light, it seems to be flashing a purple or violet color. Unnatural is the start of the storm it seems, because nothing created by God has looked so ugly and felt so harmful. Nothing feels right when I walk around the property either. The horses are safe in their stalls by choice, the cattle are still grazing in the pasture, and the dogs and cats are huddled beneath the front porch of the house. Normally, all of the animals would be throwing a fit as if to warn me something dangerous was coming. I don't know if I should feel safe that whatever is coming may not be coming for me. Or if I should be afraid, because whatever it is is sending either a safe message or going undetected by the animals. Pulling up the drive is a red pickup truck which can never be forgotten or placed in another's hands. The truck belongs to my dad, or at least the only dad I've really ever known, and has never sounded so terrible than it has today. Again, it seems as if no one is really paying attention or feeling worried about the details to this storm. I'd like to say they are only minute details, but that would be a lie considering the differences in this storm compared to the multitudes of others is completely opposite. While tornados and thunder storms come frequently, those with purple lighting and rhythmic thunder are hard to come by. The truck squeals with rage as it rolls to a halt. He yells for me as I stare in amazement that the vehicle made it the five mile jaunt down from his house. Before I walk down the hill to greet him; lightning strikes the wind mill in the front yard. From the metal beams, light shines all the way around like it is used for distributing a message. I turn around to run and protect my dad, but at that moment everything is gone. A sudden urge to hide under my covers waves over me like the rush of caffeine from a morning cup of coffee. Nothing will ever be the same and I may not see what I knew for so long again nor will I get to see Grayson. This is the message my brain no longer wrestles with as I fade into a deep slumber.