Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Better Times Are Coming lyrics


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Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Better Times Are Coming lyrics

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming There are voices of hope that are borne on the air And our land will be freed from its clouds of despair For brave men and true men to battle have gone And good times, good times are now coming on Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming Abram Lincoln has the army and the navy in his hands While Seward keeps our honor bright abroad in foreign lands And Stanton is a man, who is sturdy as a rock With brave men to back him up and stand the battle's shock Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming Now McClellan is a leader and we'll let him take away For a man in his position, he should surely have his way Our nation's honor'd Scott, he has trusted to his might Your faith in McClellan put for we are sure he's right Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming General Lyon and Baker and Ellsworth now are gone But still we have some brave men to lead the soldiers on The noise of the battle will soon have died away And the darkness now upon us will be turn'd to happy day Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming Generals Sigel and Halleck, they have conquered in the West And Burnside, victorious, he rides the ocean's breast The traitors and the rebels will soon meet their doom Then peace and prosperity will dwell in every home Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming Captain Foote is commander of the Mississippi fleet For his flag he strikes and makes the traitors beat a quick retreat With iron-clad gun-boats he makes the rebels run While Grant makes our colors wave and glitter in the sun Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming General Fremont the path-finder never lags behind He is gone to the mountains, new pathways to find His voice is for freedom and his sword is for the right Then hail, noble Fremont, the nation's delight Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming From the land of the Shamrock there's stuff that never yields For we've brave Colonel Corcoran and gallant General Shields From Meagher soon we'll hear for we know that he is true And stands for the honor of the Red, White and Blue Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah Sound the news from the din of battle booming Tell the people far and wide that better times are coming Here's health to Captain Ericsson, the Monitor and crew Who showed the southern chivalry a thing they never knew The Merrimac had slayed as St. Patrick did the toads Till Worden with the Monitor came into Hampton roads