Kaldur'el - Najla's Song (A Gaza Story) lyrics


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Kaldur'el - Najla's Song (A Gaza Story) lyrics

A story told from the perspective of a young girl living in the gaza strip Lyrics (THE STORY): [- PART 1: HOPE & OPTIMISM -] -VERSE 1- My name is Najla, young girl livin' in the Gaza strip This is my home, subject to ma**acres and politics But I remain an optimist, strive for peace I insist Why can't we cease and desist and just co-exist? I'm usually dismissed, "how could we not resist"? My big brother said in anger while he clenched down his fists "they said we never existed, they don't want us to live" I said "Ahmed just listen", he said "you're just a kid" Emotions running high, but this is more than pride Seeing our loved ones die, our home of Palestine "d**h to Israeli swine!" "This is for فلسطين!" Walking in the streets that's all I hear them scream They tell us we don't belong, they say we have to leave But where else would we go? When all the Arab regimes Smile to our faces, but constantly keep us at bay Palestine is where our place is, we have no choice but to Stay This is our home, we have every right to ... stay -VERSE 2- Ahmed thinks I'm naïve, but I just want a future where We all lived in peace and my lil brother won't be scared I mean he is young and he just started school But he's already talkin' bout being a martyr too I pray for a future where it is plausible For him to have dreams he could work and aspire to I want to be a lawyer someday, I once told my father He said set a goal Najla, and you will go farther My mother's even prouder, she said she loved my mindset And with youth like me there's hope for Palestine yet I wonder if there's a young girl like me on the other side Maybe one day our fates will coincide After seeing Sara die, I just want it all to stop The tanks, the rockets, my friends getting shot I am sick of the d**hs, I want us all to Stay I mean, why can't we all just Stay I believe in a peaceful future I believe we can all Stay *ROCKET STRIKE* *EXPLOSIONS* [- PART 2: FEAR & HATE -] -VERSE 3- (Najla, while running, out of breathe - ) Dying of hunger, dying of thirst My father's house, laid in the dirt Bombed us in, relentless with the occupation Systematically wiping us out like we're abominations Dying of bullets, dying of bombs Saw half a face on the ground, it was my mom Ahmed needs stitches, my father is twitching At least his body cuz half his head was missing Little brother is crying, and so am I Tears in my eyes while I looked up at the sky The sky was darkened, fire and smoke The ounce of hope I once had seemed like a joke How foolish was I, to think there would be peace Their bombs rained while our d**h tolls slowly increased Filled with anger, filled with hate My brother's face said that he felt the same "its all their fault, the f**ing yahouds" I didn't argue because I knew it was true With all their power, uh, a bunch of cowards k**ing everyone I knew in less than an hour I held my little brother's hand, this wasn't planned "be strong Mohammed, you are a man" "it's you and I now, we have to survive" "and hope one day justice will be returned in kind" "with Allah's will", he cried my name - "Najla please promise you won't go away" "I promise Mohammed I ..." ...