Justin Tang / Lin-Manuel Miranda - 反駁農夫 Farmer Refuted lyrics


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Justin Tang / Lin-Manuel Miranda - 反駁農夫 Farmer Refuted lyrics

[SEABURY] Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury 注意, 注意! 余名為山謬西伯里 And I present “Free Thoughts on the 余親著 「大陸會議之程序 Proceedings of the Continental Congress!” 之自由見解與想法」 Heed not the rabble who scream revolution 莫聽那叛賊叫嚷鼓吹革命 They have not your interests at heart 莫信爾等棲于其心 [MULLIGAN] Oh my God. Tear this dude apart 我的媽,誰把他打暈 [SEABURY] Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution 混亂與血戰確然非為良計 Don't let them lead you astray 莫隨叛賊邪道行 This Congress does not speak for me 此「會議」吾並未授意 [BURR] Let him be 讓他去 [SEABURY] They're playing a dangerous game 那賊人們不自量力 I pray the king shows you his mercy 懇望吾王饒爾等一命 For shame, for shame… 丑兮 丑兮 [HAMILTON] Yo! Yo! [HAMILTON | SEABURY] He'd have you all unravel at the | Heed not the rabble 沒聽幾聲尖叫就把你 | 莫聽那叛賊 Sound of screams but the | Who scream 嚇腳軟 注意 | 叫嚷 Revolution is coming | Revolution, they 估計革命已來臨 | 鼓吹革命,莫 The have-nots are gonna | Have not your 不幸而貧窮的人 | 信爾等 Win this | Interests 必贏 | 棲于 It's hard to listen to you with a straight face | At heart 聽你說話忍著不笑不容易 | 其心 Chaos and bloodshed already | Chaos and bloodshed are 混亂與血戰 的確| 混亂與血戰確 Haunt us, honestly you shouldn't | Not a 感染我們 你多說兩句 | 然非 Even talk. And what about | Solution. Don't 都不必。難到忘記| 為良計 莫 Boston? Look at the cost, n' all | Let them lead you 波士頓?看那代價及 | 隨叛賊邪 That we've lost n' you talk | Astray 人命你還敢提 | 道行 About Congress?! | This Congress does not 起「會議」| 此「會議」吾並 [SEABURY] Speak for me 未授意 [HAMILTON] My dog speaks more eloquently than thee! 吾犬還比爾等更講道理 [SEABURY] They're playing a dangerous game 那賊人們不自量力 [HAMILTON] But strangely, your mange is the same 真巧 你們都是賴皮 [SEABURY] I pray the king shows you his mercy 懇望吾王饒爾等一命 [HAMILTON] Is he in Jersey? 他住你隔壁? [SEABURY] For shame 丑兮 [HAMILTON] For the revolution! 為偉大的革命! [SEABURY] For shame! 丑兮 [COMPANY] For the revolution! 為偉大的革命! [SEABURY] Heed— 莫 [HAMILTON] If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna— 你如果再念一次我真的要 [SEABURY/HAMILTON] Scream— 叫 [HAMILTON] Honestly, look at me, please don't read! 拜託你 馬上停 行不行! [SEABURY] Not your interests— 非為爾意 [HAMILTON] Don't modulate the key then not debate with me! 別改tone調去又不回答我問題 Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea? 為何海另一邊的小島嶼能決定茶葉的稅金? [BURR] Alexander, please! 亞歷山大 噓.. [HAMILTON] Burr, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties 波爾 我寧願分裂也不願意沒意見 別再假惺惺 [ENSEMBLE] Silence! A message from the King! 噤聲! 國王陛下有命! A message from the King! 國王陛下有命! [FULL COMPANY] A message from the King! 國王陛下有命!