Justin Bieber - Bieber's Paparazzi Deposition lyrics


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Justin Bieber - Bieber's Paparazzi Deposition lyrics

Clip I PROSECUTION: Remember earlier today when I asked you - BIEBER: No PROSECUTION: Why don't you listen to what I have to say first and then maybe you'll tell me yes or no? BIEBER: I don't have to listen to anything you have to say [Yelling over each other] PROSECUTION: Answer my question if you have a question about my question... BIEBER's DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Today is not for you to speak over me DEFENSE: ..Have a right for you to be clear to me.. B ATTORNEY: Mr DeCalp... New Scene PROSECUTION: Have you been to Australia ever? BIEBER: I don't know... if I've been to Australia. Have I been to Australia? New Scene PROSECUTION: Are you aware that know that Scooter Braun knows that your body guards have attacked photographers? DEFENSE: Objection to form BIEBER: What kind of question is that? That didn't make sense DEFENSE: That's correct about that - BIEBER: That doesn't make sense, that's a weird question: that doesn't make sense DEFENSE: Can you just add some foundation? PROSECUTION: I-I-I- didn't hear your response. Again sir, I'm I'm pleading with you to- BIEBER: You know, I, I didn't finish. I didn't finish PROSECUTION: Oh, oh, I'm sorry - I didn't want to interrupt BIEBER: Oh, oh really, you didn't wanna to interrupt? New Scene PROSECUTION: Is it true that you know that your security guards will punch, grab and push paps if they need too? BIEBER: Uh... I object PROSECUTION: Will you please look at the film, that's up there? DEFENSE: Go ahead and start BIEBER: This is a film? This is a film? PROSECUTION: Pause it. Would you please watch the television BIEBER: You said it's a film, you said watch the film, is this a film? PROSECUTION: Is this a... is there a difference between the film and something else? BIEBER: Is this a film? DEFENSE: It's a yes or no answer required right? BIEBER: I think my lawyer's asking a question PROSECUTION: Please, sir BIEBER: My lawyer's asking a question PROSECUTION: You're not here to answer his questions. You're here to answer mine New Scene PROSECUTION: Have you ever disciplined Mr. Hesney? BIEBER: Disciplined...What kind of question is that? [laughs] Is he my son? Guess what - PROSECUTION: Will you answer my question? BIEBER: Guess what - I don't recall. [Winks at camera] Clip II PROSECUTION: You know Selena Gomez? BIEBER: Yes. PROSECUTION: You be dating her at some point in time? DEFENSE: Whats the relevance of that, why are you asking that question? PROSECUTION: I'm take - because I'm allowed to ask DEFENSE: No you're not allowed to just- PROSECUTION [Interupting]: Ab-ab-absolutely DEFENSE: -make up something and ask it PROSECUTION: What are you talking about? DEFENSE: It sounds like you're trying to hara** him OTHER BIEBER ATTORNEY: Be a lawyer, man PROSECUTION: Stop making speeches and-- BIEBER: Journalism, this isn't journalism, man DEFENSE: What is your relevance, what's your pro-offer? PROSECUTION: If you have an objection state your objection DEFENSE: What's your, what's your pro-offer for relevance on that? PROSECUTION: Sir, have you ever talked with Selena Gomez and discussed your feelings about paparazzi's with her? BIEBER: (sighs) Don't ask me about her again PROSECUTION: Sir [All interrupting each other] DEFENSE: Move on to another- PROSECUTION: Have you ever! BIEBER: Don't ask me about her again PROSECUTION: Have you ever discussed! BIEBER: Don't ask me about her again PROSECUTION: Have you ever discussed your feelings- BIEBER: Don't ask me about her again PROSECUTION: Paparrazi - DEFENSE: We gotta take a break- PROSECUTION: Sir have you - DEFENSE: This is hara**ment if I've ever seen it. This is outrageous BIEBER: Don't ask me about her again DEFENSE: Let's take a break Justin, let's take a break Clip III DEFENSE: Objection BIEBER: [Sighs then Laughs to himself] PROSECUTION: Did I say something funny? DEFENSE: You don't need to argue with the witness. Do you wanna state your question again? PROSECUTION: Is there anything funny in my question, as to why you were laughing? DEFENSE: What what is your question, should we have it read back? Lets have it BIEBER: Well, I don't know, Katie Couric, you tell me PROSECUTION: Are you calling me Katie Couric? BIEBER: .. No PROSECUTION: Is this a news interview for you? Cause it's not, it's your deposition, do you understand that? BIEBER: Yes... but I see what you're doing PROSECUTION: Have you ever spoken with Scooter Braun regarding photographers who want to take a picture of you? DEFENSE: Asked and answered several times BIEBER: [Sighs] That was definitely asked before that question was... PROSECUTION: What was your answer, please remind me of your answer BIEBER: No [sighs] this seems like a 60 minutes interview Clip IV PROSECUTION: Do you know Raymond Usher IV? BIEBER: No PROSECUTION: Do you know an individual entertainer by the name of Usher? BIEBER: Yeah...Usher, that sounds familiar PROSECUTION: Isn't it true that Usher is, was instrumental in starting your career? DEFENSE: What does this have to do with this litigation, Mr. D Calp? This is just you trying to hara** the client BIEBER: Before we came back here, you would ask me... PROSECUTION: Let let her read back the question. Thank you for your memory [plays tape from 20 seconds ago] BIEBER: I was found on Youtube. Umm, I think that I was detrimental to my own career PROSECUTION: I'm sorry, I can't hear you at all. I'm sitting right next to you can, uh, you go... DEFENSE: He said I think I was instrumental to my own career PROSECUTION: Well let me hear back from the [unintelligible] BIEBER: Instrumental Clerk: He said, I think I was instrumental to my own career. PROSECUTION: Thank you, sir, but my question was, Usher, was he helpful to your professional career? BIEBER: Yes PROSECUTION: Is Usher a close friend of yours? BIEBER: Yes PROSECUTION: Is Usher a confidant? BIEBER: Umm, I guess, yes PROSECUTION: Has Usher given you career advice? BIEBER: Is this an interview or a deposition? I'm confused.