Mario Party! It's so much fun! Mario Party! Fun for Everyone! Let's get this party started todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *pirated* You just pirated Mario Party DS Well, Here's a little message That'll give you distress... Software piracy is illegal By National Law You flew too close to the sun We're gonna make you fall... Thought you'd play this game With relative ease? We'll make you fry for tryin' To sail the seven seas You got this software illegally Huh? You smartie? Well you better learn your lesson PIRACY IS NO PARTY! As punishmеnt We'll show you the meaning of Fеar BECAUSE YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FILTHY BUCCANEER! You thought you could do what you want Because a Pirate is free? Well, now you're facing down anti piracy! Luigi wins by doing nothing So you say? Well when you pirate There ain't nothing you can do anyway On the board, On the title Or in Minigames If you're a pirate, We'll find out all the same You say "Yo Ho Ho" But soon you'll say "Oh no" Because you should of bought this game So long ago You wanna Party with the brothers? Think you're getting a buzz? You better report this stolen software Before we get the Fuzz... *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* FBI. Open up *japanese talking* Still here? Haven't learned your lesson? That's just fine Except it isn't Since software piracy is a CRIME! Wanna know the punishment For not spending a dime? We're talking FIVE LONG YEARS OF PRISON TIME! This softlock Is like a Glock We comin' locked and loaded Your game is blocked You better purchase the game Through a retail store Because you don't wanna know That we can do even more Tryin' to play the game for free As a little boon? You better learn your lesson FILTHY PICAROON! Yar-Har-Fiddle-De Dee THAT'S HOW YOU SOUND! Well you just found out What goes around comes around Mario Party's no joke! We're dialing the FBI (I got tired here somebody finish it)