Julie Fowlis - An Ron (The Seal) / Ann An Caolas Od Odram (In The Narrow Of Od Odram) lyrics


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Julie Fowlis - An Ron (The Seal) / Ann An Caolas Od Odram (In The Narrow Of Od Odram) lyrics

[An ròn:] “Mise nighean Rìgh-fo-Thuinn Fuil nan rìghrean na mo chrè - Ged a chì sibh mi nam ròn Tha mi mòrail nam thìr fhèin. “Tìr-fo-Thuinn mo dhachaigh dhùint' Innis dhùthchasach nan ròn; Caidlidh mi air leacan sàil', Mi fhìn 's mo bhàn-chuilean òg.” A Bhana-phrionns' a' chuain shiar, A bheil sgeul agad ri luaidh? Nach inns thu dhuinn mar a bha Mun do ghabh sibh tàmh sa chuan? “Chaidh na geasan a chur oirnn Rè ar beò-bhith le luchd-fuath, 'S ged a tha sinn snàmh nan caol 'S e nàdar daonnd' tha dhuinn dual. “Aig tràth-marbh air oidhche fèill Tilgidh sinn ar bèin air tràigh, 'S cluichidh sinn nar n-òighean suairc' A' crathadh ar cuaillean bàn. “Ach a-nochd tha mi nam ròn Air an lic an còrs' a' chuain: 'S e mo nàdar bhith toirt gaol, 'S do chlann-daoine thug mi luaidh.” [Translation:] [The Seal:] "I am daughter of the King-under-Sea Royal blood flows in my veins - Though you see me as a seal I am noble in my own land. "Land-below-waves my prison home, Hereditary domain of the seal; I will sleep on a salt sea slab, Myself and my white-furred pup." O Princess of the western ocean Do you have a tale to weave? Will you tell us how it was Before you came to live at sea? "Spells were laid upon us During our human lives by foes - Though we now swim the straits Human nature is our heritage. "At the dead of feast-day night We cast our sealskins on the sand, Playing there as gentle maids Shaking our blonde tresses. "But tonight I am a seal On a rock beside the sea; It is my nature to give love, And mankind I hold dear." [Ann an Caolas Od Odrum:] Ann an Caolas Od Odrum far an coidleadh an ròn, is far nach cluinnte guth duin' ach fuaim tuinne 's glog geòidh Muime 'g altram a pàistean 's i gan tàladh gu ciùin, gu bheil tulgadh nan cuantan ga sìor luasgadh nan suain. Hion da hion do hion da odar da Hion da hion do hion da odar da Hì o dan dao, hì o dan dao, Hì o dan dao odar da, odar da Muime 'g altram a pàistean 's i gan tàladh gu ciùin, gu bheil tulgadh nan cuantan ga sìor luasgadh nan suain. An ròn rìoghail a' gusgail, 'n eala guileag ri thaobh, a' mhaighdeann-mhara 's i bruadar anns an uaigneas air laoch. An ròn rìoghail a' gusgail, 'n eala guileag ri thaobh, a' mhaighdeann-mhara 's i bruadar anns an uaigneas air laoch. Ann an Caolas Od Odrum far an coidleadh an ròn, is far nach cluinnte guth duine ach fuaim tuinne 's glog geòidh. [Translation:] [In Caolas Od Odrum where the seals would sleep:] where a human voice was never heard, only the sound of the waves and the calling of geese A stepmother nurses her children, softly singing a lullaby the movement of the waves gently rocks them to sleep. Hion da hion do hion da odar da Hion da hion do hion da odar da Hì o dan dao, hì o dan dao, Hì o dan dao odar da, odar da. A stepmother nurses her children, softly singing a lullaby the movement of the waves gently rocks them to sleep. The noble seal is mewling, the swan singing beside him the mermaid dreams in solitude of a hero. The noble seal is mewling, the swan singing beside him the mermaid dreams in solitude of a hero. In Caolas Od Odrum where the seals would sleep where a human voice was never heard, only the sound of the waves and the calling of geese.