0. Status Quo: was born in Cleveland, Ohio and grew up in shaker heights. 1. Call To Adventure: he was inspired by alternative hip hop groups such as The Pharcyde and A Tribe Called Quest. 2. Assistance: his uncle gave him a place to stay at in new York while he got back up on his feet. 3. Departure: Kid Cudi left his uncle's house and later wrote day n night and released his first mixtape. 4. Trials: his father died when he was 10 5. Approach: not being able to join the navy due to his juvenile records 6. Crisis: he made songs that a lot of people did not like; like cool head 7. Treasure: he reached top 5 in billboard charts. 8. Result: Kid Cudi left his bad childhood away and became a great rapper 9. Return: he stopped writing songs for a while.- 10. New Life: He changed his life by rapping and left his juvenile delinquency away 11. Resolution: Many people liked cudi's work and inspired a lot of people 12. Return To Status Quo: He became one of the greatest rapper out there.