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the secret is that you are enough through a calm, detached, mildly ambitious perception and a**essment of situations and circumstances i can increase intelligence levels, power levels, and good feelings in my brain through the ingestion of mostly raw organic vegan foods and the appropriate movement of my muscles i can increase lifespan, physiological health, and well-being in general this is important to me because i am not currently in the act of committing immediate suicide i am perpetuating the idea that life is desirable during every moment in which i am existing in a state of 'not earnestly trying to k** myself immediately' every sentient being who is currently in a state of 'not earnestly trying to k** myself immediately' is displaying an interest in being alive * thoughts control emotions and behaviors which means that in order to feel good or act in a desirable manner, one must process thoughts in a way that effectively enables this emotional/behavioral response * 'you don't owe anything to anyone, because each moment is its own moment, separate from all other moments' and 'you are not in your past moments, you are you now, always' allow for easy cognitive adjustments and modifications resulting in emotional/behavioral adjustments and modifications resulting in a state of being that embraces change, inconsistency, and 'you are different now than you were before' * 'pursuit of ownership over [anything] besides yourself' is counterproductive; nothing can ever be yours, besides you and the secret is that you are enough