Got to be a winner, trophy winner Get to hold your head up high up! Number one! Got to be a winner, trophy winner Get to hold your head up high up! Number one! Number one Number one Honey tell me, When your working day is done, Were you reaching for the high rung, Reaching to be number one? You get a car You want a boat You want an eenie-meenie-miney miney-moe Oh there must be more to living Than a mortgage and a lawn to mow Sweaty work And lucky breaks And blood and tears is all it takes To be a winner! People cheer And people gasp People want your autograph When you're a winner! Run, run, run, run Let's see you run We'll be betting by the starting gun! Shall we shower you with flowers Or shall we shun ya When your race is run? Will we shower you with flowers Or will we shun ya When your race is run? Will they shower you with flowers Or will they shun ya When your race is run? Got to be a winner, trophy winner Get to hold your head up high up! Number one!