Jonathan Rogers - Week 5 Reading Journal lyrics


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Jonathan Rogers - Week 5 Reading Journal lyrics

9/9 Barack Obama wants to legalize being able to buy weed legally and also wants to give all teachers in public schools access to weapons at school because he says it will cut down on school crimes and fights. 9/10 Obama is talking about how Syria hand over its chemical arsenal to international control could avert American strikes "if it's real." They say if he takes part in this then there will be a war between Russia, US, and Syria to fight over this chemical arsenal that may or may not even be there. There will an address by the president tonight discussing this matter with the world and how he plans to go about this procedure because he doesn't want to start a war after getting soldiers out of a war already. All news reporters are very eager to hear what President Obama has to say because the way it's sounding is there will be a war. Other reports will find some way to bash and trash what Obama has to say just to rile up more drama that isn't need and make a**umptions that aren't anywhere near to true to have something to say about him. Then some people will see what he is really trying to do and make positive on what Obama has to say. 9/11 In California there was a wild fire and it's currently going on, the firefighters and rescue men have this fire under 80%. There was 3399 square miles of burnt land. This fire started August 17 2013. The fire is currently under investigation as to how this happened. The cost of the fire is 102 million dollars. And a total of 9 people were injured. 9/12 Last night was the infamous 9/11. Everyone was morning the loses of the people the flights that crashed, people lost at the pentagon, and people lost in the twin towers. Although not everyone died people still suffered serious side affects of the attacks like Asthma, cancer and other serious diseases from the smoke, fire and ruble that was sprawled over the streets of New York. 9/13 A diplomatic solution is back on the table after U.S. secretary of state John Kerry suggests halfheartedly that a strike can be averted if Assad agrees to hand over all chemical weapons. Russia takes the proposal seriously. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says, "If the establishment of international control over chemical weapons in the country will prevent attacks, then we will immediately begin work with Damascus. And we call on the Syrian leadership to not only agree to setting the chemical weapons storage sites under international control, but also to their subsequent destruction." Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Moallem also embraces the option. Given the uncertainty of Congressional authorization, diplomacy will spare Obama a potential rebuke that can undercut his authority for the remainder of his presidency.