The Lod of the Rings Hobbit, Dwarves Elves and Men Kings and Queens Epicness Lord of the Rings The greatest tale ever told on your screen PO-TA-TOES Frodo must bring the ring to the elves Aragorn fights off the nine evil Ringwraiths The Fellowship forms Saruman's a jerk Gandalf's torn from the group You shall not pa** Boromir's embedded Uruk-hai's beheaded Like a Boss The Fellowship is broken Thanks for that J.R.R Tolkien Frodo's gone And Sam's coming with you Gollum leads the ring to Mordor My precious Gandalf the white returns to wage war Pip and Merry hug trees Théoden is like Benjamin bu*ton He's aging backwards Legolas surfs on a shield to defend Helm's Deep Big trees Are attacking the Orcs The sword has been reforged and Now a Legion of Ghosts are at Hand (He's the King) Sam uses his Spider slay k**s While the elf and Gimli count k**s (Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry) One last Battle (Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli Legolas, Denethor) It's good vs. evil (Boromir, Gollum, Saruman, Smeagol) Frodo you must (Elrond, Bilbo, Galadriel, Shelob) Destroy the (Wormtongue, Uruk-hai, Sauron, Great Eye) Ring of power No Destroy it It's mine Destroy it It's Miiiiineee (weird explosing noises) Aragorn sits on his Throne Middle Earth is saved by the smallest of things In the Lord of the Rings