Johnny Foreigner - Things I Would Have Swapped for Heart Shaped Sungla**es, 2001-06 lyrics


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Johnny Foreigner - Things I Would Have Swapped for Heart Shaped Sungla**es, 2001-06 lyrics

(No) (hands) Well, small explosions lead to core implosions Makes tired valves burst for more explosions I know you won't understand, your head in yr hands and yr out And I walked out of the pale sunlight Where the cool blue sky meet the cold grey deck There's nothing, I would say No to... We could make this work if you wanted it We could turn this cell to a positive We could tape it (sure!) & pack it (sure!) & sell it (sure!) in shops (sure!) Cover the cost Cover! The! Cost! So if yr clinging onto something, better hope its not yr last drink Don't think clarity's yr friend tonight, so get it right, so get it right! When the only thing yr sure of is yr only going to care come daylight So get it right, so get it right, get it right And how you always come out crying when the personals start flying Like yr ever going to win in a fight, so get it right, so get it right And either way you play it, yr never going to sleep tonight So get it right So get it right! For all those treaties of where our lips fit Got left on beaches, havn't we covered this bit? I know you won't understand, yr head in yr hands and your out I Mourn the morning festival crowd All the misspent youth round the recharge booth There's nothing, I Would say No to... I know you won't understand, you won't understand We speak the same language but you won't understand