Cuncta licet cecidisse putas discrimina rerum, Et prius incerta nunc tibi certa manent, Consiliis usure meis tamen aspice caute, Subdola non fallat te dea fraude sua: Saepe solet placido mortales fallere vultu, Et cute sub placida tabida saepe dolent; Ut quando secura putas et cuncta serena, Anguis sub viridi gramine saepe latet. Though ye suppose all jeperdys ar paste, And all is done that ye lokyd for before, Ware yet, I rede you, of Fortunes dowble cast, For one fals poynt she is wont to kepe in store, And vnder the fell oft festered is the sore: That when ye thynke all daunger for to pas, Ware of the lesard lyeth lurkyng in the gras.