John C Wright - Chapter 2: At That Time lyrics


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John C Wright - Chapter 2: At That Time lyrics

At that time, there was war in heaven but there was peace on Earth. Strictly speaking, the latest replica was not Earth; but it had been constructed to resemble the mother world, even down to the fine details of core convections, plate tectonics, and Gulf Stream movements. Lovingly copied were mountain contours, coastlines, temperature ranges, weather patterns, ozone behaviors, magneto- atmospheric field fluctuations, and all the biology and botany from the Quaternary period. Therefore it could be said and celebrated that the long-awaited End of History had come, if not to Earth, at least to an acceptably indistinguishable replica. It was at or near the end of an eon. The Era of the Seventh Mental Structure, the mental structure built upon the technology of noetic-mathematic immortality, either had ended or would end shortly: perhaps in one or two hundred thousand colony- frame-of-reference years, no more. Therefore the Age of d**hlessness had died— unless, of course, it had not yet. Many found that troubling.