This room's for rent So you feel free to turn the key And walk right through the door You won't be intruding Cause they're ain't nobody lives here anymore But once a love in hand in hand they came Though they never shared a common name She dressed here love and stately pride And wear it downtown And pity all the lovers once Who'd look at her in all her love and frown I can see you find it hard to find the beauty in these rooms So old and worn But through the eyes of love they shown brightly As a bright summer porch They hang a blanket at the window To help keep out the sun And fell on the bed Where they'd sleep through the afternoon She'd fall asleep and know that he'd find her Somewhere in his dreams And he'd lie awake and try And find the words to tell her Things just weren't the way they seemed There's the door that he walked through When he finally found the nerve to say all the things She would've sworn he'd never say She watched him through this window As he walked into the world yesterday And she wondered if he'd thrown the key away There's the kitchen table Where she sat and tried to dry her eyes On a corner of a scratchy paper towel She cried to God and asked Him If that man had ever loved her anyhow Cigarette burns on the table Coffee cups, beer cans on the floor She's heard no word from God And nothing seems to matter anymore