J. N. B. Hewitt - Iroquoian Cosmology - Onondaga Creation Myth lyrics


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J. N. B. Hewitt - Iroquoian Cosmology - Onondaga Creation Myth lyrics

AN ONONDAGA VERSION THE MANNER IN WHICH IT ESTABLISHED ITSELF, IN WHICH IT FORMED ITSELF, IN WHICH, IN ANCIENT TIME, IT CAME ABOUT THAT THE EARTH BECAME EXTANT He who was my grandfather was wont to relate that, verily, he had heard the legend as it was customarily told by five generations of grandsires, and this is what he himself was in the habit of telling. He customarily said: Man-beings dwell in the sky, on the farther side of the visible sky [the ground separating this from the world above it]. p. 142 [paragraph continues] The lodges they severally possess are customarily long. In the end of the lodges there are spread out strips of rough bark whereon lie the several mats (beds). There it is that, verily, all pa** the night. Early in the morning the warriors are in the habit of going to hunt and, as is their custom, they return every evening. In that place there lived two persons, both down-fended, and both persons of worth. Verily, one of these persons was a woman-being, a person of worth, and down-fended; besides her there was a man-being, a person of worth, and down-fended. In the end of the lodge there was a doorway. On the one side of it the woman-being abode, and on the other side of it the man-being abode. p. 143 Sometime afterward, then, this came to pa**. As soon as all the man-beings had severally departed this woman-being came forth and went thither and, moreover, arrived at the place where the man-being abode, and she carried a comb with her. She said: "Do thou arise; let me disentangle thy hair." Now, verily, he arose, and then, moreover, she disentangled his hair, and straightened it out. It continued in this manner day after day. Sometime afterward her kindred were surprised. It seems that the life of the maiden was now changed. Day after day it became more and more manifest that now s, he would give birth to a child. Now, moreover, her mother, the ancient one, became aware of it. Then, verily, she questioned her, saying to the maiden: "Moreover, what manner of person is to be joint parent with thee?" The maiden said p. 144 nothing in reply. So, now, at that time, the man-being noticed that he began to be ill. For some time it continued thus, when, verily, his mother came to the place where he lay. She said: "Where is the place wherein thou art ill?" Then the man-being said in reply: "Oh, my mother! I will now tell thee that I, alas, am about to die." And his mother replied, saying: "What manner of thing is meant by thy saying 'I shall die?'" It is said that they who dwelt there did not know what it is for one to say "I shall die." And the reason of it was that no one living there on the sky had ever theretofore died. At that time he said: "And, verily, this will come to pa** when I die: My life will go forth. Moreover, my body will become cold. Oh, my p. 145 mother! thus shalt thou do on my eyes: Thou must lay both thy hands on both sides. And, moreover, thou must keep thy eyes fixed thereon when thou thinkest that now he is [I am] nearly dead. So soon as thou seest that my breathing is being made to become less, then, and not till then, must thou think that now it is that he is about to die. And then, moreover, thou wilt place thy two hands on both my eyes. Now, I shall tell thee another thing. Ye must make a burial-case. When ye finish the task of making it, then, moreover, ye must place my body therein, and, moreover, ye must lay it up in a high place." Now, verily, she, the ancient one, had her eyes fixed on him. So soon as she believed that now he was about to die, she placed both her hands on his eyes. Just so soon as she did this she began to weep. Moreover, all those who abode in the lodge were also affected in the same way; they all wept. Sometime after he had died they set p. 146 themselves to work, making a burial-case. Moreover, so soon as they had finished their task they placed his body therein, and also laid it up in a high place. Sometime after they had laid the burial-case in the high place, the maiden, now a woman-being, gave birth to a child, which was a female, a woman-being. Then the ancient one [elder one, the mother of the maiden] said: "Moreover, what manner of person is the father of the child?" The maiden said nothing in reply. The girl child grew rapidly in size. It was not long after this that the girl child was running about. Suddenly, it seems, the girl child began to weep. It was impossible to stop her. Five are the number of days, it is said, that the girl child continued to weep. Then the elder one [her grandmother] said: "Do ye show her the burial-case lying there in the high place." Now, verily, they carried p. 147 her person, and caused her to stand up high there. Then the girl child looked at it [the corpse], and then she ceased her weeping, and also she was pleased. It was a long time before they withdrew her; and it was not a long time before she again began to weep. Now, verily, they again carried her person, and, moreover, they caused her to stand there again. So, it continued thus, that, day after day, they were in the habit of carrying her, and causing her to stand there on the high place. It was not long before she by her own efforts was able to climb up to the place where lay the dead man-being. Thus it continued to be that she at all times went to view it. Some time afterward it thus came to pa** that she came down again bringing with her what was called an armlet, that being the kind of thing that the dead man-being had clasped about his arms, and, being of the wampum variety, it was, it is said, fine-looking. p. 148 [paragraph continues] The elder one said: "What manner of thing caused thee to remove it?" The girl child replied, saying: "My father said: 'Do thou remove it. It will belong to thee. I, verily, am thy parent.'" The elder one said nothing more. It continued thus that customarily, as soon as another day came, she would again climb to the place where the burial-case lay. So, now, verily, all those who were in the lodge paid no more attention to her, merely watching her grow in size. Thus it continued that day after day, at all times, she continued to go to see it [the corpse]. They heard them conversing, it is said, and they also heard, it is told, what the two said. After a while she again came down bringing with her a necklace which the dead man-being had had around his neck, and which she had removed. She, it is reported, said: "Oh, my grandmother! My father gave this to me; that is the reason I p. 149 removed it." So, it is reported, until the time she was full-grown, she was in the habit of going to view the place where lay the burial-case. At that time, it is reported, her father said: "Now, my child,. verily, thou hast grown to maturity. Moreover, I will decide upon the time when thou shalt marry." Some time afterward he said: "Thou must tell thy mother, saying: 'My father said to me, "Now thou must marry."' Now, moreover, verily, thy mother must make loaves of bread, and it must fill a large forehead-strap-borne basket. Now, moreover, thou must make the bread, and thou must have it ready by the time it becomes night." Truly, it thus came to pa**. It became night, and, verily, the elder one had it all ready. She said: "I have now made it ready. The basket is even now full of bread." Now, the maiden again climbed p. 150 up to the place where lay the burial-case. At that time they heard her say: "My mother has now made everything ready." He then replied: "To-morrow thou must depart; early in the morning thou must depart. The distance from here to the place where lives the one whom thou wilt marry is such that thou wilt spend one night on thy way thither. And he is a chief whom thou art to marry, and his name, by repute, is He-holds-the-earth." Now the next day she dressed herself. As soon as she was ready she then again ran, going again to the place where lay the dead man-being. Then she told him, saying: "The time for me to depart has arrived." Now, at that time he told her, saying: "Do thou have courage. Thy pathway throughout its course is terrifying, and the reason that it is so is that many man-beings are traveling to and fro along this pathway. Do not, moreover, speak in reply if p. 151 some person, whoever he may be, addresses words to thee. And when thou hast gone one half of thy journey, thou wilt come to a river there, and, moreover, the floating log whereon persons cross is maple. When thou dost arrive there, then thou wilt know that thou art halfway on thy journey. Then thou wilt cross the river, and also pa** on. Thou must continue to travel without interruption. And thou wilt have traveled some time before thou arrivest at the place where thou wilt see a large field. Thou wilt see there, moreover, a lodge standing not far away. And there beside the lodge stands the tree that is called Tooth. a Moreover, the blossoms this standing tree bears cause that world to be light, making it light for the man-beings dwelling there. p. 152 "Such, in kind, is the tree that stands beside the lodge. Just there is the lodge of the chief whom thou art to marry, and whom his people call He-holds-the-earth. When thou enterest the lodge, thou wilt look and see there in the middle of the lodge a mat spread, and there, on the mat, the chief lying down. Now, at that time, thou shalt lay thy basket down at his feet, and, moreover, thou shalt say: 'Thou and I marry.' He will say nothing. When it becomes night, he who is lying down will spread for thee a skin robe at the foot of his mat. There thou wilt stay over night. As soon as it is day again, he will say: 'Do thou arise; do thou work. Customarily one who lives in the lodge of her spouse works.' Then, verily, thou must work. He will lay down a string of corn ears and, moreover, he will say: 'Thou must soak the corn and thou must make mush.' At that time p. 153 there will be a kettle of water set on the fire. As soon as it boils so that it is terrifying, thou must dissolve the meal therein. It must be boiling when thou makest the mush. He himself will speak, saying: 'Do thou undress thyself.' Moreover, thou must there undress thyself. Thou must be in thy bare skin. Nowhere wilt thou have any garment on thy body. Now, the mush will be boiling, and the mush will be hot. Verily, on thy body will fall in places the spattering mush. He will say: 'Thou must not shrink back from it;' moreover, he will have his eyes fixed on thee there. Do not shrink back from it. So soon as it is cooked, thou shalt speak, saying: 'Now, verily, it is cooked; the mush is done.' He will arise, and, moreover, he will remove the kettle, and set it aside. Then, he will say: 'Do thou seat thyself on this side.' Now then, he will say: 'My slaves, ye dogs, do ye two come hither.' They two are p. 154 very large. As soon as they two arrive he will say: 'Do ye two lick her body where the mush has fallen on it.' And their tongues are like rough bark. They will lick thee, going over thy whole body, all along thy body. Blood will drop from the places where they will lick. Do not allow thy body to flinch therefrom. As soon as they two finish this task he will say: 'Now, do thou again put on thy raiment.' Now, moreover, thou must again dress thyself completely. At that time he will take the basket and set it down, saying, moreover: 'Now, thou and I marry.' So now, so far as they are concerned, the dogs, his slaves, they two will eat." That is what the dead man-being told her. It became night. Now, at that time, they verily laid their bodies down, and they slept. It became day, and the sun was present yonder when the maiden departed. She bore on her back by the forehead strap her basket of bread. Now, verily, she traveled with a rapid p. 155 gait. It was not long before she was surprised to find a river. There beside the river she stood, thinking, verily, "I have lost my way." At that time she started back. Not long afterward those who abode in the home lodge were surprised that the maiden returned. She said: "I believe I have lost my way." Now she laid her basket on the mat, and, moreover, she again ran thither and again climbed up to the place where lay the burial-case. So soon as she reached it she said: "Oh, father! I believe that I lost my way." He said: "What is the character of the land where thou believest that thou lost thy way?" "Where people habitually cross the river, thence I returned," said the maiden. She told him everything. She said: "A maple log floats at the place where they habitually cross the river." He said: "Thou hast not lost thy way." She replied: "I think the distance to the place where the river is seems too short, and that is the reason that I think p. 156 that I lost my way." At that time he said: "The place that I had indicated is far. But thy person is so endowed with magic potence, thou hast immanent in thee so much orenda that it causes thy pace to be swift. Verily, so soon as thou arrivest at the river, thou shalt cross it and also shalt pa** on." At that time the maiden said: "Oh, my father, now I depart." "So be it. Moreover, do thou take courage," said the dead man-being in reply. Now she again descended and again went into the lodge. There then she placed her basket of bread on her back by means of the forehead strap. It was early in the morning when she departed. She had been traveling some time when she was surprised to hear a man-being speak to her, saying: "Do thou stand, verily." She did not stop. Aurora Borealis it was who was talking. She had pa**ed p. 157 on some distance when she heard another man-being talking to her, saying: "I am thankful that thou hast now again returned home, my child. I am hungry, desiring to eat food." She did not stop. It was Fire Dragon of the Storm who was speaking to her. Sometime after she was again at the place where people customarily crossed the river. Now, at that place, he, the chief himself, stood, desiring to try her mind, saying: "Verily, thou shouldst stop here; verily, thou shouldst rest thyself." She did not stop. She only kept right on, and, moreover, she at once crossed the river there. She traveled on for some time, and when the sun was at yonder height she was surprised that there was spread out there a large field. At that time, verily, she stopped beside the field. Now she looked, and there in the distance she saw a lodge--the lodge of the p. 158 chief. Verily, she went thither. When she arrived there, she looked, and saw that it was true that beside the lodge stood the tree Tooth, whose flowers were the source of the light of the earth there present, and also of the man-beings dwelling there. Verily, she then entered the lodge. Then she looked, and saw that in the middle of the lodge a mat was spread, and that thereon, moreover, lay the chief. Now, at that time, she removed her pack-strap burden, and then she also set the basket before him, and then, moreover, she said: "Thou and I marry," and then, moreover, she handed the basket to him. He said nothing. When it became night, he spread a mat for her at the foot of his mat, and then, moreover, he said: "Verily, here thou wilt stay overnight." Moreover, it thus came to pa**. Now, verily, they laid their bodies down and they slept. p. 159 When day came to them, the chief then said: "Do thou arise. Do thou work, moreover. It is customary for one to work who is living in the family of her spouse. Thou must soak corn. Thou must set a pot on the fire. And when it boils, then thou must put the corn therein. Moreover, when it boils, then thou must again remove the pot, and thou must wash the corn. As soon as thou finishest the task thou must then, moreover, pound it so that it will become meal. Now, moreover, thou must make mush. And during the time that it is boiling thou must continue to stir it; thou must do so without interruption after thou hast begun it. Moreover,. do not allow thy body to shrink back when the mush spatters. That, moreover, will come to pa**. Thou must undress thyself when thou workest. I, as to the rest, will say: 'Now it is cooked.'" At that time he laid down there a string of corn ears, and the corn was white. So now, verily, she began her work. She undressed herself, p. 160 and now, verily, she was naked. She soaked the corn, and she also washed the corn, and also pounded it, and she also made meal of it, and, now, moreover, in the pot she had set on the fire she made mush. She stirred it without interruption. But, nevertheless, it was so that she was suffering, for, verily, now there was nothing anywhere on her body. And now, moreover, it was evident that it was hot, as the mush spattered repeatedly. Some time after she was surprised that the chief said: "Now, verily, the mush which thou art making is cooked." At that time he arose to a standing position, and also removed the pot, and also set it on yonder side. At that time he said: "Do thou sit here." Now he went forward, and, taking up the basket, he took the bread therefrom, out of her basket. At that time p. 161 he said: "Now, thou and I marry. Verily, so it seems, thou wert able to do it. Hitherto, no one from anywhere has been able to do it." Now, at that time he shouted, saying: "My slaves, ye two dogs, do ye two come hither. It is necessary for me that ye two should lick this person abiding here clean of the mush that has fallen on her." Verily, she now looked and saw come forth two dogs, pure white in color and terrifying in size. So now, they two arrived at the place where she was. Now, verily, they two licked her entire body. The tongues of these two were like rough bark. So now, moreover, in whatsoever places they two licked over and along her body blood exuded therefrom. And the maiden did fortify her mind against it, and so she did not flinch from it. As soon as they two completed the task, then he himself took up sunflower oil, and with that, moreover, p. 162 he anointed her body. As soon as he had finished this task he said: "Now, verily, do thou again dress thyself." Now she redressed herself entirely, and she was again clothed with raiment. When it became night, he spread a mat for her at the foot of his mat. There they two pa**ed two more nights. And the third day that came to them the chief said to her: "Now thou must again depart. Thou must go again to the place whence thou didst start." Then he took up the basket of the maiden and went then to the place where he kept meat of all kinds hanging in quarters. Now, verily, he took up the dried meat of the spotted fawn and put it into her basket. All the various kinds of meat he placed therein. As soon as the basket was full, he shook the basket to cause its contents to settle down. When he did shake it, there was seemingly just a little room left in it. Seven times, it is said, he shook the basket before he completely p. 163 filled it. At that time he said: "Now thou must again depart. Do not, moreover, stand anywhere in the course of thy path homeward. And, moreover, when thou dost arrive there, thou must tell the people dwelling there that they, one and all, must remove the roofs from their several lodges. By and by it will become night and I will send that which is called corn. In so far as that thing is concerned, that is what man-beings will next in time live upon. This kind of thing will continue to be in existence for all time." At that time he took up the basket and also said: "Now, verily, thou shouldst bear it on thy back by means of the forehead strap." Now, at that time she departed. Now again, as she traveled, she heard a man-being talking, saying: "Come, do thou stand." She did not stand. It was Aurora Borealis who was talking to her. She traveled on for some time, when she again p. 21 heard a man-being talking, saying: "Verily, do thou stand. Now, verily, thou hast returned home. I am hungry. My child, I desire to eat food." She did not stop. In so far as he is concerned, it was White Fire Dragon who was talking to her. Now, she again arrived where she had crossed the river, and there again, beside the river, she stood. Now, moreover, she heard again a man-being saying: "Do thou stand. I desire that thou and I should converse together." She did not stop. It was the chief who was standing here seeking to tempt her mind. At once she crossed the river on the floating maple log. It was just midday when she again arrived at the place whence she departed, and she went directly into the lodge. As soon as she laid her burden down, she said: "Oh, my mother, now, hither I have returned." She, the elder one, spoke, saying: "I am thankful that p. 165 thou hast arrived in peace." Then the maiden again spoke and said: "Ye severally must make preparations by severally removing the roofs from your lodges. There is an abundance of meat and corn also coming, as animals do come, when it becomes night, by and by." And at that time she at once went to the place where lay the burial-case of her dead father, and now, moreover, she again climbed up there. As soon as she reached the place, she said: "Oh, my father, I have now returned home." He said, in replying: "How fared it? Was he willing to do it?" She said: "He was willing." Now, again, he spoke, saying: "I am thankful that thou wast able to do it, as it seems. Thou art fortunate in this matter. And it seems, moreover, good, that thou shouldst, perhaps, at once return home, for the reason, verily, that the chief is immune to magic potence, that nothing can affect the orenda of Chief-who-has-the-standing-tree-called-Tooth, and whom some call He-holds-the-earth." p. 166 At that time all those who dwelt there undid their lodges by removing the roofs from all severally. Then, verily, when it became night, as soon as the darkness became settled, they heard the sounds made by the raining of corn, which fell in the lodges. Then they went to sleep. When it became day, they looked and saw that in the lodges corn lay piled up, quite filling them. Now, moreover, their chief said: "Do ye severally repair your lodges. And, moreover, ye must care for it and greatly esteem it; the thing has visited our village which He-who-has-the-standing-tree-called-Tooth has given you to share with him." In a short time they were surprised, seemingly, that the maiden was nowhere to be found. She had again departed. They knew that she had again gone to the place where stood the lodge of the chief p. 167 who was her consort. Now, verily, in reference to him he himself in turn was surprised to see her return home. When it became day again, the chief noticed that seemingly it appeared that the life of the maiden, his spouse, had changed. a Thus it was that, day after day and night after night, he still considered the matter. The conditions were such that he did not know what thing was the cause that it [his spouse's condition] was thus, so he merely marveled that it had thus come to pa**. It is certain, it is said, that it formed itself there where they two conversed, where they two breathed together; that, verily, his breath is what the maiden caught, and it is that which was the cause of the change in the life of the maiden. And, moreover, that is the child to which she gave birth. And since then, from the time that he [her p. 168 spouse] let man-beings go here on the earth, the manner in which man-beings are paired has transformed itself. This is the manner in which it will continue to be; this will be its manner of being done, whereby it will be possible for the man-beings dwelling on the earth to produce ohwachiras of posterity. Thus, too, it seems, it came to pa** in regard to the beast-world, their bodies all shared in the change of the manner in which they would be able to produce ohwachiras of offspring here on the earth. Thus it was that, without interruption, it became more and more evident that the maiden would give birth to a child. At that time the chief became convinced of it, and he said: "What is the matter that thy life has changed? Verily, thou art about to have a child. Never, moreover, have thou and I shared the same mat. I believe that it is not I who is the cause that thy life has changed. Dost thou thyself p. 169 know who it is?" She did not understand the meaning of what he, said. Now, at that time, the chief began to be ill. Suddenly, it seems, she herself now became aware that her life had changed. Then she said, addressing the chief: "I believe that there is, perhaps, something the matter, as my life at the present time is not at all pleasant." He did not make any reply. Not long thereafter she again said: "My thoughts are not at all pleasant." Again he said nothing. So it continued thus that she did nothing but consider the matter, believing that something must be the matter, perhaps, that the condition of her body was such as it was. It became more and more evident that she was pregnant. Now it was evident that she was big with child. Sometime afterward she again resolved to ask him still, once more. She said: "As a matter of fact, there must be something the matter, p. 170 perhaps, that my body is in this condition. And the thoughts of my mind are not at all pleasant. One would think that there can be no doubt that, seemingly, something is about to happen, because my life is so exceedingly unpleasant." Again he said nothing. When it became night, then, verily, they laid their bodies down and they slept. So now, verily, he there repeatedly considered the matter. Now, in so far as the maiden was concerned, she still did not understand what was about to take place from the changed condition of her body. Sometime afterward the chief spoke to her, saying: "As a matter of fact, a man-being (or rather woman-being) will arrive, and she is a man-being child, and thou must care for her. She will grow in size rapidly, and her name is Zephyrs." a The maiden said nothing, for the reason that she did not understand what her spouse told her. p. 171 Not long afterward, then, verily, she gave birth to a child. She paid no attention to it. The only thing she did was to lay it on the place -where the chief customarily pa**ed the night. After ten days' time she again took it up therefrom. Sometime afterward the chief became aware that he began to be ill. His suffering became more and more severe. All the persons dwelling in the village came to visit him. There he lay, and sang, saying: "Ye must pull up this standing tree that is called Tooth. The earth will be torn open, and there beside the abyss ye must lay me down. And, moreover, there where my head lies, there must sit my spouse." That is what he, the Ancient One, sang. Then the man-beings dwelling there became aware that their chief was ill. p. 172 Now, verily, all came to visit him. They questioned him repeatedly, seeking to divine his Word, what thing, seemingly, was needful for him, what kind of thing, seemingly, he expected, through a dream. Thus, day after day, it continued that they sought to find his Word. After a time the female man-being child was of fair size. She was then able to runabout from place to place. But it thus continued that they kept on seeking to divine his Word. After a while, seemingly, one of the persons succeeded in finding his Word, and he said: "Now, perhaps, I myself have divined the Word of him, the ordure, our chief." He who is called Aurora Borealis said this. And when he told the chief what manner of thing his soul craved, the chief was very pleased. And when he divined his Word, he said: "Is it not this that thy dream is saying, namely, that it is direful, if it so be that no person should divine thy Word, and that it will become still more p. 173 direful? And yet, moreover, it is not certain that this is what thy soul craves; that its eyes may have seen thy standing tree, Tooth as to kind, pulled up, in order that the earth be torn open, and that there be an abyss that pierces the earth, and, moreover, that there beside the abyss one shall lay thee, and at thy head thy spouse shall be seated with her legs banging down into the abyss." At that time the chief said: "Ku‘'. a I am thankful! Now, verily, the whole matter has been fulfilled by thy divining my Word." During this time. [the duration of the dream feast], a large body of man-beings, b paid a visit there. He, the Deer, paid a visit there. He, the Great-horned Deer [the Buck], paid a visit there. He, the Spotted Fawn, paid a visit, and was there seeking to divine the Word of the p. 174 chief. He, the Bear, also paid a visit. Now, he also, the Beaver, paid a visit. And he, the Wind-who-moves-about-from-place-to-place, paid a visit also. And now, also, he, the Daylight, paid a visit. Now she also, the Night, the Thick Night, paid a visit. Now also she, the Star, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Light-orb [the sun] paid a visit. And, too, the Water-of-springs, she paid a visit. Now, also, she, the Corn, paid a visit. Now, also, she, the Bean, paid a visit. Now, also, she, the Squash, paid a visit. Now, also, she, the Sunflower, paid a visit. Now, also, the Fire Dragon with the body of pure white color, he paid a visit. Now, also, the Rattle paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Red Meteor, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Spring Wind, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Great Turtle, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Otter, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Wolf, paid p. 175 a visit. Now, also, he, the Duck, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Fresh Water, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Yellowhammer, paid a visit. Now, also, he, the Medicine, paid a visit. Moreover, all things that are produced by themselves, that produce themselves, that is, the animals, and, next to them, the small animals, the flying things, of every species, all paid a visit. Now, sometime afterward, he, the Aurora Borealis, paid a visit. And, verily, he it was who divined the Word of the chief. Verily, he said: "The great standing tree, the Tooth, must be uprooted. And wherever it has a root there severally they must stand, and they must severally lay bold of each several root. And just then, and not before, shall they be able to uproot the standing tree. The earth will be torn open. Moreover, all persons must look therein. And there, beside the abyss, they p. 176 must lay thee. Now, moreover, there at thy head she with whom thou dost abide must sit with her legs hanging down into the abyss." Then, verily, the chief replied, saying: "Ku‘'. I am thankful that ye have divined my word. Now all things have been fulfilled." Verily, it did thus come to pa** that they did uproot the standing tree, Tooth, that grew beside the lodge of the chief. And all the inhabitants of that place came thither with the intention of looking into the abyss. It did thus come to pa** that everyone that dwelt there did look therein. At that time the chief then said, addressing his spouse: "Now, too, let us two look into the abyss. Thou must bear her, Zephyrs, on thy back. Thou must wrap thyself with care." Now, moreover, he gave to her three ears of corn, and, next in p. 177 order, the dried meat of the spotted fawn, and now, moreover, he said: "This ye two will have for provision." Now he also broke off three f*gots of wood, which, moreover, he gave to her. She put them into her bosom, under her garments. Then, verily, they went thitherto the place. They arrived at the spot where the earth was torn up, and then he said: "Do thou sit here." There, verily, she sat where the earth was broken off. There she hung both legs severally into the abyss. Now, in so far as he was concerned, he, the chief, was looking into the abyss, and there his spouse sat. Now, at that time he upraised himself, and said: "Do thou took hence into the abyss." Then she did in this manner, holding with her teeth her robe with its burden. Moreover, there along the edge of the abyss she seized with her hands, and, now, moreover, she bent over to look. He said: "Do p. 178 thou bend much and plainly over." So she did do thus. As soon as she bent forward very much he seized the nape of her neck and pushed her into the abyss. Verily, now at that time she fell down thence. Now, verily, the man-being child and the man-being mother of it became one again. When she arrived on earth, the child was again born. At that time the chief himself arose and said, moreover: "Now, verily, I have become myself again; I am well again. Now, moreover, do ye again set up the tree." And the chief was jealous, and that was the cause that he became ill. He was jealous of Aurora Borealis, and, in the next place, of the Fire Dragon with the pure white body. This latter gave him much mental trouble during the time that he, the chief, whom some call He-holds-the-earth, was married. p. 179 So now, verily, her body continued to fall. Her body was falling some time before it emerged. Now, she was surprised, seemingly, that there was light below, of a blue color. She looked, and there seemed to be a lake at the spot toward which she was falling. There was nowhere any earth. There she saw many ducks on the lake [sea], whereon they, being waterfowl of all their kinds, floated severally about. Without interruption the body of the woman-being continued to fall. Now, at that time the waterfowl, called the Loon shouted, saying: "Do ye look, a woman-being is coming in the depths of the water, her body is floating up hither." They said: "Verily, it is even so." Now, verily, in a short time the waterfowl [duck] called Bittern [Whose eyes-are-ever-gazing-upward], said: "It is true that ye believe that her body is floating up from the depths of the water. Do ye, p. 180 however, look upward." All looked upward, and all, moreover, said: "Verily, it is true." They next said: "What manner of thing shall we do?" One of the persons said: "It seems, then, that there must be land in the depths of the water." At that time the Loon said: "Moreover, let us first seek to find someone who will be able to bear, the earth on his back by means of the forehead pack strap." All said, seemingly: "I shall be able to bear the earth by means of the forehead pack strap." He replied: "Let us just try; it seems best." Otter, it seems, was the first to make the attempt. As soon, then, as a large bulk of them mounted on his back, verily, he sank. In so far as he was concerned, he was not able to do anything. And they said: "Thou canst do nothing." Now many of them made the attempt. All failed to do it. Then he, the Carapace, the Great Turtle, p. 181 said: "Next in turn, let me make the attempt." Then, verily, a large bulk of them mounted on his back. He was able to bear them all on his back. Then they said: "He it is who will be able to bear the earth on his back." Now, at that time, they said: "Do ye go to seek earth in the depths of the water." There were many of them who were not able to obtain earth. After a while it seems that he, the Muskrat, also made the attempt. He was able to get the ground thence. Muskrat is he who found earth. When he came up again, he rose dead, holding earth in his paws, and earth was also in his mouth. They placed all of it upon the carapace of the Turtle. Now their chief said: "Do ye hurry, and hasten yourselves in your work." Now a large number of muskrats continued to dive into the depths of the water. As fast as they floated to the surface they placed the earth on the p. 182 back of the Turtle. Sometime thereafter then, verily, they finished covering the carapace with earth. Now, at that time, the carapace began to grow, and the earth with which they had covered it became the Earth. Now, also, they said: "Now, moreover, do ye go to see and to meet this woman-being whose body is falling hither." At once a great number of the large waterfowl flew hence, joining their bodies together, and there on their joined bodies her person impinged. Then slowly the large waterfowl descended, and also they placed the woman-being there on the carapace. Moreover, the carapace had now grown much in size. Now, moreover, they said: "Now, verily, we are pleased that we have attended to the female man-being who has appeared in the same place with us." p. 183 The next day came, and she looked and saw lying there a deer, also fire and firebrands, and also a heap of wood, all of which had been brought thither. At that time she kindled a fire, using for this purpose the three f*gots which she had slipt into the bosom of her garment, and of which he [the chief] had said: "Ye two will have this for a provision." At that time she laid hands on the body of the deer. She broke up its body, some of which she roasted for food. She pa**ed three nights there, when she again gave birth, again becoming possessed of a child. The child was a female. That, verily, was the rebirth of Zephyrs. Now the elder woman-being erected a booth, thatching it with gra**es. There the mother and daughter remained, one being the parent of the other. Now the earth was large and was continually increasing in size. It was now plain where the river courses would be. There they two remained, the mother attending to the child, who increased in size p. 184 very rapidly. Some time afterward she then became a maiden. And they two continued to remain there. After a while, seemingly, the elder woman-being heard her offspring talking with someone. Now, verily, the elder woman-being was thinking about this matter, wondering: "Whence may it be that a man-being could come to talk with her." She addressed her, saying: "Who is it, moreover, who visits thee?" The maiden said nothing in reply. As soon as it became night and the darkness was complete, he, the man-being, again arrived. And just as the day dawned the elder woman-being heard him say: "I will not come again." Verily he then departed. Not long after this the life of the maiden was changed. Moreover, it became evident that she was about to give birth to a child. After p. 185 a time, when, seemingly, the maiden had only a few more days to go, she was surprised, seemingly, to hear two male man-beings talking in her body. One of the persons said: "There is no doubt that the time when man-beings will emerge to be born has now arrived." The other person replied: "Where, moreover, does it seem that thou and I should emerge?" He replied, saying: "This way, moreover, thou and I will go." Now, again, one of them spoke, saying: "It is too far. This way, right here, is near, and, seemingly, quite transparent." At that time he added, saying: "Do thou go then; so be it." Now, he started and was born. The child was a male. Then, so far as the other was concerned, he came out here through her armpit. And now, verily, he k**ed his mother. The grandmother saw that the child that was born first was unsurpa**edly fine-looking. p. 186 [paragraph continues] At that time she asked, saying: "Who, moreover, k**ed your mother, now dead?" Now, he who did it replied, saying: "This one here." Verily, he told a falsehood. Now, the elder woman-being seized the other one by the arm and cast his body far beyond, where he fell among gra**es. Now, she there attended to the other one. It is said that they grew rapidly in size. After a while, seemingly, he was in the habit of going out, and there running about from place to place. In like manner they two grew very rapidly. Now the child who lived out of doors kept saying: "Do thou tell thy grandmother, who, verily, is grandmother to us two, that she should make me a bow, and also an arrow." Now, verily, he told her what manner of thing the other person desired. The only p. 187 result was that she. got angry, saying: "Never will I make him a bow and also an arrow. It is he, verily, who k**ed her who was the mother of you two." It continued thus that the two brothers played together. They were in the habit of making a circuit of the island a floating there. And, as rapidly as they made a circuit of it, so rapidly did the earth increase in size. When, it is said, the island had grown to a great size, then he who had been cast out of doors kept saying: "Man-beings b are about to dwell here." The other person kept saying: "What manner of thing is the reason that thou dost keep saying, 'Man-beings are about to dwell here?'" He said: "The reason that I say that is that it is a matter of fact that man-beings are about to p. 188 dwell here. And it is I, the Sapling, who say it." So then, this other person began to say: "I shall be called Flint." When they two had nearly grown to maturity, it is said, then he, the Sapling, made himself a lodge, erecting a booth. And when he had completed it, he departed. He went to hunt. He shot at a bird, but he missed it, and his arrow fell into the water. Verily, he then resolved: "I will take it out of the water again." Now, there into the water he cast himself, plunging into the water. He was surprised that, seemingly, he fell there beside a doorway. Then, moreover, from the inside of the lodge a man-being spoke to him, saying: "Do thou come in, my child; I am thankful that thou hast visited my lodge. I purposely caused thee to visit the place where my lodge stands. And the reason that it has thus come to pa** is that my mind was so affected by what thy grandmother keeps saying. And, moreover, I p. 189 desired to give thee a bow and also an arrow which thou dost need, and which, by and by, thy brother will see, and then he will ask, saying: 'Whence didst thou get this?' Thou must say: 'My father has given it to me.'" Now, furthermore, he gave both to him. At this time he bestowed another thing; it was corn. At that time he said: "This corn, as soon as thou arrivest at home, thou must at once roast for food for thyself; and at that time thou must continue to say: 'In this manner will it continue to be that man-beings, who are about to dwell here on the earth, will be in the habit of eating it.' Thy brother will visit thy lodge, and at that time Flint will ask, saying: 'Whence didst thou get this kind of thing?' Thou must say, moreover: 'My father has given it to me.'" Moreover, it did thus come to pa** when he arrived at his home. At that time he husked the ear of corn and also laid it beside the fire; p. 190 he roasted the ear. So soon as it became hot, it emitted an odor which was exceedingly appetizing. They, his grandmother's people, smelled it. She said: "Flint, do thou go to see what the Sapling is roasting for himself, moreover." He, the Flint, arose at once, and he ran thither. When he arrived there, he said: "Whence didst thou get that which thou art roasting for thyself?" He said in replying: "It is a matter of fact that my father gave it to me. And it is this that the man-beings who are about to dwell here on the earth will be in the habit of eating." Then Flint said: "My grandmother has said that thou shouldst share some with her." The Sapling replied, saying: "I am not able to do it, and the reason is that she desires to spoil it all. I desire, as a matter of fact, that man-beings, who are about to dwell here on the earth shall continue to eat it, and that it shall continue to be good." Then, verily, the lad returned home. When p. 191 he arrived there, he told what he had learned, saying: "The Sapling did not consent to it." She arose at once and went thither to the place where the booth of the Sapling stood. Arriving there, she said: "What kind of thing is it that thou art roasting for thyself?" He replied, saying: "It is corn." She demanded: "Where is the place whence thou didst get it?" He said: "My father gave it to me. And it is this which the man-beings who are about to dwell here on this earth will continue to eat." She said: "Thou shouldst give a share, verily, to me." He answered and said: "I can not do it, and the reason is that thou desirest to spoil it." At that time she said: "It is but a small matter, and thou shouldst pluck off a single grain of corn and give it to me." He said: "I can not do it." She said: "It is a small matter, if thou shouldst give me the nubbin end of the corn ear." He said: "I can not do it. I desire that it shall all be p. 192 good, so that the man-beings shall continue to eat it." At that time she became angry and she came forward, and, taking up some ashes, cast them on what he was roasting, and that was now spoiled. She said: "Thou desirest that that which they will continue to eat shall continue to be good. There, it will now be different." Thrice did she repeat the act that spoiled it. Then the Sapling said: "Why hast thou done that deed?" Now again, another thing: he had a pot wherein he heated water. Then from the ear of corn he plucked a single grain of corn, and he put it therein, saying: "Thus shall man-beings be in the habit of doing when they prepare food for eating." Then he placed the corn in a mortar, and also said: "In this manner also shall man-beings, who are about to dwell here on the earth, continue to do." Then he took from its stand the pounder and brought it down once, and it became p. 193 finished perfect meal. He said: "Thus it shall continue to be; thus shall be the manner of preparing meal among the man-beings who are about to dwell here on the earth." At that time she, his grandmother, came forward and heard what he was saying. She arrived there, and said: "Sapling, thou desirest that the man-beings shall be exceedingly happy." She went forward, and, taking off the pot from the fire, put ashes into the hot water. Now, moreover, she took the ear of corn, shelled it, and put the corn into the hot water. She said: "This, moreover, shall be their manner of doing, the method of the man-beings." At that time the Sapling said: "Thou shouldst not do thus." His grandmother did not obey him. Thence, it is said, originated the evil that causes persons customarily to speak ill when p. 194 they prepare food. And, it is said, she stated her wish, thus: "This, as a matter of fact, shall be the manner of doing of the man-beings." It so continued to be. The Sapling kept saying: "The way in which thou hast done this is not good, for I desire that the man-beings shall be exceedingly happy, who are about to dwell here on this earth." Now at that time the Sapling traveled about over the earth. Now there was a large expanse of earth visible. There was a mountain range, visible river courses, and a high clay bank, near which he pa**ed. Now, verily, he there pondered many times. Then he made the bodies of the small game, the bodies of birds. All were in twos, and were mated, in all the clans [kinds] of birds. The volume of the sound made by all the various kinds of bird voices as they talked together was terrifying. And the Sapling kept saying: "Thus this shall continue to be, whereby the man-beings shall habitually be made p. 195 happy." And now he made the bodies of the large game animals. He finished the bodies of two deer, and the two were mates. "There, that is sufficient to fill the whole earth," he said. He made all the various kinds of animals severally. All were in twos, and they, each pair, were mates [male and female]. At that time he, the Sapling, again traveled. Now the earth had grown to a very great size, and continued to grow. So now Flint became aware that the animals were ranging about. After a while then Flint concealed all the bodies of the animals. There in the high mountain was a rock cavern whereinto he drove all the animals. And then he closed it with a stone. Then Sapling became aware that the animals no longer roamed from place to place. Now, at this time, he again traveled over the entire earth. He saw on this side a p. 196 mountain range. He went thither, and he arrived where the opening of the cavern was. And he then took up the great stone and opened it again. Now, he looked therein and saw that the animals abode in that place. "Do ye again go out of this place," he said. Then they came out again. And it was done very quickly. And all those that fly took the lead in coming out. At that time they, his grandmother and Flint, also noticed that the animals again became numerous. And then Flint ran, running to the place where the rock cavern was. He reached the place while they were still coming out. And he, by at once pulling down the stone again, stopped up the cavern. Verily, some of them failed, and they did not get out, and at the present time they are still there. And it came to pa** that they p. 197 were changed, becoming otgon [malefic] a, and the reason that it thus came to pa** is that some customarily put forth their orenda for the purpose of ending the days of the man-beings; and, moreover, they still haunt the inside of the earth. At this time Sapling again traveled about. Then he was surprised that, seemingly, a man-being came toward him, and his name was Hadu'i' b. They two met. The man-being Hadu'i', said: "Where is the place whence thou dost come?" The Sapling said: "I am going out viewing the earth here present. Where is the place whence on dost come?" Hadu'i' said: "From here do I come. I am p. 198 going about traveling. Verily, it is I who am the master of the earth here present." At that time the Sapling said: "I it is who finished the earth here present. If it so be that thou art the master of the earth here present, art thou able to cause yonder mountain to move itself hither?" Hadu'i' said: "I can do it." At that time, he said: "Do thou, yonder mountain, come hither." Then they two faced about. Sometime afterward they two now faced back, and, moreover, saw that the mountain had not changed its position. At that time Sapling said: "Verily, thou art not the master of the earth here present. I, as matter of fact, am master of it. Now, next in time, I will speak." He said: "Do thou, yonder mountain, come hither." Now they two faced about. And as quickly as they two faced about again the mountain stood at their backs, The Sapling said: "What sayst thou? Am I master of it?" Then Hadu'i' said: "It p. 199 is true that thou art master of it. Thou hast finished the earth here present. Thou shouldst have pity on me that I may be suffered to live. I will aid thee, moreover. Verily, thou dost keep saying: 'Man-beings are about to dwell here on the earth here present.' In this matter, moreover, will it continue to be that I shall aid and a**ist thee. Moreover, I will aid the man-beings. Seeing that my body is full of orenda and even otgon, as a matter of fact, by and by the man-beings will be affected with mysterious ills. Moreover, it will be possible for them to recover if they will make an imitation of the form of my body. I, who was the first to travel over the earth here present, infected it with my orenda. And, verily, it will magically conform itself to [be marked by] the lineaments of my body. Moreover, this will come to pa**. If it so be that a man-being becomes ill by the contagion of this magic power, it is here that I will aid thee. And the man-beings will then live in contentment. And, p. 200 moreover, they must customarily greet me by a kinship term, saying: 'my Grandfather.' And when, customarily, the man-beings speak of me they must customarily say: 'our Grandfather'; thereby must they designate me. And I shall call the man-beings on my part by a kinship term, saying: 'my Grandchildren.' And they must make customarily a thing of wood which shall be in my likeness, being wrought thus, that will enable them to go to the several lodges, and, moreover, they who thus personate me shall be hondu'i'. a They must employ for this purpose tobacco [native tobacco]. It will be able to cause those who have become ill to recover. There, moreover, I shall take up my abode where the ground is wild and rough, and where, too, there are rock cliffs. Moreover, nothing at all obstructs me [in seeing and hearing or power]. So long as the earth shall be extant so long shall I remain there. I shall p. 201 continue to aid the man-beings for that length of time." There, it is said, is the place wherein all kinds of deadly ills begot themselves--fevers,. consumptions, headaches--all were caused by Hadu'i'. Now, at that time the Sapling again traveled. He again arrived at his lodge, and he marveled that his grandmother was angry. She took from its fastening the head, which had been cut off, of his--the Sapling's--dead mother, and she carried it away also. She bore the head away with her. When she had prepared the head, it became the sun, and the body of flesh became the nocturnal light orb. As soon as it became night, the elder woman-being and, next in order, Flint departed, going in an easterly direction. At the end of three days, then said Sapling: "I will go after the diurnal orb of p. 202 light. Verily, it is not good that the human beings who are about to dwell here on the earth should continue to go about in darkness. Who, moreover, will accompany me?" A man-being, named Fisher, spoke in reply, saying: "I will accompany thee." A man-being, another person, said: "I, too, will accompany thee." It was the Raccoon who said this. Another man-being, whose name is Fox, said: "I, too, will accompany thee." There were several others, several man-beings, who, one and all, volunteered to aid Sapling. At that time Sapling said: "Moreover, who will work at the canoe?" The Beaver said: "Verily, I will make it." Another man-being, whose name was Yellowhammer, said: "I will make the hollow of it." At that time there were several others who also gave their attention to it. And then they worked at it, making p. 203 the canoe. There Sapling kept saying: "Do ye make haste in the work." In a short time, now, verily, they finished it, making a canoe. Quickly, now, they prepared themselves. At that time they launched the canoe into the water. Then Sapling said: "Moreover, who shall steer the canoe?" Beaver said: "I will volunteer to do it." Otter also said: "I, too." Now they went aboard and departed. Then Sapling said: "In steering the canoe, thou must guide it eastward." Now, it ran swiftly as they paddled it onward. It was night; it was in thick darkness; in black night they propelled the canoe onward. After a while, seemingly, they then looked and saw that daylight was approaching. And when they arrived at the place whither they were going it was then daylight. They saw that there p. 204 was there, seemingly, an island, and they saw that the trees standing there were very tall, and that some of them were bent over, inclining far over the sea, and there in the water where the tree tops ended the canoe stopped. Then Sapling said: "Moreover, who will go to unfasten the light orb [the sun] from its bonds yonder on the tree top?" Then Fisher said: "I will volunteer." Then Fox said: "I, too [will volunteer]." At that time Fisher climbed up high, and pa**ed along above [the ground]. He crossed from tree to tree, going along on the branches, making his way to the place where the diurnal light orb was made fast; thither he was making his course. But, in regard to Fox, he ran along below on the ground. In a short time Fisher then arrived at the place where the diurnal light orb was made fast. p. 205 [paragraph continues] At once he repeatedly bit that by which it was secured, and, severing it, he removed the sun. Now, moreover, he cast it down to his friend, Fox, who stood near beneath him. He caught it, and now, moreover, they two fled. When they two had run half the way across the island, then Flint's grandmother noticed what had taken place. She became angry and wept, saying: "What, moreover, is the reason, O Sapling, that thou hast done this in this manner?" Then she, the elder woman-being, arose at once, and began to run in pursuit of the two persons. Fox ran along on the ground and, in turn, Fisher crossed from tree to tree, running along the branches. Now, the elder woman-being was running close behind, and now she was about to seize Fox, who now, moreover, being wearied, cast the sun up above. Then Fisher caught it. Now, next p. 206 in turn, she pursued him. And he, next in turn, when she came running close behind him and was about to seize him, being in his turn wearied, cast the sun down, and then Fox in his turn caught it. Thus, verily, it continued. Fisher was in the lead, and he at once boarded the canoe. And close behind him was Fox, holding the sun in his mouth, and he, too, at once got aboard of the canoe. Now, moreover, the canoe withdrew, and, turning around, it started away. Now, moreover, it was running far away as they paddled it onward when the elder woman-being arrived at the shore of the sea; and she there shouted, saying: "O Sapling, what, moreover, is the reason that thou hast done this thing in this manner? Thou shouldst pity me, verily, in that the sun should continue to pa** thence, going thither [in its orbit, giving day and night]." He, Sapling, said nothing. p. 207 [paragraph continues] She said this three times in succession. Now she exclaimed: "O thou, Fox, effuse thy orenda to cause the sun to pa** habitually thence, going thither." Fox said nothing in reply. Thrice, too, did she repeat this speech. Now, again, she said: "O thou, Fisher, effuse thy orenda whereby thou canst make the sun to pa** habitually thence, going thither." He said nothing. Thrice did she repeat this saying. And all the other persons, too, said nothing. She said: "O thou, Beaver, thou shouldst at this time have pity on me; do thou effuse thy orenda; moreover, thou hast the potence to cause the sun to pa** thence habitually, going thither." He said nothing. Thrice, too, did she repeat this speech. All said nothing. Now, there was there a person, a man-being, whose orenda she overmatched. She said: "O thou, Otter, thou art a fine person, do thou effuse thy orenda p. 208 wherein thou hast the potence to ordain [forethink] that the sun thence shall come to pa**, going thither." He said: "So be it." Instantly accompanying it was her word, saying: "I am thankful." At that time Beaver said: "Now, verily, it is a direful thing, wherein thou hast done wrong." And now, moreover, he took the paddle out of the water and with it he struck poor Otter in the face, flattening his face thereby. As soon as they arrived home Sapling said: "I am pleased that now we have returned well and successful. Now, I will fasten it up high; on high shall the sun remain fixed hereafter." At that time he then said: "Now, the sun shall pa** over the sky that is visible. It shall continue to give light to the earth." Thus, moreover, it too came to pa** in regard to the nocturnal light orb [the moon]. p. 209 Now, Sapling traveled over the visible earth. There was in one place a river course, and he stood beside the river. There he went to work and he formed the body of a human man-being. a He completed his body and then he blew into his mouth. Thereupon, the human man-being became alive. Sapling said: "Thou thyself ownest all this that is made." So, now, verily, he repeatedly looked around, and there was there a grove whose fruit was large, and there, moreover, the sound of the birds talking together was great. So, now came another thing. Thus, in his condition he watched him, and he thought that, perhaps, he was lonesome. Now, verily, he again went to work, and he made another human man-being. Next in time he made a human woman-being. He completed her body, and then he blow into her mouth, and then she, too, became alive. He said, addressing the male man-being: "Now, this woman-being and thou p. 210 marry. Do thou not ever cause her mind to be grieved. Thou must at all times hold her dear." At that time he said, addressing her who was there: "This human man-being and thou now marry. Thou must hold him dear. And ye two shall abide together for a time that will continue until d**h shall separate you two. Always ye two must hold one the other dear. Ye two must care for the grove bearing large fruit. For there are only a few trees that belong to you two." He said: "Moreover, do ye two not touch those which do not belong to you two. Ye two will do evil if it so be that you two touch those which do not belong to you two." Thus, in this manner, they two remained together, the man-being paying no attention to the woman-being. The male human man-being cared not for the female human man-being. Customarily, they two laid themselves down and they two slept. Now sometime afterward, he who had completed their bodies was again pa**ing that way, and, p. 211 seeing the condition of things, thought of what he might do to arouse the minds of the two persons. Then he went forward to the place where lay the male person sleeping, and having arrived there he removed a rib from the male person, and then, next in turn, he removed a small rib from the sleeping female man-being. And now, changing the ribs, he placed the rib of the woman-being in the male human man-being, and the rib of the male human man-being he set in the human woman-being. He changed both alike. At that timer the woman-being awoke. As soon as she sat up she at once seized the place where was fixed the rib that had been hers. And, as soon as, she did this, then the man-being, too, awoke. And now verily, they both addressed words the one to the other. Then Sapling was highly p. 212 pleased. He said: "Now I tell you both that, in peace, without ceasing ye both must hold one the other dear. Thou wilt do evil shouldst thou address unkind words to the one who abides with thee in this particular place. And, next in turn, he addressed the male human man-being, saying: "Do not thou ever come to dislike her with whom thou dost abide. The two human man-beings that I have made are sufficient. The ohwachira [blood-family, offspring of one mother] which ye two will produce will fill the whole earth." Then he again separated from them. It thus came to pa** that he noticed that his brother, Flint, was at work far away. Then he ordered one, saying: "Go thou after him who is at work yonder; he is my brother, Flint." At that time a person went thither, and said: "i have come for thee. Thy brother, p. 213 [paragraph continues] Sapling, has sent me to bring thee with me. Then Flint said: "I am at work. By and by I shall complete it, and then, and not before, will I go thither." He again departed. He arrived home, and moreover, he brought word that Flint had said, "I am at work. I shall complete it by and by, and then, not before, will I go thither to that place." He said: "Go thou thither again. I have a matter about which I wish to converse with him." Again he arrived there, and he said: "He would that thou and he should talk together." He replied, saying: "Verily, I must first complete my work, and not until that time will I go thither." Then he again departed thence. Again he arrived home, and he said: "He yonder did not consent to come." At that time Sapling said: "He himself, forsooth, is a little more important than I. Moreover, I verily shall go thither." Thereupon Sapling went to that place. Flint did not notice it. When he arrived p. 214 there, he said: "Thou art working for thyself, art thou, in thy work?" He replied, saying: "I am working. I desire to a**ist thee, for that it will take a long time for the man-beings to become numerous, since thou hast made only two." At that time Sapling said: "Verily, as a matter of fact, the two man-beings that I have completed are sufficient. And, in so far as thou art concerned, thou art not able to make a human man-being. Look! Verily, that which thou believest to be a man-being is not a true one." He saw standing there a long file of things which were not man-beings. There sat the beast with the face of a man-being, a monkey; a there next to him sat the ape; a and there sat the great horned owl. And there were other things also seated there. Then they all changed, and the reason of it is that they were not man-beings. Sapling said, when he overmatched their p. 215 orenda: "Verily, it is good that thou, Flint, shouldst cease thy work. It is a direful thing, verily, that has come to pa**." He did not consent to stop. Then Sapling said: "It is a marvelously great matter wherein thou hast erred in not obeying me when I forbade thy working." At that time Flint said: "I will not stop working, because I believe that it is necessary for me to work." Then Sapling said: "Moreover, I now forsake thee. Hence wilt thou go to the place where the earth is divided in two. Moreover, the place whither thou wilt go is a fine place." At that time he cast him down, and he fell backward into the depths of the earth. There a fire was burning, and into the fire he fell supine; it was exceedingly hot. After awhile Flint said: "Oh, Sapling! Thou wouldst consent, wouldst thou not, that thou and I should converse p. 216 once more together?" Sapling replied, saying: "Truly, it shall thus come to pa**. Moreover, I will appoint the place of meeting to be the place where the earth is divided in two." And Flint was able to come forth from the fire. At that time then Sapling went thither, going to the point designated by him. He arrived there, and, moreover, he stood there and looked around him. He looked and saw afar a cloud floating away whereon Flint was standing. Sapling said: "What manner of thing has come to pa** that thou art departing hence away?" Flint answered: "I myself did not will it." Sapling said: "Do thou come thence, hitherward." At that time the cloud that was floating away returned, and again approached the place where Sapling stood. Then this one said: "How did it happen that it started away?", Flint, replying, said: "It is not possible that I personally should have willed p. 217 it." Sapling rejoined: "How did it happen that thou didst not will it?" Then Flint said: "I did not do that." Sapling said: "It is true that it is impossible for thee to do it. Moreover, thou and I, verily, are again talking together. What kind of thing desirest thou? What is it that thou needest, that thou and I should again converse together?" Flint then said: "It is this; I thought that, perhaps, thou wouldst consent that the place where I shall continue to be may be less rigorous. And thou didst say: 'Thou art going to a very fine place.' And I desire that the place where thou wilt again put me be less rigorous than the former." Sapling said: "It shall thus come to pa**. I had hoped that, it may be, thou wouldst say, 'I now repent.' As a matter of fact it did not thus come to pa**. Thy mind is unchanged. So, now, I shall again send thee hence. I shall p. 218 send thee to the bottom of the place where it is hot." Now, at that time his body again fell downward. The place where he fell was exceedingly hot. At that time Sapling said:. "Not another time shalt thou come, forth thence." Then Sapling bound poor Flint with a hair. And he bound him with it that he should remain in the fire as long as the earth shall continue to be. Not until the time arrives when the earth shall come to an end will he then again break the bonds. Then Sapling departed thence. Moreover, it is said that this Sapling, in the manner in which he has life, has this to befall him recurrently, that he becomes old in body, and that when, in fact, his body becomes ancient normally, he then retransforms his body in such wise that he becomes a new man-being again and again recovers his youth, so that one would think p. 219 that he had just then grown to the size which a man-being customarily has when he reaches the youth of man-beings, as manifested by the change of voice at the age of puberty. Moreover, it is so that continuously the orenda immanent in his body--the orenda with which he suffuses his person, the orenda which he projects or exhibits, through which he is possessed of force and potency--is ever full, undiminished, and all-sufficient; and, in the next place, nothing that is otkon a or deadly, nor, in the next place, even the Great Destroyer, otkon in itself and faceless, has any effect on him, he being perfectly immune to its orenda; and, in the next place, there is nothing that can bar his way or veil his faculties. Moreover, it is verily thus with all the things that are contained in the, earth here present, that they severally retransform or exchange their bodies. It is thus with all the things [zoic] that sprout and grow, and, in the next place, with all things [actively zoic] that produce p. 220 themselves and grow, and, in the next place, at, the man-beings. All these are affected in the same manner, that they severally transform their bodies, and, in the next place, that they (actively zoic) retransform their bodies, severally, without cessation.