J. N. B. Hewitt - Iroquoian Cosmology - Mohawk Creation Myth lyrics


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J. N. B. Hewitt - Iroquoian Cosmology - Mohawk Creation Myth lyrics

A MOHAWK VERSION In the regions above there dwelt man-beings who knew not what it is to see one weep, nor what it is for one to die; sorrow and d**h were thus unknown to them. And the lodges belonging to them, to each of the ohwachiras a [families], were large, and very long, because each ohwachira usually abode in a single lodge. And so it was that within the circumference of the village there was one lodge which claimed two persons, a male man-being and a female man-being. Moreover, these two man-beings were related to each other as brother and sister; and they two were dehninō'taton b [down-fended]. p. 256 In the morning, after eating their first meal, it was customary for the people to go forth to their several duties. All the lodges belonging to the inhabitants of this place faced the rising and extended toward the setting sun. Now then, as to the place where these two down-fended persons abode, on the south side of the lodge there was an added room wherein dwelt the woman-being; but the man-being lived in an added room on the north side of the lodge. Then in the morning, when all had gone forth, the woman-being habitually availed herself of this opportunity to pa** through her doorway, then to cross the large room, and, on the opposite side of it, to enter the place wherein abode the man-being. There habitually she dressed his hair, and when she had finished doing this, it was her p. 257 custom to come forth and cross over to the other side of the lodge where was her own abiding place. So then, in this manner it was that she daily devoted her attention to him, dressing and arranging his hair. Then, after a time, it came to pa** that she to whom this female person belonged perceived that, indeed, it would seem that she was in delicate health; that one would indeed think that she was about to give birth to a child. So then, after a time, they questioned her, saving: "To whom of the man-beings living within the borders of the village art thou about to have a child?" But she, the girl child, did not answer a single word. Thus, then, it was at other times; they questioned her repeatedly, but she said nothing in answer to their queries. At last the day of her confinement came, and she gave birth to a child, and the child was a girl, but she persisted in refusing to tell who was its father. p. 258 But in the time preceding the birth of the girl child this selfsame man-being at times heard his kinsfolk in conversation say that his sister was about to give birth to a child. Now the man-being spent his time in meditating on this event, and after awhile he began to be ill. And, moreover, when the moment of his d**h had arrived, his mother sat beside his bed, gazing at him in his illness. She knew not what it was; moreover, never before had she seen anyone ill, because, in truth, no one had ever died in the place where these man-beings lived. So then, when his breathing had nearly ended, he then told his mother, saying to her: "Now, very soon shall I die." To that, also, his mother replied, saying: "What thing is that, the thing that thou sayest? What is about to happen?" When he answered, he said: "My breathing will cease; besides that, my flesh will become cold, p. 259 and then, also, the joints of my bones will become stiff, And when I cease breathing thou must close my eyes, using thy hands. At that time thou wilt weep, even as it itself will move thee [that is, thou wilt instinctively weep]. Besides that, the others, severally, who are in the lodge and who have their eyes fixed on me when I die, all these, I say, will be affected in the same manner. Ye will weep and your minds will be grieved." Notwithstanding this explanation, his mother did not understand anything he had said to her. And now, besides this, he told her still something more. He said: "When I am dead ye will make a burial-case. Ye will use your best sk**, and ye will dress and adorn my body. Then ye will place my body in the burial-case, and then ye will close it up, and in the added room toward the rising sun, on the inside of the lodge, ye will prepare well a place for it and place it up high." p. 260 So then, verily, when he had actually ceased breathing, his mother closed his eyes, using her hands to do this. Just as soon as this was accomplished, she wept; and also those others, including all those who were onlookers, were affected in just the same manner; they all wept, notwithstanding that never before this time had they known anyone, to die or to weep. Now then, indeed, they made him a burial-case, then there, high up in the added room in the lodge, they prepared a place with care, and thereon they put the burial-case. And the girl child lived in the very best of health, and, besides that, she grew in size very rapidly. Moreover, she had now reached that size and age when she could run hither and thither, playing about habitually. Besides this she could now talk. p. 261 Suddenly those in the lodge were greatly surprised that the child began to weep. For never before had it so happened to those who had children that these would be in the habit of weeping. So then her mother petted her, endeavoring to divert her mind, doing many things for this purpose; nevertheless she failed to quiet her. Other persons tried to soothe her by petting her, but none of their efforts succeeded in quieting her. After a while the mother of the child said: "Ye might try to quiet her by showing her that burial-case that lies up high, yonder, wherein the body of the dead man-being lies." So then they took the child up there and uncovered the burial-case. Now of course, she looked upon the dead man-being, and she immediately ceased from weeping. After a long time they brought her down therefrom, for she no longer lamented. And, besides this, her mind was again at ease. p. 262 It was so for a very long time. Then she began to weep again, and so, this time, her mother, as soon as possible, took her child up to where the dead man-being lay, and the child immediately ceased her lamenting. Again it was along time before one took her down therefrom. Now again she went tranquilly about from place to place playing joyfully. So then they made a ladder, and they erected the ladder so that whenever she should desire to see the dead man-being, it would then be possible for her to climb up to him by herself. Then, when she again desired to see the dead person, she climbed up there, though she did so by herself. So then, in this way matters progressed while she was growing to maturity. Whenever she desired to see the one who had died, she would habitually climb up to him. p. 263 In addition to these things, it was usual, when she sat on the place where the burial-case lay, that those who abode in the lodge heard her conversing, just as though she were replying to all that he said; besides this, at times she would laugh. But, when the time of her maturity had come, when this child had grown up, and she had again come down, as was her habit, from the place where the dead man-being lay, she said: "Mother, my father said"--when she said "my father," it then became certain who was her father--"'Now thou shalt be married. Far away toward the sunrising there he lives, and he it is who is the chief of the people that dwell there, and he it is that there, in that place, will be married to thee.' And now, besides this, he said: 'Thou shalt tell thy mother that she shall fill one burden basket with bread of sodden corn, putting p. 264 forth her best sk** in making it, and that she shall mix berries with the bread, which thou wilt bear with the forehead strap on thy back, when thou goest to the place where he dwells to whom thou shalt be married."' Then it was that her mother made bread of corn softened by boiling, and she mixed berries with the corn bread. So then, when it was cooked, she placed it in a burden basket, and it filled it very full. It was then, at this time, that the young woman-being said: "I believe I will go and tell it to my father." It was then that she again climbed up to the place where the dead man-being lay. Then those who were in the lodge heard her say: "Father, my mother has finished the bread." But that he made any reply to this, no one heard. So then it was in this manner that she conversed there with her dead father. Sometimes she would say: "So be it; I will." At other times p. 265 she would laugh. So after a while she came down and said: "My father said: 'To-morrow very early in the morning thou shalt start.'" So then, when the next day came, and also when they had finished eating their morning meal, the young woman-being at this time said: "Now I believe I will start; but I will also tell my father, I believe." At this time she now went thither where stood the ladder, and, climbing up to the place whereon lay the burial-case of the dead man-being, she said: "Father, I shall now start on my journey." So then again it was from what she herself said that it was learned that he was her father. It was at this time that he told her all that would befall her on her journey to her destination, and, moreover, what would happen after her arrival. So then, after she again came down, her mother took up for her the burden basket which was full of bread, and placed it on p. 266 the back of the young woman-being, to be borne by means of the forehead strap, and then the young woman-being went forth from the lodge and started on her journey, the path extending away toward the sunrising; and thither did she wend her way. So it was surprising to her what a short distance the sun had raised itself when she arrived at the place where her father had told her there was a river, where a floating log served as a crossing, and at which place it was the custom for wayfarers to remain over night, as it was just one day's journey away. So the young woman-being now concluded, therefore, that she had lost her way, thinking that she had taken a wrong path. She then retraced her steps. Only a very short distance again had the sun gone when she returned to the place whence she had started, and she said: "I do not know but that I have lost my way. So I will question my father about it again." She p. 267 thereupon climbed up again to the place where her father lay in the burial-case. Those who were in. the house heard her say: "Father, I came back thinking that, perhaps, I had lost my way, for the reason that I arrived so quickly at the point thou describedest to me as the place where I should have to remain over night; for the sun had moved scarcely any distance before I arrived where thou hadst told me there would be a river which is crossed by means of a log. This, then, is the aspect of the place whence I returned." At this time, then, he made answer to this, and she alone heard the things that he said, and those other people who were in the lodge did not hear what things he said. It is told that he replied, saying: "Indeed, thou hadst not lost thy way." Now it is reported that he said: "What kind of a log is it that is used in crossing there?" She answered, it is said: "Maple is p. 268 the kind of log that is used at the crossing, and the log is supported by clumps of young saplings of ba**wood and ironwood, respectively, on either side of the stream." He replied, it is said: "That appears to be accurate, indeed, in fact, thou didst not lose thy way." At this time, then, she descended and again started on her journey. And again, it seems, the sun had moved only just a little before she again arrived at the place whence she had returned. So she just kept on her journey and crossed the river. So, having gone only a short distance farther on her way, she heard a man-being in the shrubbery say therefrom: "Ahem!" She of course paid no attention to him, but kept on her way, since her father had told her what would happen to her on the journey. Thus, in this manner, she did nothing except hasten as she traveled on to her destination. Besides this, at times, another man-being would say from out p. 269 of the shrubbery: "Ahem!" But she kept on her course, only hastening her pace as much as possible as she continued her journey. But when she had arrived near the point where she should leave the forest, she was surprised to see a man-being coming toward her on the path, and he, when coming, at a distance began to talk, saving: "Stand thou, for a short time. Rest thyself, for now thou must be wearied." But she acted as though she had not heard what he said, for she only kept on walking. He gave up hope, because she would not even stop, so all that he then did was to mock her, saving: "Art thou not ashamed, since the man thou comest to seek is so old?" But, nevertheless, she did not stop. She did not change her course nor cease from moving onward, because her father had told her all that would happen to her while she trudged on her journey; this, then, is the reason that she did not stand. So then, after a while, she reached a gra**y clearing--a p. 270 clearing that was very large--in the center of which there lay a village, and the lodge of the chief of these people stood just in the middle of that village. Thither, then, to that place she went. And when she arrived at the place where stood his lodge, she kept right on and entered it. In the center of the lodge the fire burned, and on both sides of the fire were raised beds of mats. There the chief lay. She went on and placed beside him her basket of bread, and she said: "We two marry." So he spoke in reply saying: "Do thou sit on the other side of the fire." Thus, then, it came to pa**, that they two had the fire between them, and besides this they uttered not a word together even until it became dark. Then, when the time came, after dark, that people retire to sleep habitually, he made up his mat bed. After finishing it he made her a mat bed at the foot of his. He then said: "Thou shalt lie here." So thereupon she lay down there, and he p. 271 also lay down. They did not lie together; they only placed their feet together [sole to sole]. And when morning dawned, they two then arose. And now he himself kindled a fire, and when he had finished making the fire he then crossed the threshold into another room: he then came out bearing an onora [string of ears] of white corn. He said: "Do thou work. It is customary that one who is living among the people of her spouse must work. Thou must make mush of hulled corn." So she thereupon shelled the corn, and he himself went to bring water. He also got a pot, a pot that belonged to him, and that was very large. He poured the water into the pot and hung it over the fire. And when she had finished shelling the corn, she hulled it, parboiling the corn in the water. And when the corn was parboiled, she then poured the grains into a mortar. She then got the pestle from where p. 272 it stood, and pounded the corn to meal. She brought the pestle down only once, and the meal was finished. The chief marveled at this, for he had never seen one make meal in so short a time. When she finished the meal, the water in the pot which he had hung over the fire was boiling. She, thereupon, of course, was about to put the meal into it, but he said: "Do thou remove thy garments." So she then divested herself of her garments. She finished this work, and then put the meal into the water. Now she stirred it, using a pot stick for the purpose. But the man himself lay alongside on the mat bed, having his eyes fixed upon her as she worked. So, of course, as the mush continually spattered, drops of it fell continually in divers places on her, all along her naked body. But she acted just as though she did not feel this. When the mush was sufficiently cooked, her whole naked body was fully bespattered with mush. At this moment he himself now removed the pot from the fire, and then, moreover, he opened a door not far away and said: "My slaves, p. 273 do ye two come hither." Thereupon thence emerged two animals; they were two large dogs. He said: "Do ye two wipe from along her naked body the mush spots that have fallen on her." Thereupon his slaves, two individuals in number, and besides of equal size, went thither to the place where she was standing. Now, of course, they two licked her naked body many times in many places. But, it is said, their two tongues were so sharp that it was just as if one should draw a hot rod along over her naked body. It is said that wherever they two licked the blood came at once. So it is said that when they two had finished this work, she stood there bathed in blood. He thereupon said: "Now, do thou dress thyself again." And she did redress herself. But, it is said, he said to his two slaves: "Come, my slaves, do ye two eat, for now the food that was made for you is cooked." So then the two beasts ate. And when they two had p. 274 finished eating, he said to them: "Now do ye two reenter the other room." Thereupon they two reentered the other room, and moreover he shut them up therein. Then, it is reported, he said: "It is true, is it not, that thou desirest that thou and I should marry? So, now, thou and I do marry." So then the things that came to pa** as they did during the time she was there were all known to her beforehand, because her father had indeed foretold all these things to her; hence she was able with fortitude to suffer the burns without flinching, when the mush spattered on her while she was cooking. If she had flinched when the drops of hot mush fell on her, he would have said to her: "I do not believe that it is true that it is thy wish that thou and I should marry." Besides this she bore with fortitude the pain at the time when the two p. 275 dogs licked the mush from her body. If she had flinched to the point of refusing to finish her undertaking, it is also certain that he would have said: "It is of course not true that thou desirest that thou and I should marry." And when his two beasts had finished eating, he then, it is said, showed her just where his food lay. Thereupon she prepared it, and when she had completed the preparation thereof, they two then ate the morning meal. It is said that she pa**ed three nights there, and they two did not once lie together. Only this was done, it is reported: When they two lay down to sleep, they two placed their feet together, both placing their heads in opposite directions. Then, it is said, on the third morning, he said: "Now thou shalt again go thither to the place whence thou hast come. One basket of dried venison thou shalt bear thither on thy back by means of the forehead p. 276 strap. I will give some meat to thy people. Moreover, the entire village of people with whom thou dwellest in one place must all share alike in the division of the meat when thou arrivest there." Thereupon, it is told, he climbed up above and drew down quarters of meat that had been dried. It is said that he piled it very high in the lodge before he descended. He then put the meat into her burden basket until it was full. Then, it is told, he took up the basket, and he shook the basket to pack the meat close. It actually did settle so much, it is told, that there was but a small quantity [apparently] in the basket. Now, he again began to put meat into the basket. It was again filled. And he again shook it to cause it to settle, and again it settled until it occupied but a very small space in the basket. Thus he used all the meat thrown down, and yet the basket was not full. Thrice, it is told, he drew down the quarters of p. 277 meat, and each time, it is said, did the meat nearly fill the lodge. Not until then was the basket filled. So then, when the basket was full, it is told, he said: "When thou arrivest there, thou and the inhabitants of the place must a**emble in council, and the meat shall be equally divided among you. Moreover, thou must tell them that they severally must remove the thatched roofs from their lodges when the evening darkness comes, and that they must severally go out of them. And they must store all the corn [hail] that will fall in the lodges, for, indeed, verily, it will rain corn [hail] this very night when thou arrivest there. So now thou must bear on thy back by means of the forehead strap this basket of dried venison." Thereupon he took up the basket for her, and he said: "Thou must carefully adjust the burden strap in the proper place, because it will then not be possible for thee to move the burden strap to a new place, no matter how tired soever p. 278 thou mayest become, until thou indeed arrivest there. Now, at that time thou must remove thy burden." So then, when she had completed her preparations, she adjusted the burden strap so that it pa**ed over her forehead at the fittest point. She then said: "Now I believe I have completed my preparations, as well as chosen just where the burden strap shall pa**." Thereupon he released his hands from holding up the basket for her, and now, moreover, she started on her journey homeward. Now, moreover, the basket she carried on her back was not at all heavy. But when she had gone perhaps one-half of the way back on her journey, the burden began to be heavy in a small measure. Then, as she continued her journey, it gradually became heavier. The instant she reached the inside of the lodge, the burden strap became detached and the basket fell to the ground, and the dried meat fell out of it. The meat filled the space within the lodge, for did she not bring much p. 279 meat on her back? For thrice, is it not true, he had pulled down meat in his lodge when he was putting the meat into her basket at the time when he was making up her burden? It was then that she told them that they must remove the thatched roofs from their lodges when it became evening. Then she said: "He has sent you some meat. Now then, my kinsfolk, take up this meat lying in the lodge." Then at that time her people took up the dried meat, and so they all carried it away. She then said: "Ye must remove the thatched roofs from the lodges that severally belong to you the first time ye go to sleep, because my spouse has sent word that he will give you some white corn [white grains] during the time that ye will again be asleep. It will rain white grains while ye again are asleep." So, when it became dark, p. 280 it showered corn [hail] during the entire night, and so by this means they had much grain [hail] when day dawned. Then, in truth, they removed the roofs from their several lodges, and they retired to sleep. So, when they awakened, in truth, then there was very much corn [hail] lying in the lodges. The white corn [grain] lay above one's knees in depth. Thus lay the white corn, for so long as they slept it showered white corn [grain]. The reason that he gave her people corn was because he had espoused one of their people. After a suitable time she started back, going to the lodge of her spouse. Verily she again made the journey in the same time that it took her the first time she went thither. So then, when she arrived there, she of course at that time related to him all that had happened p. 281 to her during her journey to and from home. Of course they two now abode together, for the reason, of course, that they two were espoused. After a time he then said: "I am ill." So then, his people marveled at what he said, for the reason that they did not know what it was for one to be ill. So, therefore, at the time when they comprehended what had occurred in regard to him, they, of course, individually, as was customary, studied the matter, and informed the man who was ill what to do. It would seem, one would imagine, that his illness did not abate thereby, even though many different persons made the attempt, and his recovery was yet an unaccomplished task. So thus it stood; they continued to seek to divine his Word. Then, therefore, when they failed to cure his illness, they questioned him, saving: "How, then, perhaps, may we do that thou mayest recover from thy p. 282 illness?' Then he answered them, saying: "I am thinking that, perhaps, I should recover from my illness if ye would uproot the tree standing in my dooryard [on my shade], and if there beside the place from which ye uproot the tree I should lay myself in a position recumbent." So thereupon his people uprooted the tree that stood in his dooryard. This tree belonged to the species wild cherry [dogwood; in Tuscarora, Nakwĕñnĕn'iĕñthuç], and was constantly adorned with blossoms that gave light to the people dwelling there; for these flowers were white, and it was because of this that the blossoms gave light, and, therefore, they were the light orb [sun] of the people dwelling there. So when they had uprooted the tree, he said to his spouse: "Do thou spread for me something there beside the place where stood the tree." Thereupon she, in fact, spread something for him there, and p. 283 he then lay down on what she had spread for him. And so, when he lay there, he said to his spouse: "Here sit thou, beside my body." Now at that time she did sit beside his body as he lay there. He then said to her: "Do thou hang thy legs down into the abyss." For where they had uprooted the tree there came to be a deep hole, which extended through to the nether world, and the earth was upturned about it. That, then, it is true, came to pa**, that while he lay there his suffering was mitigated. All his people were a**embled there, and moreover, they had their eyes fixed on him as he lay there ill, marveling at this thing that had befallen him himself; for the people dwelling here did not know what it is to be ill. So then, when he had, seemingly, recovered from his illness, he turned himself over, p. 284 turning upon his side, and then, resting himself on his elbows, he at the same time looked into the hole. After a while he said: "Do thou look thither into the hole to see what things are occurring there in yonder place." He said this to his spouse. Thereupon she bent forward her body into the hole and looked therein. Whereupon he placed his fingers against the nape of her neck and pushed her, and she fell into the hole. Then he arose to a standing posture, and said to his people: "Now do ye replace the tree that ye have uprooted. Here, verily, it lies." They immediately reset the tree, so that it stood just as it did before the time they uprooted it. But as to this woman-being, she of course fell into the hole, and kept falling in the darkness thereof. After a while she pa**ed through it. Now when she had pa**ed through the thickness thereof to the other p. 285 world she of course looked about her in all directions, and saw on all sides of her that everything was blue in color; that there was nothing else for her to see. She knew nothing of what would, perhaps, happen to her, for she did not cease from falling. But after a time she looked and saw something; but she knew nothing of the thing she saw. But, verily, she now indeed was looking on a great expanse of water, albeit she herself did not know what it was. So this is what she saw: On the surface of the water, floating about hither and thither, like veritable canoes, were all forms and kinds of ducks (waterfowl). Thereupon Loon noticed her, and he suddenly shouted, saying: "A man-being, a female one is coming up from the depths of the water." Then Bittern spoke in turn, saying: "She is not indeed coming up out of the depths of the water." He said: "She is indeed falling from above." Whereupon p. 286 they held a council to decide what they should do to provide for her welfare. They finally decided to invite the Great Turtle to come. Loon thereupon said to him: "Thou shouldst float thy body above the place where thou art in the depths of the water." In the first place, they sent a large number of ducks of various kinds. These flew and elevated themselves in a very compact body and went up to meet her on high.. And on their backs, thereupon did her body alight. Then slowly they descended, bearing her body on their backs. Great Turtle had satisfactorily caused his carapace to float. There upon his back they placed her. Then Loon said: "Come, ye who are deep divers, which one of you is able to dive so as to fetch up earth?" Thereupon one by one they severally dived into the water. It was at p. 287 this time that Beaver made the attempt and dived. The time was long and there was only silence. It was a long time before his back reappeared. He came up dead, his breathing having failed him. Thereupon they examined his paws, but he had brought up no earth. Then Otter said: "Well, let it be my turn now; let me make another attempt." Whereupon he dived. A longer time elapsed before he came to the surface. He also came up dead in his turn. They then examined his paws also. Neither did he, it is said, bring up any earth. It was then that Muskrat said: "I also will make the desperate attempt." So then he dove into the water. It was a still longer time that he, in turn, was under water. Then, after a while, he floated to the surface, coming up dead, having lost his breath. Thereupon, again, they examined the inside of his paws also. They found mud. He brought up his paws and his mouth full of mud. p. 288 It was then that they made use of this mud. They coated the edge of the carapace of the Great Turtle with the mud. Now it was that other muskrats, in their turns, dived into the water to fetch mud. They floated to the surface dead. In this way they worked until they had made a circuit of the carapace of the Great Turtle, placing mud thereon, until the two portions of the work came together. Thereupon Loon said: "Now there is enough. Now it will suffice." Thereupon the muskrats ceased from diving to fetch up mud. Now, verily, this man-being sat on the carapace of the Great Turtle. After the lapse of sufficient time, she went to sleep. After a while she awoke. Now then, the carapace of the Great Turtle was covered with mud. Then, moreover, the earth whereon she sat had become enlarged in size. At that time she looked and saw that willows had grown up to bushes along the edge of the water. Then also, when p. 289 she again awoke, the carca** of a deer, recently k**ed, lay there, and now besides this, a small fire burned there, and besides this, a sharp stone lay there. Now, of course, she dressed and quartered the carca** of the deer and roasted some pieces thereof, and she ate her fill. So, when she had finished her repast, she again looked about her. Now, a**uredly, the earth had increased much in size, for the earth grew very rapidly. She, moreover, saw another thing; she saw growing shrubs of the rose-willow along the edge of the water. Moreover, not long after, she saw a small rivulet take up its course. Thus, then, things came to pa** in their turn. Rapidly was the earth increasing in size. She then looked and saw all species of herbs and gra**es spring from the earth, and also saw that they began to grow toward maturity. p. 290 Now also, when the time had come for her to be delivered, she gave birth to a female man-being, a girl child. Then, of course, they two, mother and daughter, remained there together. It was quite astonishing how rapidly the girl child grew. So then, when she had attained her growth, she of course was a maiden. They two were alone; no other man-being moved about there in any place. So then, of course, when she had grown up and was a maiden, then, of course, her mother was in the habit of admonishing her child, saying, customarily: "Thou wilt tell me what manner of person it is who will visit thee, and who will say customarily: 'I desire that thou and I should marry.' Do not thou give ear to this; but say, customarily: 'Not until I first ask my mother."' Now then, in this manner, matters progressed. First one, then another, came along, severally asking her to become his wife, and she p. 291 customarily replied: "Not until I first ask my mother." When she would tell her mother what manner of person had asked her to marry him, her mother would answer, saying customarily: "No; he is not the person." But after a while the maiden said: "One who has a deep fringe along his legs and arms paid a visit." The elder woman said: "That is the one, I think, that it will be proper for you to marry." Thereupon she returned to the place where the young man stood. She said: "We should marry, she says." The young man answered, saying: "When it is dark, I shall return." So then, when the appointed time arrived, he also came back. Then it was that he paid court to her. But, I think, they two, he and the maid, did not lie together. When she lay down so that she p. 292 could sleep, he laid one of his arrows beside her body. Thereupon he departed. Then, at his return, he again took his arrow and departed again, carrying the arrow away with him. He never came back afterward. After a while the elder woman became aware that the maiden was growing in size, caused by the fact that she was pregnant. So when the day of her delivery had come, she brought forth twins, two male infants. But during the time that she was in travail, the maiden heard the two talking within her body. One of them said: "This is the place through which we two shall emerge from here. It is a much shorter way, for, look thou, there are many transparent places." But the other person said: "Not at all. Assuredly, we should k** her by doing this thing. Howbeit, let us go out that other way, the way that one, having become a human being, will use as an exit. We will turn around and in a downward direction we two will p. 293 go." So then the former one confirmed what this one had proposed, when this one said: "Thus it shall continue to be." But, however, he now contested another matter. He did not comply when the, second one said: "Do thou take the lead." He said: "Not at all; do thou go ahead." So then it was in this manner that they two contended, and he who said: "Right in this very place let us two go straight out, for a**uredly this way is as near as that," gained his point. Finally, the other agreed that he himself should take the lead. At that time, then, he turned about, and at once he was born. So at that time his grandmother took him up and cared for him. Then she laid him aside. At that time she again gave attention to her [the daughter], for now, indeed, another travail did she suffer. But that other one emerged in another place. He came out of her armpit. So, as to him, he k**ed his mother. Then, his p. 294 grandmother took him up and attended to his needs also. She completed this task and laid him alongside of the one who had first come. So thereupon she devoted her attention to her child who was dead. Then, turning herself about to face the place where she had laid the two infants, she said: "Which of you two destroyed my child?" One of them answered, saving: "Verily, he himself it is, I believe." This one who had answered was a very marvelously strange person as to his form. His flesh was nothing but flint. a Over the top of his head there was, indeed, a sharp comb of flint. It was therefore on this account that he emerged by way of her armpit. But the flesh of the other was in all respects similar in kind to that of a man-being. He spoke, saying: "He himself, indeed, k**ed her." The other one replied, saying: "Not at all, indeed." He again p. 295 said: "Indeed, he himself k**ed her." Thus then, in this manner, the two debated. But he who was guilty of k**ing her did not swerve from his denial, and so then he finally won his point. Whereupon their grandmother seized the body of him whose flesh was verily that of a man-being and with all her might cast him far into the bushes. But the other, whose flesh was flint, was taken up and cared for by her. And it was also wonderful how much she loved him. Now, in its turn, she again laid her hands on the flesh body of her girl child, who was verily now not alive. She cut off her head and said: "Even though thou art now dead, yet, albeit, thou shalt continue to have a function to perform." And now she took up the flesh body and hung it on a tree standing hard by her lodge, and she said: "Thou shalt continue to give light to this earth here present. But the head also she hung in another place, and she said: "Thou also p. 296 shalt continue to have a function. Thou shalt have less power to give light." Thus then she completed her arrangements for supplying herself with light. Now, a**uredly, she had made fast the sun for herself, and also the moon. She imposed on them the duty of furnishing her with light for their part. Verily, indeed, it was the head of her girl child who was dead that she used to make the moon, but her body she made into the sun. They were to be fixed always in one place, and were not to be moving from place to place. Now, besides this, she restricted them to herself and her grandson, saying: "We two, entirely alone, shall ever be supplied by this light. No other person shall use it, only we two ourselves." When she had now, indeed, finished all of her task, she was surprised by the moving of the, gra**es at the spot whither she had cast the other one of her grandchildren. He was alive; he had p. 297 not died; for she thought when she had cast him far away that he would, of course, die, but, howbeit, he had not died. He walked about there among the bushes. But after a while he came thence toward the lodge of his grandmother, but she ordered him away, saying: "Go thou far off yonder. I have no desire whatever to look on thee, for thou it is, a**uredly, who hast k**ed my girl child. So, then, therefore, go thou far off yonder." Verily, he then went from there. But, albeit, he was moving about in a place not far from the place where the lodge stood. Besides this, the male child was in good health, and his growth was rapid. After awhile he made for himself a bow and also an arrow. Of course he now went about shooting from place to place. He went, indeed, about from place to place, for now, of course, the earth was indeed of considerable size. The earth, indeed, verily p. 298 continued to grow in size. So at times he would return to the side of the lodge. The, other boy, his younger brother, looked and saw that he had a bow and also an arrow. Then he spoke to her, his grandmother, saying: "Thou shouldst make for me a bow and also an arrow, so that I also should have them." So, thereupon, she made him a bow and also an arrow; and, then, therefore, they both had bows and arrows. So now, verily, they two wandered about shooting. So then he whose body was exactly like that of a man-being went in his shooting along a lake shore, even at the water's edge. There stood a clump of bushes there, whereon rested a flock of birds. He shot at them and they flew over the lake, but the arrow fell into the water. Thereupon he went thither to the water's edge, and cast himself into the lake; he desired to go and recover his arrow. So when he leaped into the p. 299 water, he did not feel that he had plunged into the water, because he fell supine on the ground. There was no water there. He arose and was surprised that a lodge stood there, and that he had arisen beside the doorway. He looked into the lodge and saw a man sitting therein. The man who was sitting in the lodge said: "Enter thou here." So then he entered, and he who sat therein said: "Thou hast now arrived. I a**uredly invited thee that thou shouldst come here. Here, then, lies the reason that I sent for thee. It is because I hear customarily the kind of language thy grandmother uses toward thee. She tells thee that she does not love thee, and the reason of it is that she believes that what Tawĭ'skaron' customarily says is true. He says, customarily, of course, that thou k**edst her who was the mother of p. 300 you two. Now, what he customarily says is not true, and the grandmother of you two firmly believes the things that he says, so that is the reason that I desire that thou shouldst come hither. For the fact is, she discriminates between you two, loving him, but not thee. Here, then, I have made a bow and an arrow as well for thee. Here, then, take them." So thereupon he accepted them. They were marvelously fine in appearance. He said: "Thou must make use of these as thou goest about shooting, for sometimes thou hast asked thy grandmother to make thee a bow somewhat better than the one thou madest for thyself, yet she would, customarily, not give ear to it, and besides that she would habitually refuse, and then order thee away. She would customarily say: 'Go thou from here. I have no desire to be looking at thee, for thou art the one a**uredly who k**ed my girl child.' Now this, customarily, was the kind of discourse she spoke. So now, then, another thing. Here, of course, are two p. 301 ears of sweet corn. These thou must take away with thee. One of the ears is not yet ripe; it is still in its milky state, but, as to the other. it is mature. Thou must take them with thee. As to the one in the milky state, thou must roast it for thyself; but as to the one that is mature, it shall be for seed corn." Thereupon, then, when he had finished speaking, telling him all things, he said: "Here they are, then." Whereupon he took them. It was at this time also that he told him, saying: "But, as to that, I am thy parent." That was said by him whose lodge stood there and who is the Great Turtle. Then the young man departed. So then when he had returned home in traveling, he would habitually run along the lake shore and would say, customarily: "Let this earth keep on growing." He said: "People call me Maple Sprout p. 302 [paragraph continues] [Sapling].," Verily, as far as he customarily ran, so far the earth grew anew, and., besides that, maple saplings customarily would produce themselves. So then, it was his custom to do thus. On whatever side in turn he would run along the shore of the lake, just as far as he would run, just so far would this come to pa**: new earth would form itself, and also maple saplings formed themselves into trees. He also said, customarily, as he ran along: "Let the earth increase in size" and: "Maple Sapling will people habitually call me." Thus it was, by means of this kind, that the earth became enlarged to the size it now has when we look at the size of this world. So then, at this time, in turn, he formed severally the various bodies of the animals. Therefore, Sapling customarily would take up a handful of earth, and would cast it upward. Customarily, many hundreds of living things, as many as the handfuls he threw up, p. 303 flew away in different directions. He customarily said: "This shall continue to be your condition. When ye wander from place to place, ye must go in flocks." Thereupon a duty devolved upon this species of animals, for example, that they should habitually make roosts. Now, of course, different animals were severally asked to volunteer to aid man. Whichever of them would give ear to this, would say to it: "I, I think, will volunteer." Thereupon they would customarily ask him, saying: "Well then, permit us to see in what way thou wilt act when thou protectest thy offspring." The Bear, therefore, volunteered. Now then he acted so rudely that it was very marvelously terrifying. The manner in which he would act ugly would, I think, k** people. Thus, indeed, he exhibited to them how he would defend his offspring. They said: "Not at all, we think, shouldst thou volunteer." Whereupon, of course, others p. 304 offered themselves as volunteers. Nevertheless, none were acceptable, because their methods of defending their offspring were terrible. So one after another volunteered. After a while the Pigeon said: "It is time now, I think, that I should volunteer." Whereupon, a**uredly, they said: "How then wilt thou do when thou protectest thy offspring? Let us see." Then Pigeon flew hither and thither, uttering cries as it went. Then sometimes it would again alight on a bough of a tree. In a short time it would again fly, winging its way from place to place, uttering cries. So then they said: "Now, this will be suitable." At the same time they had lying by them a dish containing bear's oil; they therein immersed Pigeon, and they said: "So fat shall thy offspring customarily be." It is for this reason that the young of the pigeon are as fat as a bear usually is. p. 305 During this time Tawĭ'skaron' was watching what Sapling was doing. Thereupon he began to imitate him by also making animal bodies. But this work was too difficult for him to allow his doing it correctly. He failed to make correctly the bodies of the animals just as they are. He formed the body of a bird as he knew it. So, when he had finished its form, he let it go, and now, I think, it flew. Forsooth, it succeeded in flying, but it flew without any objective point. And, I believe, it did not become a bird. Now then he had completed the body of what we know as the bat. So then, when he, Sapling, had completed in their order the bodies of the marvelously various kinds of animals, they began to wander over the face of the earth here present. Then, as Sapling was traveling about over the face of the earth, he, after a while, marveled greatly that he could not in any p. 306 place still see the different kinds of animals. Thereupon he traveled about over the face of the earth seeking for them. He also thought, forsooth: "This is an astonishing matter; where, perhaps, have they gone--they, the animals whose bodies I have made?" So then, while he went from place to place, and while he was looking for the animals, he was startled. Near him a leaf made a noise, and looking thither he was surprised to see a mouse peering up there among the leaves. The mouse that he saw is called the Deer-mouse, and, of course, he had intended to shoot it, but the Deer-mouse spoke to him, saying: "Do thou not k** me. I will tell thee then where have gone those things thou art seeking, the animals." So then in truth he resolved not to k** it, and then he spoke and said: "Whither then have the animals gone?" Thereupon the Deer-mouse said: "In that direction there is p. 307 a range of great mountains of rock. There in the rocks they abide, and are indeed shut up. If, when thou arrivest there, thou lookest, thou wilt see a large stone placed over the cavern, which stone one has used for the purpose of closing it up. It is Tawĭ'skaron' himself and his grandmother who have together done this; it is they who imprisoned the, animals." So then, therefore, he went thither. It was true then that a stone lay over the place where was the opening into the rock; it was closed therewith. So he then removed the stone from it, and he now said: "Do ye all come forth. For, a**uredly, when I caused you to be alive, did I intend that ye should be imprisoned here. Assuredly, I intended that ye should continue to roam from place to place over this earth, which I have caused to be extant." Thereupon they did in fact come forth. There was a rumbling sound, as their feet gave forth sounds while p. 308 they kept coming forth. So, at this time, the grandmother of Tawĭ'skaron' said: "What thing, perhaps, is now happening? There is a rumbling sound." She thus addressed her grandson, Tawĭ'skaron'. Before Tawĭ'skaron' could reply, she spoke again, saying: "It is true, undoubtedly, that Sapling has found them there where thou and I have the animals imprisoned. So then, let us two go at once to the place wherein we two immured them." Then at once they two went out, and without delay ran thither. So when they two arrived there, it was even so; the Sapling stood there, having opened the cavern in the rock, and verily a line of animals ever so long was running. The two rushed forward and took up the stone again, and again shut in those that had not come out, and these are animals great in size and now dwelling therein. p. 309 Sapling kept saying: "Do ye two not again immure them." Nevertheless, Tawĭ'skaron' and his grandmother just placed thereon other stones. So then the kinds of animals that we know are only those that came out again. So then it came to pa** that Sapling, as he traveled from place to place, went, after a while, along the shore of the lake. There, not far away, he saw Tawĭ'skaron', making for himself a bridge of stone [ice] across the lake, which already extended far out on the water. a Thereupon Sapling went to the place where he went on working. So then, when he arrived there, he said: "Tawĭ'skaron', what is this that thou art doing for thyself?" He replied, saying: "I am making a pathway for myself." And then, pointing in the direction toward which he was building the bridge, he added: "In that direction there is a land where dwell great animals of fierce dispositions. As soon as I complete my p. 310 pathway to that other land, thereon will they habitually come over. Along this pathway will they be in the habit of coming across the lake to eat habitually the flesh of human beings who are about to be [who are about to dwell here] on this earth." So then Sapling said to him: "Thou shouldst cease the work that thou art doing. Assuredly the intention of thy mind is not good." He replied, saying: "I will not cease from what I am doing, for, of course, it is good that these great animals shall be in the habit of coming hither to eat the flesh of human beings who will dwell here." So, of course, he did not obey and cease from building the bridge for himself. Thereupon Sapling turned back and reached dry land. So along the shore of the sea grew shrubs. He saw a bird sitting on a limb of one. The bird belonged to the cla** of birds that we p. 311 are accustomed to call the bluebirds. Sapling then said to the Bluebird b: "Thou shalt k** a cricket. Thou shalt remove one hind leg from it, and thou shalt hold it in thy mouth, and thou shalt go thither to the very place where Tawĭ'skaron' is working. Hard by the place where he is working thou shalt alight, and thou shalt cry out." The bird replied, saying: "Yo‘' [very well]." Thereupon it verily did seek for a cricket. After a while it found one, and k**ed it, too. Then it pulled out one of its hind legs and put it into its mouth to hold, and then it flew, winging its way to the place where Tawĭ'skaron' was at work making himself a bridge. There it alighted hard by him at his task. Of course it then shouted, saying: "Kwe‘, kwe‘, kwe‘, kwe‘, kwe‘." a Thereupon Tawĭ'skaron' upraised p. 312 his head and looked and saw a bird sitting there. He believed from what he saw that it held in its mouth the thigh of a man-being, and also that its mouth was wholly covered with blood. It was then that Tawĭ'skaron' sprang up at once and fled. As fast as he ran the bridge which he was making was dissipated. a Now then, verily, the father of Sapling had given him sweet corn, and now he roasted this corn. A great odor, a sweet odor, was diffused. So when the grandmother of Tawĭ'skaron' smelt it, she said: "What other thing again is Sapling roasting for himself?" She addressed Tawĭ'skaron' saying: "Well, let us two go to see it, where he has his fire built." Now, of course, they two had at once uprisen, and they p. 313 two ran. They two arrived where he had kindled his fire, and they two saw that it was true that he was roasting for himself an ear of sweet corn. Verily, the fatness was issuing from it in streams on the grains, along the rows of grains until only the cob was left, so fat was the corn. The grandmother of Tawĭ'skaron' said: "Whence didst thou bring this?" He replied: "My father gave it to me." She answered, saying: "Thou dost even intend that the kinds of men who are to dwell here shall live as pleasantly as this, hereon this earth." And just then she took up a handful of ashes, and she cast them on the ear of corn that was roasting. At once the fat of the corn ceased from issuing from the roasting ear. But Sapling very severely rebuked his grandmother for doing this. Whereupon he again took up the ear of corn and wiped off the ashes that had fallen upon it. Then he again set it to p. 314 roast; but it was just possible for it to exude only a small amount of fatness again, as it is now when one roasts ears for himself. It is barely visible, so little does the fatness exude. Now the grandmother of Sapling fetched ripened corn that Sapling had planted, and she shelled it. Then she poured it into a mortar. And now she took the pestle and with it pounded the corn, and she made haste in her pounding, and she said: "Verily, thou wouldst have mankind exceedingly well provided. Verily, they shall customarily be much wearied in getting bread to eat. In this manner then shall they customarily do with the mortar and also the pestle." She herself had finished them. Whereupon Sapling rebuked her for what she had done. He, in regard to this matter, said: "That which thou hast done is not good." Then, verily, while Sapling was traveling, he was surprised to find p. 315 that it became dark. So then he mused, saying: "Why, this seems to be a marvelous matter, this thing that thus takes place." Thereupon he returned homeward. Arrived there, he found the sun in no place whatsoever, nor did he find Tawĭ'skaron' and his grandmother. It was then that he looked about him. So then he looked and saw a light which was like the dawn. Therefrom he understood that the sun was in that place. He therefore sought servants who would accompany him to fetch the sun. Spider volunteered; so also did Beaver; so also did Hare; so also did Otter. So at this time they made themselves a canoe. When they had completed the canoe, they all then placed themselves in the canoe, and they then of course began to paddle, directing their course toward the place where the dawn shone forth, toward the p. 316 place where lay the sun. The trees stood together, and on their tops lay the sun. So then Sapling said: "Thou, Beaver, do thou cut down the tree; and thou, Spider, shalt climb the tree, and at the top of the tree thou shalt fasten thy cord. Then thou shalt descend, hanging by thy cord, until thou reachest the ground." And he said to Hare: "As soon as the tree falls, thou must seize the sun. Thou art a**uredly an adept at skulking through the underbrush. No matter how difficult the ground be, thou art able of course to flee by stealth, if at this time it so be that one pursue thee from place to place." He said: "But thou, Otter, shalt care for the canoe. If it be so that we all get aboard the canoe, thou shalt turn back the canoe at once." p. 317 All this, then, came to pa**. Beaver, of course, worked there, biting out pieces from the tree; and Spider, for his part, climbed to the tree top, and having reached the top, he then, verily, fastened his cord about it. Thereupon he let himself down, and again alighted on the earth. So then, when there was, of course, little to cut, and the prospect was encouraging that it would be possible to fell the tree, then Spider pulled on the cord. Then, in fact, the tree toppled over. Thereupon Hare rushed forward and seized the sun, for, indeed, Tawĭ'skaron' and his grandmother both came running up. It was then that Hare fled, taking the sun away with him. Now, of course, they pursued him in many places; he fleetly scurried through the shrubbery. After a time he directed his course straight for the canoe; for then, p. 318 indeed, the others, his friends, were aboard the canoe. He came thither on the bound, and got aboard the canoe. At the same time with this, Otter pushed off the canoe, and they again began to paddle. So then, as they rowed back, Otter, it is said, did verily continue to talk. They forbade him, but he did not obey. Then a person struck him a blow with a paddle on his mouth. (It is for this reason that now the mouth of the Otter is such that one would think that it had been broken off long ago. His lower jaw is shorter than the upper. It is plain where one struck him with a paddle.) So when they had arrived at home, Sapling said: "It shall not continue to be thus, that a single person rules over the sun." Then it was that he cast the sun up to the center of the sky, saving: "There where the sky is present, thereto must thou keep thyself p. 319 attached, and, besides this, thou shalt continuously journey onward." He pointed thither, and said: "'The place where it plunges itself into the deep [that is, the west]' people will habitually call the place whither thou shalt habitually descend, the place wherein thou shalt habitually be immersed. At these times, verily, darkness will come upon the earth present here; and 'The place where the sun rises [that is, the east]' people will habitually call the place whence thou wilt habitually peer out, and people will say, 'Now the Sun has come out.' Then shalt thou raise thyself upward therefrom. Thus thou shalt continue to have this function to perform. Thou shalt continue to give light to this earth." Besides this he said: "Whensoever mankind mention thee, they will ever say customarily: 'He is the Great Warrior who supplies us with light.'" So then, in its turn, now came of course the luminary, the Moon, which was his mother's head, p. 320 and which his grandmother had also placed on the top of a standing tree. This, too, he threw up to the sky, saying: "The power of thy light at night shall be less." He added: "At times they will see thee in full. Every night thy size shall diminish until it is gone. Then again, thou shalt every night increase in size from a small beginning. Every night, then, thou shalt grow until the time comes when thou hast completed thy growth. So now, thus it shall be as to thy mode of existence." Moreover he said: "Whenever mankind who shall dwell here on earth mention thee, they will keep saying customarily: 'Our Grandmother, the luminary pertaining to the night.'" Then Sapling now formed the body of a man a and also that of a woman [of the race of mankind]. His younger brother, Tawĭ'skaron', p. 321 watched him there. So then, when he had, of course, caused them to live, he placed them together. Then it was that Sapling started upon a journey to inspect the condition of the things he had finished on the earth then standing forth. Then, at that time, he came again to review those things and to see what things man [of the human race] was doing. Then he returned to the place in which he had given them liberty. So then he found the two doing nothing except sleeping habitually. He merely looked at them, and went away. But when he came again their condition was unchanged; they slept habitually. Thus then, in this manner matters stood the very few times he visited them, the condition was unchanged; they slept customarily. Thereupon he took a rib from each, and substituted the one for the other, and replaced each one in the other body Then, of course, he watched them, p. 323 thinking of what perhaps might now happen. It was therefore not long before the woman awoke. Then she sat up. At once she touched the breast of the man lying at her side, just where he had placed her rib, and, of course, that tickled him. Thereupon he awoke. Then, of course, that matter was started--that matter which concerns mankind in their living; and they also started that matter for which in their kind their bodies are provided--that matter for which reason he is a male human being and she a female human being. Then Tawĭ'skaron' also formed a human being, but he was not able to imitate Sapling, as the form of the human being he poorly made showed. Tawĭ'skaron' addressed Sapling, saying: "Do thou look, I also am able, myself, to form a human being." So when Sapling looked at that which p. 323 made him say "I am able to form a human being," he saw that what he had formed were not human beings at all. The things he formed were possessed of human faces and the bodies of otkon [monsters], subtly made otkon. Sapling spoke to him, saving: "That a**uredly is the reason that I forbade thee, for of course thou art not able to do as I myself am doing continually." Tawĭ'skaron' answered, saying: "Thou wilt nevertheless see that I can after all do as thyself art doing continually, because, indeed, I possess as much power as thou hast." Now, verily, at this time they two separated. And now, Sapling again traveled from place to place on the surface of the earth. He went to view things that he had completed. After a while, then, Sapling promenaded along the shore of the sea. There he saw Tawĭ'skaron' p. 324 standing about in different places. At the water's edge lay the body of a man-being who was as white as foam a. When Sapling arrived there, he said: "What is this that thou art doing?" Tawĭ'skaron' replied, saying: "Assuredly, I have made the body of a male man-being. This person whose body lies here is better-looking than is the one whom thou hast made." Assuredly, I have told thee that I have as much power as thou hast; yea, that my power is greater than is thy power. Look thou, a**uredly his body is as white as is the body of the one whom thou hast formed." Sapling answered, saying: "What thou sayest is a**uredly true. So then, if it be so, let me be looking while he makes movements of his body and arises. Well, let him stand, and also let him walk." Whereupon Flint said: "Come! Do thou p. 325 arise. But he that lay there did not make a single movement. Then, of course, Tawĭ'skaron' put forth all his sk** to cause this being to live and then to arise. He did everything possible to do it but he could not effect his purpose and failed to cause him to come to life, for he did not come to life. Then Sapling said: "Is this not what I have been saying, that thou art not able to do as I can do?" He added: "What purpose, in its turn, will be served by having his body lying here, having no life? Is it only this, that he shall always lie here? That is the reason that I habitually forbid thee to make also the things that thou seest me making; for, a**uredly, thou art not able to do the things that I am doing." So then, of course, Tawĭ'skaron' said: "Well, then, do thou cause that one there to live." So, in truth, Sapling consented to this. He drew near to the place where the man p. 326 lay, and bent over and breathed into his nostrils, and he at once began to breathe, and lived. He said to him: "Do thou arise and also do thou stand, also do thou keep traveling about on this earth." The body of a woman had he also formed at that place. Sapling caused both of them to live. Tawĭ'skaron' spoiled and undid some of the things that Sapling had prepared. The rivers to-day in their different courses have been changed, for, in forming the rivers, Sapling provided them with two currents, each running in a contrary course, currents made for floating objects in opposite directions; or it may be that it is a better explanation to say that in the middle of the river there was a division, each side going in a direction contrary to that of the opposite side, because Sapling had intended that mankind should not have, as a usual thing, any difficult labor while they should be traveling. If, for any reason, a p. 327 person would wish to descend the current, it would indeed not be a difficult matter simply to place himself in a canoe, and then, of course, to descend the current of the river; and then, if it should be necessary for him to return, he would, of course, paddle his canoe over to the other side of the river, and just as soon as he pa**ed the division of the stream then, of course, his canoe would turn back, and he would then again be descending the current. So that is what Sapling had intended; that mankind should be thus fortunate while they were traveling about on rivers, but Tawĭ'skaron' undid this. Now, moreover, Tawĭ'skaron' himself formed these uplifted mountains; these mountains that are great, and also these divers rocky cliffs-he himself made them, so that mankind who would dwell here would have cause to fear in their continual travelings. p. 328 Now, moreover, Sapling and also Tawĭ'skaron' dwelt together in one lodge, each occupying one side of the fire opposite to that of the other. It was then, verily, usual when they two had returned to abide in the lodge, that Tawĭ'skaron' kept questioning Sapling, asking him what object he feared, and what would most quickly k** him. Sapling replied: "A weed that grows in the swampy places, a sedge called 'it-cuts-a-person,' is one thing. I think, when I do think of it, that that weed struck against my body by someone would cut it. I do believe that it would cut through my body." Then Tawĭ'skaron' replied, saying: "Is there no other object which gives thee fear?" Sapling, answering, said: "I usually think that the spike of a cattail flag would k** me if one should strike me on the body with it." (These two things that Sapling spoke of, his father had told him to say, when he had been at his father's lodge.) p. 329 At that time Sapling said: "What thing then dost thou fear?" Tawĭ'skaron' said: "Yellow flint, and also the horns of a deer. I suppose, when I do think of it, that I should perhaps die at once should one strike me with either." So after that when Sapling traveled, if he saw a stone of the yellow chert kind, he would customarily pick it up and place it high on some object, and also, if he saw a deer's horn, he would pick it up and would place it high on some object. Then, verily, it came to pa** that they two had again returned home. The height of one side of their lodge was not great, but the height of the other side was greater. Sapling occupied the side which had the greater and Tawĭ'skaron' the side which had the lesser height. Then it p. 330 was that Sapling increased the intensity of the fire by putting hickory bark on it. Then, a**uredly, it became a hot fire, and then, a**uredly, the legs of Tawĭ'skaron' began to chip and flake off from the intense heat of the fire. Then, of course, Tawĭ'skaron' said: "Thou hast made too great afire. Do thou not put another piece of bark on the fire." But Sapling nevertheless put on the fire another piece of bark, and then, of course, the fire became greater. Now the fire was indeed hot, and now, too, Tawĭ'skaron's whole body was now flaking off in chert chips. Now, too, he was angry, because Sapling kept putting more bark on the fire, and, besides that, his side of the lodge having only a slight height, he had only very little space in which to abide. Now he writhed in the heat; indeed, Tawĭ'skaron' became so angry that he ran out at once, and p. 331 running into the marsh, he there broke stalks of the sedge called "it-cuts-a-person." Then he came thence on a run to the lodge, and then said: "Sapling, I now k** thee," and then struck him blows with the stalks he had brought back. So then they two now began to fight, the one using the stalk striking the other blows. But after a while Tawĭ'skaron' became aware that his blows against Sapling did not cut him. Whereupon he then darted out again, and then went to get this time the spike of the cattail flag. So then, as soon as he returned, he rushed at Sapling and struck him blows. Again his blows failed to cut him. Then it was that Tawĭ'skaron' fled, and then Sapling pursued him. Now, of course, they two ran. In ever direction over the entire earth they two ran. So whenever Sapling saw a yellow flint stone or a deer horn on a high place he would customarily seize it suddenly, and would hit p. 332 [paragraph continues] Tawĭ'skaron' therewith. Customarily chert chips would fly when he hit him. Thus then he hit him as they went running. Whenever Sapling saw a horn or a yellow chert stone he would seize it suddenly and hit Tawĭ'skaron' with it. Then after a while he k**ed him. Now, at this time, toward the west, where the earth extends thitherward, there lies athwart the view a range of large mountains that cross the whole earth. There, so it is said, his body lies extended. He fell there when he was k**ed. Now, besides, it is plain, when we consider in what condition the earth is, that when we look about we see that the surface is uneven, some places being high, even ranges of mountain, while some are for their part low. This was, of course, done by the two as they ran from place to place, fighting as they went. That is the reason that the surface of the earth is uneven. p. 333 Now then, as it was the custom of Sapling to travel, he met a male man-being. Sapling said: "What dost thou as thou goest?" He replied, saying: "I come inspecting the earth, to see whether it is just as I put it forth." Sapling replied, saying: "Verily, indeed, this is a marvelous matter about which thou art now on thy way, for the reason that a**uredly it was I, Myself, who completed this earth." The other person answered and said: "Not at all; for I myself have completed this earth." Whereupon Sapling replied, saying: "Well then, if it be so, let it be made plain verily, that thou didst complete this earth. He added: "At our two backs, at a distance, there is a range of high mountains of rock which is in appearance like a wall, so perpendicular are the rocks. Hither must thou move them close to thy body. If, perhaps, thou art able to do this, it will be certain p. 334 that thou didst indeed complete this earth; if thou wilt only speak, telling that mountain range to move itself hither." He added: "Now do it then." Thereupon the other person said: "Thus it will, I think, come to pa**." Then he called out, saying: "Come thou, yon mountain range, move thyself hither. Do thou stand beside my body." But the mountain range remained there; the mountain was still there unchanged. It did not move thence. Sapling spoke and said: "There, that is exactly what I have been saying, that thou hast not established this earth." The other person again replied, saying: "Well then, let it become evident, if it be true, that thou hast established the earth. Come then, do thou move that rock mountain hither." Sapling replied and said: "Thus then will I do." Thereupon he called out to the range of mountains. He said: "Come, move thyself hither." Then, verily, it moved itself p. 335 thence. Close to his body, at his back, did it come to a standstill. The cliff even lightly grazed his shoulder blades. Then Sapling said: "Now turn thyself around to the opposite side and look where the range of mountains is." Whereupon he turned about and the rock struck his nose and, as to him, his nose became awry. Then at that time he spoke, saying: "Truly, indeed, thou hast established this earth here present. It was not at all I who did it. If, then, thou wilt consent to it that I may live, I will then ever continue to aid thee. I will protect at all times thy people who are to dwell on this earth." Sapling replying said: "Truly it shall thus come to pa**. Mask shall mankind ever call thee, and also Grandfather." Then, verily, during the time that Sapling was again traveling to p. 336 inspect anew the things that he had finished on this earth, then he saw another male man-being. He addressed him, saying: "What art thou doing on thy way?" The other said: "It seemed that it became necessary for me to see thee." Sapling replied: That is undoubtedly true." The other person answered and said: "I desire that thou shouldst consent to permit me still to live. If thou wilt then consent to what I say, I will give a**istance to thee; I will watch over their bodies, and I will also give them life and support and, moreover, I will continue to defend mankind, whom thou wilt cause to dwell on this earth which thou hast completed." Replying, Sapling said: "Let me see what kind of power thou hast." Thereupon the male man-being, whose name of old is Hi'non' [Thunder], started upon a run and went up into the clouds. Now, verily, rumblings were p. 337 heard; it thundered in the clouds, and lightnings were also emitted, and moreover many flashes shot forth, seeming as though only one from their rapidity. So then the man-being descended again where Sapling was standing, and he said: "Now a**uredly thou didst see what kind of power I have." Sapling, replying, said: "It is true indeed that thou art able to do just as thou didst tell me not long ago." Then he continued: "Art thou able to cast water habitually on this earth as the summers come?" The other answered, saying: "I am able to do so." Sapling said in reply: "So then let me see how thou wilt do this." The other person replied: "Yo‘; so be it." Now he again ascended on high where the clouds are present. Now then again it thundered, and besides, the lightning flashed, and the clouds p. 338 became thick, and besides this they became black. Then it came forward, from the sea did it come over the dry land, raining a, it came. It was marvelous as it came along. Then of course the rain pa**ed. Then he again returned to the place where Sapling was moving about. So then Sapling spoke to him, saying: "What thou art able to do is satisfactory. So it will indeed come to pa**. It shall follow closely the course pointed out in thy request. So now, indeed, it will be thy duty to travel continually, for it was thou thyself that requested this. Do thou not then ever fail to do thy duty. Thou must, of course, ever be vigilant; if at whatever time it be there come dangers to the lives of men because great serpents move from place to place in the depths of this earth and also in the sea; if it come to p. 339 pa** that at some time these great serpents desire to seize people as they severally travel from place to place, thou must at once k** such serpents, and when thou k**est them, they will be that on which thou shalt feed. Other animals also, equal in otkon orenda [malefic magic power] a to these, all such shall fare like them. Thou wilt ever have these to watch--have these as thy adversaries. Now then, of course, I have finished this matter. Now then such is the office thou hast a**umed. Mankind will name thee "Our Grandfatherwhose-voice-is-customarilv-uttered-in-divers-places."' Then, indeed, they two parted company. There the, legend ends.