J.M. Ashmand - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 4: Ch. 9 lyrics


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J.M. Ashmand - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 4: Ch. 9 lyrics

CHAPTER IX THE KIND OF DEATH IT now remains to treat of the kind and species of d**h. It is, however, first to be determined, by the rules already delivered regarding the duration of life, whether d**h will ensue from an oriental or occidental position of the predominating influence. And, if d**h ensue from some oriental position, or meeting of rays, the place of such meeting must be observed, and by means of that place the kind of d**h is to be distinguished; if from the descension, or setting, of the significator, or prorogator, the place of descension must be considered: because d**h is to be expected conformable in character to the influences, whatever they may be, which preside over the said places; or, if not any influences should directly preside, it will then be conformable to the influences, of whatever kind, which may be brought first in succession to the places in question: the configuration of the stars, the property of the aforesaid anæretic places, and the nature of the signs and of the terms, are, also, all of them co-operative. Thus, for example, if the dominion of d**h be vested in Saturn, he will produce d**h by means of lingering diseases; cough, rheumatism, flux, ague, disorder of the spleen, dropsy, colic, and complaints in the womb; and, in short, by all such diseases as proceed from the superabundance of cold. Jupiter effects d**h by quinsey, inflammation of the lungs, apoplexy, spasm, pains in the head, morbid performance of the heart, and by all diseases arising from the superabundance of air, and from immoderate and impure respiration. Mars causes d**h by constant fevers, semitertians, sudden and spontaneous wounds, diseases of the kidneys, expectoration of blood, and hæmorrhages of various kinds; by miscarriage, or abortion, and by childbirth, by erysipelas, and, in short, by such diseases as proceed from abundant and immediate heat. Venus produces d**h by disorders of the stomach, and of the liver, by scurvy and dysentry: also by consumption or wasting away, and by fistula and poison, and by all diseases incident on the superabundance or poverty of moisture, and its corruption. Lastly, Mercury causes d**h to proceed from fury, madness, melancholy, epilepsy, falling fits, coughs, and obstructions, and by such diseases as arise from superabundant or disproportionate dryness. When the lords of d**h may fully possess their own peculiar and natural properties, and when neither of the malefics may be in elevation above them, d**h will ensue in the modes above detailed, and in the ordinary course of nature. But a violent and remarkable d**h will occur when both the malefics, either in conjunction, or in quartile or opposition to each other, may be lords of the anæretic places; or if both, or only one of the two, should attack either both the luminaries, or even only the Sun or the Moon. In such a case, the evil character of the d**h will proceed from the concurrence of the malefic influence, and its magnitude or remarkable nature from the additional testimony of the luminaries: its quality, also, will be known by means of the rest of the planets and stars in configuration, and by the signs which contain the malefic influence. Hence, if it happen that Saturn be in fixed signs, and in quartile or opposition to the Sun, and contrary in condition, he will produce d**h by suffocation, occasioned either by multitudes of people, or by hanging or strangulation: so, likewise, should he be occidental, and the Moon be succedent to him, he will operate the same effects. If he be posited in places or signs of bestial form, the native will be destroyed by wild beasts: and, if Jupiter also offer testimony, being at the same time badly afflicted, the d**h will then occur in public, and by day; for example, by being exposed to combats with wild beasts. If Saturn be posited in opposition to either of the luminaries in the ascendant, he will cause d**h in prison: if he be configurated with Mercury, and especially if near the constellation of the Serpent in the sphere, and in terrestrial signs of the zodiac, be will produce d**h by venomous wounds or bites, and by reptiles and wild beasts. And, should Venus also attach herself to Saturn and Mercury thus combined, d**h will then ensue by poison or female treachery. If Saturn be in Virgo or Pisces, or watery signs, and configurated with the Moon, he will operate d**h by means of water, by drowning and suffocation; and, if found near Argo, by shipwreck. Should he be in tropical or quadrupedal signs, and the Sun be either in conjunction with him, or in opposition; or if, instead of the Sun, Mars should so present himself, d**h will be caused by the fall of houses or buildings; and, if posited in the mid-heaven, d**h will happen by falls from heights or precipices. These are the various effects of Saturn, when configurated as described. Mars, if in signs of human form, and posited in quartile or in opposition to the Sun or Moon, and contrary in condition, will operate d**h by slaughter, either in civil or foreign war, or by suicide: if Venus add her testimony, d**h will be inflicted by women, or by a**a**ins in the employment of women: and, should Mercury also be configurated with them, d**h will happen from robbers, thieves, or highwaymen. If Mars be in mutilated or imperfect signs, or near the Gorgon 1 of Perseus, he will produce d**h by decapitation, or by mutilation of limb. If found in Scorpio or Taurus, he will cause d**h by surgical amputation, burning or searing, or also by spasms or convulsions. Should he be found in the mid-heaven, either above or below the earth, d**h will be inflicted by crucifixion or impalement, and especially if he be in the vicinity of Cepheus or Andromeda. If descending, or in opposition to the ascendant, he will produce d**h by fire: and, if in quadrupedal signs, by falls and fractures. Should Jupiter, however, bear testimony to Mars, and be at the same time afflicted, d**h will ensue from the wrath of princes and kings, and from judicial condemnation. If it happen that the malefics be in concurrence with each other in the first instance, and afterwards in mutual opposition, in any of the aforesaid situations, the evil character of the d**h will be yet further augmented; but its species or quality, and its dominion, will depend upon that one which may be in occupation of the anæretic place. And, if both the malefics claim prerogative in the anæretic places, the bodies of persons who thus die will be cast abroad without interment, and will be devoured by beasts and birds: these circumstances will especially ensue, when the malefics may be found in signs similar in form to beasts and birds; and provided not any one of the benefics should offer testimony to the place below the earth, nor to the anæretic places. Lastly, d**h will occur in foreign lands, when it may happen that the planets controlling the anæretic places may be posited in cadent houses; especially if the Moon be present in the said places also, or if she be found in quartile or in opposition.