J.M. Ashmand - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 4: Ch. 2 lyrics


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J.M. Ashmand - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 4: Ch. 2 lyrics

CHAPTER II THE FORTUNE OF WEALTH THE circumstances regulating the fortune of wealth are to be judged of from that part alone, which is expressly denominated the Part of Fortune; the position of which is, in all cases, whether arising in the day or in the night, always as far removed from the ascendant as the Sun is distant from the Moon. When the Part of Fortune has been determined, it must be ascertained to what planets the dominion of it belongs; and their power and connexion, as also the power and connexion of others configurated with them, or in elevation above them, whether of the same or of an adverse condition, are then to be observed: for, if the planets which a**ume dominion of the Part of Fortune be in full force, they will create much wealth, and especially should the luminaries also give them suitable testimony in addition. In this manner, Saturn will effect the acquirement of wealth by means of buildings, agriculture, or navigation; Jupiter, by holding some government, or office of trust, or by the priesthood; Mars, by the army and military command; Venus by means of friends, by the dowry of wives, or by other gifts proceeding from women 1; and Mercury by the sciences and by trade. Should Saturn, however, when thus in influence over the fortune of wealth, be also configurated with Jupiter, he particularly provides wealth through inheritance; especially, if the configuration should exist in the superior angles, Jupiter being also in a bicorporeal sign and receiving the application of the Moon; for, in such a case, the native will also be adopted by persons unallied to him, and will become heir to their property. And, further, if other stars, of the same condition as those which rule the Part of Fortune, should likewise exhibit testimonies of dominion, the wealth will be permanent: but, on the other hand, if stars of an adverse condition should either be in elevation above the ruling places, or ascend in succession to them, the wealth will not continue. The general period of its duration is, however, to be calculated by means of the declination of the stars, which operate the loss, in respect of the angles and succedent houses.