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Symptoms (780–789) General symptoms (780) General symptoms (780.0) Alteration of consciousness (780.01) Coma (780.02) Transient alteration of awareness (780.03) Persistent vegetative state (780.09) Semicoma, stupor (780.1) Hallucinations (780.2) Syncope (780.3) Convulsions (780.31) Febrile convulsions (780.32) Complex febrile convulsions (780.39) Other convulsions (780.4) Dizziness/vertigo, NOS (780.5) Sleep disturbance, unspec. (780.50) Unspecified sleep disturbance (780.51) Insomnia with sleep apnea, unspecified (780.52) Insomnia, unspecified (780.53) Hypersomnia with sleep apnea, unspecified (780.54) Hypersomnia, unspecified (780.55) Disruptions of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle, unspecified (780.56) Dysfunctions a**ociated with sleep stages or arousal from sleep (780.57) Unspecified sleep apnea (780.58) Sleep related movement disorder, unspecified (780.59) Other sleep disturbances (780.6) Fever, nonperinatal (780.7) Malaise and fatigue (780.71) Chronic fatigue syndrome (780.72) Functional quadriplegia (780.79) Other malaise and fatigue (780.8) Sweating, excessive (780.9) Other general symptoms (780.91) Fussy infant (780.92) Crying, infant, excessive (780.93) Memory loss (780.94) Early satiety (780.95) Other excessive crying (780.96) Generalized pain (780.97) Altered mental status (780.99) Other general symptoms Symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems (781) Symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems (781.0) Abnormal involuntary movements (781.1) Disturbances, smell and taste (781.2) Gait abnormality (781.3) Lack of coordination -Dysdiadochokinesia -Ataxia NOS -Hypotonia (781.5) Clubbing of fingers (781.8) Neurologic neglect syndrome (781.9) Other symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems (781.91) Loss of height (781.92) Abnormal posture (781.94) Facial weakness Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue (782) Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue (782.0) Sensory disturbance skin (782.1) Rash, nonvesicular, unspec. (782.2) Localized swelling/ma**, superficial (782.3) Edema, localized, NOS (782.4) Jaundice (782.5) Cyanosis (782.7) Petechiae (782.8) Change in skin texture (782.9) Other symptoms involving skin Symptoms involving head and neck (784) Symptoms involving head and neck (784.0) Headache (784.1) Throat pain (784.2) Swelling ma** or lump in head and neck (784.3) Aphasia (784.4) Voice disturbance (784.41) Aphonia (784.49) Hoarseness (784.5) Dysarthria (784.6) Other symbolic dysfunction (784.60) Symbolic dysfunction, unspecified (784.61) Alexia and dyslexia (784.7) Epistaxis (784.8) Hemorrhage from throat (784.9) Other symptoms involving head and neck (784.91) Postnasal drip Symptoms involving cardiovascular system (785) Symptoms involving cardiovascular system (785.0) Tachycardia (785.1) Palpitations (785.2) Murmur of heart, undiagnosed (785.3) Other abnormal heart sounds (785.4) Gangrene (785.5) Shock, unspec. (785.50) Shock unspecified (785.51) Cardiogenic shock (785.52) Septic shock (785.6) Enlarged lymph nodes (785.9) Bruit Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms (786) Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms (786.0) Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities (786.03) Apnea (786.04) Cheyne-Stokes respiration (786.05) Shortness of breath (786.06) Tachypnea (786.07) Wheezing (786.09) Other respiratory abnormalities -Bradypnea (786.1) Stridor (786.2) Cough (786.3) Hemoptysis (786.4) Abnormal sputum (786.5) Chest pain, unspec. (786.51) Precordial pain (786.52) Pleuritic pain (786.6) swelling, ma**, or lump in chest (786.7) Abnormal chest sounds -Rales (786.8) Hiccoughs Symptoms involving digestive system (787) Symptoms involving digestive system (787.0) Nausea and vomiting (787.01) Nausea w/vomiting (787.02) Nausea, alone (787.03) Vomiting, alone (787.1) Heartburn (787.2) Dysphagia (787.3) Gas/bloating (787.4) Visible peristalsis (787.5) Abnormal bowel sounds (787.6) Encopresis, NOS, fecal incontinence (787.9) Other symptoms involving digestive system (787.91) Diarrhea, NOS Symptoms involving urinary system (788) Symptoms involving urinary system (788.0) Renal colic (788.1) Dysuria (788.2) Retention of urine (788.3) Urinary incontinence (788.30) Urinary incontinence unspecified (788.31) Urge incontinence (788.32) Stress incontinence (788.33) Mixed incontinence (788.34) Incontinence without sensory awareness (788.35) Post-void dribbling (788.36) Nocturnal enuresis (788.37) Continuous leakage (788.38) Overflow incontinence (788.39) Other urinary incontinence (788.4) Frequency of urination and polyuria (788.41) Urinary frequency (788.42) Polyuria (788.43) Nocturia (788.5) Oliguria and anuria (788.6) Other abnormality of urination (788.63) Urgency of urination Other symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis (789) Other symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis (789.0) Abdominal pain (789.1) Hepatomegaly (789.2) Splenomegaly (789.3) Abdominal/pelvic ma**, unspec. (789.4) Abdominal rigidity (789.5) Ascites (789.6) Abdominal tenderness Nonspecific abnormal findings (790–796) Nonspecific findings on examination of blood (790) Nonspecific findings on examination of blood (790.0) Abnormal red blood cell (790.1) Elevated sedimentation rate (790.2) Abnormal glucose (790.21) Impaired fasting glucose (790.22) Impaired glucose tolerance test (oral) (790.29) Other abnormal glucose (790.3) Excessive blood level of alcohol (790.4) Abnormal transaminase/LDH (790.5) Other nonspecific abnormal serum enzyme levels (790.6) Abnormal blood chemistry, other -Iron overload disorder (790.7) Bacteremia (not septicemia) (790.8) Viremia, unspecified (790.9) Other nonspecific findings on examination of blood (790.91) Abnormal arterial blood gases (790.92) Abnormal coagulation profile (790.93) Abnormal prostate specific antigen (790.99) Other -Reticulocytosis (791) Nonspecific findings on examination of urine (791.0) Proteinuria -Albuminuria (791.2) Hemoglobinuria (791.5) Glycosuria (792) Nonspecific abnormal findings in other body substances (792.1) Blood in stool, occult (793) Nonspecific abnormal findings on radiological and other examination (793.1) Abnormal X-ray, lung TERM: 9/30/11 (793.8) Mammogram, abnormal, unspec. (794) Nonspecific abnormal results of function studies (794.1) Peripheral nervous system and special senses (794.15) Abnormal auditory function study (794.3) Cardiovascular (794.31) Abnormal electrocardiogram (795) Nonspecific abnormal histological and immunological findings (795.0) Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix (795.5) Positive PPD TERM: 9/30/11 (796) Other nonspecific abnormal findings (796.2) Elevated BP w/o hypertension Ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality (797–799) (797) Senility without mention of psychosis (798) Sudden d**h, cause unknown (798) Sudden infant d**h syndrome (799) Other ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality (799.0) Asphyxia (799.1) Respiratory arrest (799.2) Nervousness (799.3) Debility (799.4) Cachexia (799.8) Other ill-defined conditions (799.81) Decreased libido (799.89) Other ill-defined conditions