International Cla**ification of Diseases - Diseases of the Genitourinary System (580-629) lyrics


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International Cla**ification of Diseases - Diseases of the Genitourinary System (580-629) lyrics

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (580–589) (580) Acute glomerulonephritis (580.9) Glomerulonephritis, acute, unspec. (581) Nephrotic syndrome (581.9) Nephrotic syndrome, unspec. (582) Chronic glomerulonephritis (582.9) Glomerulonephritis, chronic, unspec. (583) Nephritis and nephropathy, not specified as acute or chronic (584) Acute renal failure (584.5) Renal failure, acute w/ tubular necrosis (584.9) Renal failure, acute, unspec. (585) Chronic renal failure (586) Renal failure, unspecified (587) Renal sclerosis, unspecified (588) Disorders resulting from impaired renal function (588.8) Other specified disorders resulting from impaired renal function (588.81) Hyperparathyroidism, secondary, renal (588.89) Renal tubular acidosis (589) Small kidney of unknown cause Other diseases of urinary system (590–599) (590) Infections of kidney (590.1) Pyelonephritis, acute, w/o necrosis (591) Hydronephrosis (592) Calculus of kidney and ureter (592.0) Calculus, kidney (592.1) Calculus, ureter (592.9) Calculus, urinary, unspec. (593) Other disorders of kidney and ureter (593.2) Cyst, kidney, acquired (593.6) Proteinuria, benign dfwpostural (593.7) Vesicoureteral reflux, unspec. (593.73) Vesicoureteral reflux w/ nephropathy (594) Calculus of lower urinary tract (595) Cystitis (595.0) Cystitis, acute (595.1) Cystitis, interstitial, chronic (595.82) Cystitis, irradiation (596) Other disorders of bladder (596.0) Bladder neck obstruction (596.4) Atony of bladder (596.5) Other functional disorders of bladder (596.51) Bladder hypertonicity (596.52) Bladder compliance, low (596.54) Neurogenic bladder, NOS (596.55) Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (597) Urethritis, not s**ually transmitted, and urethral syndrome (597.81) Urethral syndrome, Non-VD, NOS (598) Urethral stricture (598.0) Stricture, urethral, unspec. infection (598.1) Stricture, urethral, traumatic (599) Other disorders of urethra and urinary tract (599.0) Urinary tract infection, unspec./pyuria (599.6) Urinary obstruction, unspec. (599.7) Hematuria Diseases of male genital organs (600–608) (600) Hyperplasia of prostate (600.00) BPH, w/o obstruction (600.01) BPH, w/ obstruction (601) Inflammatory diseases of prostate (601.0) Prostatitis, acute (601.1) Prostatitis, chronic (601.9) Prostatitis, NOS (602) Other disorders of prostate (603) Hydrocele (603.9) Hydrocele, unspec. (604) Orchitis and epididymitis (604.9) Orchitis/epididymitis, unspec. (605) Redundant prepuce and phimosis (605.0) Phimosis (606) Infertility, male (606.9) Infertility, male, unspec. (607) Disorders of penis (607.1) Balanitis (607.3) Priapism (607.84) Impotence, organic (608) Other disorders of male genital organs (608.1) Spermatocele (608.2) Torsion of testis (608.3) Atrophy of testis (608.82) Hematos**mia Disorders of breast (610–611) (610) Benign mammary dysplasias (610.0) Solitary cyst of breast (610.1) Diffuse cystic mastopathy (610.2) Fibroadenosis of breast (610.3) Fibrosclerosis of breast (610.4) Mammary duct ectasia (611) Other disorders of breast (611.0) Mastitis, NOS -Inflammatory disease of breast (611.1) Gynecomastia -Hypertrophy of breast (611.2) Fissure of nipple (611.3) Fat necrosis of breast (611.4) Atrophy of breast (611.5) Galactocele (611.6) Galactorrhea (611.7) Signs and symptoms in breast (611.71) Mastodynia (611.72) Breast lump (611.79) Other signs and symptoms in breast -Fluid coming from the nipple (611.8) Other specified disorders of breast (611.81) Ptosis of breast (611.82) Hypoplasia of breast (611.9) Breast disease, unspec. Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs (614–616) (614) Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular (614.0) Salpingitis, oophoritis, acute (614.6) Adhesions, pelvic peritoneal (614.9) Pelvic inflammatory disease, unspec. (615) Inflammatory diseases of uterus, except cervix (616) Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina, and vulva (616.0) Cervicitis (616.1) Vaginitis/vulvitis, unspec. (616.2) Bartholin cyst (616.3) Bartholin abscess Other disorders of female genital tract (617–629) (617) Endometriosis (617.0) Endometriosis of uterus -Adenomyosis (618) Genital prolapse (618.00) Cystocele/rectocele w/o uterine prolapse (618.01) Cystocele, midline (618.03) Urethrocele (618.04) Rectocele (618.1) Prolapse, uterine (619) Fistula involving female genital tract (619.0) Urinary-genital tract fistula, female -Vesicovaginal fistula (620) Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube, and broad ligament (620.0) Cyst of ovary, follicular (620.1) Corpus luteum cyst (621) Disorders of uterus, not elsewhere cla**ified (621.2) Uterus, hypertrophy (621.3) Endometrial hyperplasia, unspec. (622) Noninflammatory disorders of cervix (622.0) Erosion and ectropion of cervix (622.1) Dysplasia, cervix, unspec. (622.4) Stenosis, cervix (622.7) Cervical polyp, NOS (623) Noninflammatory disorders of vagina (623.5) Leukorrhea, NOS (624) Noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum (624.1) Atrophy, vulva (625) Pain and other symptoms a**ociated with female genital organs (625.0) Dyspareunia (625.1) Vaginismus (625.2) Mittelschmerz (625.3) Dysmenorrhea (625.4) Premenstrual tension syndrome (625.5) Pelvic congestion syndrome (625.6) Incontinence, stress, female (625.7) Vulvodynia (626) Disorders of menstruation and other abnormal bleeding from female (626.0) Absence of menstruation -Amenorrhea (626.1) Scanty or infrequent menstruation -Oligomenorrhea (626.2) Excessive or frequent menstruation (626.6) Metrorrhagia (627) Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders (627.1) Bleeding, postmenopausal (627.2) Menopausal state, symptomatic (627.3) Vaginitis, postmenopausal atrophic (628) Infertility, female (629) Other disorders of female genital organs