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Disorders of the eye and adnexa (360–379) Disorders of the globe (360) Disorders of the globe (360.0) Purulent endophthalmitis (360.00) Purulent endophthalmitis unspecified (360.01) Acute endophthalmitis (360.02) Panophthalmitis (360.03) Chronic endophthalmitis (360.04) Vitreous abscess (360.1) Other endophthalmitis (360.11) Sympathetic uveitis (360.2) Degenerative disorders of globe (360.3) Hypotony of eye (360.4) Degenerated conditions of globe (360.40) Degenerated globe or eye unspecified (360.41) Blind hypotensive eye (360.42) Blind hypertensive eye (360.43) Hemophthalmos except current injury (360.44) Leucocoria (360.5) Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic (360.6) Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, nonmagnetic (360.8) Other disorders of globe (360.9) Unspecified disorder of globe Retinal disorders (361) Retinal detachments and defects (361.0) Retinal detachment with retinal defect (361.1) Retinoschisis and retinal cysts (361.2) Serous retinal detachment (361.3) Retinal defects without detachment (361.8) Other forms of retinal detachment (361.9) Unspecified retinal detachment (362) Other retinal disorders (362.0) Diabetic retinopathy (362.01) Background diabetic retinopathy -Diabetic macular edema (362.1) Other background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes (362.10) Background retinopathy unspecified (362.11) Hypertensive retinopathy (362.12) Exudative retinopathy (362.13) Changes in vascular appearance of retina (362.14) Retinal microaneurysms NOS (362.15) Retinal telangiectasia (362.16) Retinal neovascularization NOS (362.17) Other intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (362.18) Retinal vasculitis (362.2) Other proliferative retinopathy (362.21) Retrolental fibroplasia (362.3) Retinal vascular occlusion (362.30) Retinal vascular occlusion unspecified (362.31) Central retinal artery occlusion (362.32) Retinal arterial branch occlusion (362.33) Partial retinal arterial occlusion (362.34) Transient retinal arterial occlusion (362.35) Central retinal vein occlusion (362.36) Venous tributary (branch) occlusion of retina (362.37) Venous engorgement of retina (362.4) Separation of retinal layers (362.5) Degeneration of macula and posterior pole (362.51) Macular degeneration, nonexudative (362.53) Cystoid macular degeneration Cystoid macular edema (362.6) Peripheral retinal degenerations (362.7) Hereditary retinal dystrophies (362.74) Pigmentary retinal dystrophy -Retinitis pigmentosa (362.76) Dystrophies primarily involving the retinal pigment epithelium -Leber's congenital amaurosis (363) Chorioretinal inflammations, scars, and other disorders of choroid Disorders of iris and ciliary body (364) Disorders of iris and ciliary body (364.0) Acute and subacute iridocyclitis Iritis, acute, subacute (364.1) Chronic iridocyclitis (364.2) Certain types of iridocyclitis (364.21) Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis (364.24) Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome (364.3) Unspecified iridocyclitis (364.4) Vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body (364.41) Hyphema (364.5) Degenerations of iris and ciliary body (364.52) Iridoschisis (364.6) Cysts of iris ciliary body and anterior chamber (364.7) Adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body (364.73) Goniosynechiae (364.8) Other disorders of iris and ciliary body (364.81) Floppy iris syndrome (365) Glaucoma (366) Cataract Disorders of refraction and accommodation (367) Disorders of refraction and accommodation (367.0) Farsightedness (367.1) Nearsightedness (367.2) Astigmatism (367.3) Anisometropia and aniseikonia (367.31) Anisometropia (367.32) Aniseikonia (367.4) Presbyopia (367.9) Refractive errors, unspec. Visual disturbances (368) Visual disturbances (368.0) Amblyopia ex anopsia (368.00) Amblyopia, unspecified (368.1) Subjective visual disturbances (368.2) Diplopia (368.4) Visual field defects (368.41) Scotoma, central (368.5) Color vision deficiencies (368.54) Achromatopsia (368.6) Night blindness -Nyctalopia Blindness and low vision (369) Blindness and low vision (369.0) Profound vision impairment both eyes (369.1) Moderate or severe vision impairment better eye; profound vision impairment of lesser eye (369.12) Visual loss, transient (369.2) Moderate or severe vision impairment both eyes (369.3) Unqualified visual loss both eyes (369.4) Legal blindness as defined in usa (369.6) Profound vision impairment one eye (369.7) Moderate or severe vision impairment one eye (369.8) Unqualified visual loss one eye (369.9) Unspecified visual loss Disorders of cornea (370) Keratitis (370.0) Corneal ulcer, unspec. (370.2) Superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis (370.24) Photokeratitis -Snow blindness -Welders' keratitis (370.3) Certain types of keratoconjunctivitis (370.33) Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, not specified as Sjögren's syndrome (371) Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea (371.0) Corneal scars and opacities (371.1) Corneal pigmentations and deposits (371.2) Corneal edema (371.3) Changes of corneal membranes (371.4) Corneal degenerations (371.5) Hereditary corneal dystrophies (371.50) Hereditary corneal dystrophy unspecified (371.51) Juvenile epithelial corneal dystrophy (371.52) Other anterior corneal dystrophies (371.53) Granular corneal dystrophy (371.54) Lattice corneal dystrophy (371.55) Macular corneal dystrophy (371.56) Other stromal corneal dystrophies (371.57) Endothelial corneal dystrophy (371.58) Other posterior corneal dystrophies (371.6) Keratoconus (371.7) Other corneal deformities (371.8) Other corneal disorders (371.9) Unspecified corneal disorder Adnexa (372) Disorders of conjunctiva (372.0) Acute conjunctivitis (372.1) Chronic conjunctivitis (372.2) Blepharoconjunctivitis (372.3) Conjunctivitis, unspec. (372.4) Pterygium (371.5) Hereditary corneal dystrophies (371.57) Endothelial corneal dystrophy -Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy (372.7) Conjunctival vascular disorders and cysts (372.72) Subconjunctival hemorrhage (372.81) Conjunctivochalasis (373) Inflammation of eyelids (373.0) Blepharitis, unspec. (373.1) Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid -(373.11) Stye (hordeolum) (373.2) Chalazion (374) Other disorders of eyelids (374.4) Other disorders affecting eyelid function (374.41) Lid lag (375) Disorders of lacrimal system (375.1) Other disorders of lacrimal gland (375.15) Dry eye syndrome Disorders of the orbit (376) Disorders of the orbit (376.0) Acute inflammation of orbit (376.01) Cellulitis, orbital Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways (377) Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways (377.0) Papilledema (377.00) Papilledema unspecified (377.01) Papilledema a**ociated with increased intracranial pressure (377.02) Papilledema a**ociated with decreased ocular pressure (377.03) Papilledema a**ociated with retinal disorder (377.04) Foster-kennedy syndrome (377.1) Optic atrophy (377.10) Optic atrophy unspecified (377.11) Primary optic atrophy (377.12) Postinflammatory optic atrophy (377.13) Optic atrophy a**ociated with retinal dystrophies (377.14) Glaucomatous atrophy (cupping) of optic disc (377.15) Partial optic atrophy (377.16) Hereditary optic atrophy Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (377.2) Other disorders of optic disc (377.21) Drusen of optic disc (377.22) Crater-like holes of optic disc (377.23) Coloboma of optic disc (377.24) Pseudopapilledema (377.3) Optic neuritis (377.30) Optic neuritis unspecified (377.31) Optic papillitis (377.32) Retrobulbar neuritis (acute) (377.33) Nutritional optic neuropathy (377.34) Toxic optic neuropathy (377.39) Other optic neuritis (377.4) Other disorders of optic nerve (377.41) Ischemic optic neuropathy (377.42) Hemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths (377.43) Optic nerve hypoplasia (377.49) Other disorders of optic nerve (377.5) Disorders of optic chiasm (377.6) Disorders of other visual pathways (377.7) Disorders of visual cortex (377.71) Disorders of visual cortex a**ociated with neoplasms (377.72) Disorders of visual cortex a**ociated with vascular disorders (377.73) Disorders of visual cortex a**ociated with inflammatory disorders (377.75) Cortical blindness Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements (378) Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements (378.0) Esotropia (378.1) Exotropia (378.2) Intermittent heterotropia (378.3) Other and unspecified heterotropia (378.30) Heterotropia unspecified (378.31) Hypertropia (378.32) Hypotropia (378.33) Cyclotropia (378.34) Monofixation syndrome (378.35) Accommodative component in esotropia (378.4) Heterophoria (378.5) Paralytic strabismus (378.56) Total ophthalmoplegia (378.6) Mechanical strabismus (378.7) Other specified strabismus (378.72) Progressive external ophthalmoplegia (378.8) Other disorders of binocular eye movements (378.86) Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (378.9) Eye movement disorder, unspec. Other (379) Other disorders of eye (379.0) Scleritis and episcleritis (379.2) Disorders of vitreous body (379.24) Other vitreous opacities Vitreous floaters (379.4) Anomalies of pupillary function (379.41) Anisocoria (379.45) Argyll Robertson pupil, atypical (379.5) Nystagmus and other irregular eye movements (379.54) Nystagmus, inner ear disease (379.9) Unspecified disorder of eye and adnexa (379.93) Redness or discharge of eye Red eye Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (380–389) Disorders of external ear (380) Disorders of external ear (380.1) Otitis externa, unspec. (380.12) Swimmers' ear, acute (380.4) Cerumen impaction Nonsuppurative otitis media and Eustachian tube disorders (381) Nonsuppurative otitis media and Eustachian tube disorders (381.01) Otitis media, acute serous (381.1) Otitis media, chronic serous (381.81) Eustachian tube dysfunction Suppurative and unspecified otitis media (382) Suppurative and unspecified otitis media (382.0) Otitis media, acute (382.01) Otitis media, acute w/ rupture of ear drum (383) Mastoiditis and related conditions Other disorders of tympanic membrane (384) Other disorders of tympanic membrane (384.21) Perforation, central, tympanic membrane (385) Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system (386) Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system (386.01) Ménière's disease, active, cochleovestibular (386.11) Vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional (386.2) Vertigo, central (386.35) Labyrinthitis, viral (387) Otosclerosis Other disorders of ear (388) Other disorders of ear (388.01) Presbyacusis (388.12) Hearing loss, noise-induced (388.2) Hearing loss, sudden, unspec. (388.31) Tinnitus, subjective (388.4) Other abnormal auditory perception (388.42) Hyperacusis (388.7) Otalgia (388.71) Otalgia, otogenic (388.72) Otalgia, referred Deafness (389) Deafness (389.0) Conductive hearing loss (389.01) Conductive hearing loss, external ear (389.03) Conductive hearing loss, middle ear (389.1) Hearing loss, sensorineural (389.12) Neural hearing loss (389.14) Cortical deafness (389.9) Hearing loss, unspec.