[- The Tree of Knowledge -] KUR-GAL!... where earth and sky meet An-Ki the Universe emerged from the primeval waters in the Abyss AN KI United! Tree of Knowledge Grow! Climbing attain Immortal Life! White crystal stretches... roots! Toward the deep central place of the Earth surmounted by the vault of heaven! Imprisoned in the Underworld by INNANA! Must pa** Neti! Entering the tunnel spheres of the Tree! Combating the Ruler of the Underworld and Ereshkigal! Oh! rising into birth! Upper world life returns to the wasteland! Lords of the Trees stand as twin pillars At the entrance of the Great Abyss Gate of Eternity! Road of no-return MASHU! Sun Moon Stars all moved in an ordered and observable Path! Super human level of supreme overseers kingdoms in the sky! Man powerless shadow standing in the heavy darkness of Hell! follow your d**h . miserable reflection of the life on earth.. High virtues & knowledge only for us the privileged ones AN KI United!