Independent - HYPOCRALYPSE lyrics


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Independent - HYPOCRALYPSE lyrics

Required video viewing before reading: You Tube video “National Security Alert,” It contains undeniable proof 9/11 was a CIA conspiracy In the video's last half-hour, a co-conspirator confesses on camera View Related Website: Pilots for 9/11 Truth A Rap / Hip-Hop Opera Filmed in Five Acts HYPOCRALYPSE (Sign Up da ‘Wood) Lyrics By Brian Michael McCormick For MCA, 2Pac Citizenfour, Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Kevin Jarre, Coluche And Terry Hyatt from the Queens Children's Shelter (Hip-Hopera film script written December 25, 2014 – February 14, 2015) AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: THIS TEXT IS A FICTIONAL-SATIRIC RAP HIP-HOP OPERA LIBRETTO IT IS NOT AN APOLOGY FOR TERRORISM, IT IS MEANT AS SATIRIC RAP IN THE MANNER OF MCA/BEASTIE BOYS, OR CHARLIE HEBDO IN FRANCE, AND IT IS PROTECTED BY THE AMERICAN FIRST AMENDMENT AND EUROPEAN LAWS ALLOWING FREEDOM OF SPEECH (Copyright, 2015, Brian Michael McCormick. All Rights Reserved in all media.) -------------- (Rap/Hip-Hopera Lyrics by Brian Michael McCormick, on Genius website name BrianMcCormick) EXTERIOR ESTABLISHMENT SHOT, MONARCH BAY, CALIFORNIA 1977 “Well, when the President does it “That means it's not illegal.” “Nixon Admits to David Frost “On Watergate: I was Illegal Eagle” INTERIOR YAHOO GLOBAL NEWS ANCHOR KATIE COURIC'S PRISON CELL, (THE FUTURE) Every President since has double-crossed Why we had a hunchback for a boss Read the red-headlines today Don't know what-the-F-word they say - North Korea-SONY fender-bender A never-ender “Bush Sr. Hypno'd John ‘Warlock' Hinckley “Sirhan-Sirhan Squeaky-Frommed Huntley-Brinkley” Now we're stuck wit' McCartney crinkley INT. MIND OF THAT BLACK ACTOR WHATSISNAME, TOM HANKS(?), IN “THE GREEN MILE” Hope they let Katie outta Colonel Klinkly Girl tunnel out through a colonoscopic wormhole Like Stephen King caught in a Mexicali sauce mole Now that we a FEMA-Masonic State, we all in Stalag Oswald CAMERA GLIDES THROUGH CELL BARS, ENTERS MIND OF KATIE COURIC THROUGH HER EAR Irgun Masons JDL Mossad Not on No-Fly torture-terror list Just Arab m**ms Nuns an' they “marionettes,” Xmas firestorms out of Santa's Ana Mud-slide quake robo-reported Beverly Pills got it distorted “Brad buys Malta for his Alter' “Takes a pop at Ratso” Equal to NK leak “Oprah's a fatso!” “Where Is Crash McKlintock?” Op Ed piece The New York Titty Two-page spread bangin' Mayor sh**ty K J-un gon' nun-chuk yo “Academy Snubs Leo Da Cap, Bro” Too bad it's not a .38 snub blow River Phoenix, Heath Ledger go Jack N shrugs, “I warned ‘im!” Shoulda armed ‘im Sign up da ‘Wood Sign up da ‘Wood Natalie did not survive that flood Woody Allen say, “Soon-Yi Surrender,” mutha-f-in' offender-up-ends her Gets a three-picture-deal at SKG “Studio Supports ‘Governor Gropenfuehrer '” Stealberg-Katzenberg-Geffen-Schwarzenegger Man they SK G'S Schicklgruber's our nine-inch ruler The “Carpet Eater” crunches Sony numbers No it's Cos' in trouble One-to-Three at Tahatchapee OJ murders Jew and a woman “The glove didn't fit” Then admits it - go fig' Landis manslaughters Viet children Gets off with a wrist-slap acquit, craven Jean Harris murders, out in five-to-seven N.O.W. busts her out by illegal pardon Stealberg's good with “ET” obese chilled-dren “Sperm-breath” five-year-old Drew in Steal's kitchen Geffen left SKG that must SK fo' po' Satan “Do you renounce the works of Steven?” “I do.” David Gettin' on in age, Davidian's Branch Takes grads from Eton in full plumage Boy half-century younger began a gawker Now he's the G's gentleman stalker That fellow drinks Tchai-kovsky Nutcracker Sweet. Poor abused Tar-kovsky In “Intercruller” (“TARR” it's racist undercover) Must cost a pretty penny when he Squiggies Lenny his effendi Pee-pole movin' in Pee-pole movin' out Why be-Cos' of the color of they kin Or they re-lig-in We all Willy Loman on da totem We all Lindsay Lohan on da scrotum Paris Hilton Freidman Milton Greenspan Stilton It all “Double Trouble” mockumentary You want it, cost ya double-century C'mon, models, REBEL! Sign up da ‘Wood Sign up da ‘Wood They cowards and they cowens PBS, Brollywood Cable does Peckerwood Like Agent Sully would They cowards and they cowens Sean's Clooney Penn bit off some anga Wished Kim ‘borted by Margaret Sanger “Notably absent” from the wingding wedding Leo da Cap Bro an' Brangelina Cuz' that poppa Ratso got dinged An' not at 7-‘Leven Judge Reinhold Altadena Or Simp's Heimer wit' Tony Carpet Cleaner But by Mr. an' Mrs. Myth Speak of da Devil's Demon House Speaker I gotta Boehner For Kim Kardashian Girl's got a Glorious Leader Double platinum Gonna double flatten ‘em I'm Guardian of da Piece One man K-J-un “fish”-fry tease Kim Kim-Jongs-‘em till she's Kim-hip-grippin' That girl need a dog-tail snippin' Jong's Fear of Flyin' still a peter seller Bit role at the bottom of the Indian Ocean cellar Flight recorder Dr. Strangelove's dynamite performance Why's it a black box why not white or at least Geronimo Flight MH-370 shot down by Guantanamo “It was Wi-Fi-jacked and comin' in too low” Or was it off Garcia, Diego It's Sunny as von Bulow Guy see ya, Die, ego Ukrainians shoot down MH-Flight17 New York Times blamed it on Crimeans “Bullsh** piles up so fast “You needed wings to stay above it” Like that fly caught by Lyle Lovett In “The Player,” Hollywood, love it or shove it Islam AK-47's a**ault and peppered Satirical poobahs at Charlie Hebdo “I'll have da Sauce Houlebecq à bouc to go,” I got a rocket-propelled fanfarronade For all the moron moutardes At the Harvard Malpoon Chief Thief Alfred E. Rayman Serves two “Peters” Brueghel'd style Cayman “Big Fish Eat Little Fish” cooked up in deep dish (Last five words spelt in near-reverse) Served with white whine Phlegm-mish “Pissing at the Moon” he feelin' mighty peckish Fo' Brussel sprouts An'twerps Alla dem bruthas Breughel Brueghel Painted “Shipwreck Next To Castle” I'm da “blood-red paint house painter” Dhimmi Kimmel St. Thomas Sawyer follows Huck Finn's candle To da Castle to slay stuck pig Eric Grendel “Wipe yo' feet don' you track white blood into my Hell!” Shouts his mutha like some G-effin' mohel House paintin' inna curious color Elmer Green “Fishermen and their Catch by a Ruined Tower” “Triumph of d**h” “The Fall of the Rebel Angels” “Ibis on a Swoop to F-k da Ship's Poop” Like Mung Birds from lands of Gordongecko Je suis (a Viet) ‘‘Charlie,'' Hebdo Michael Hastings Magazine, ed., fashionista Kardasho Served up on PETA bread at da Abacadab Bro over on Melrose SNL's Jim Bowney good at da low blow T-shirt say “Je swish Abdo.” The Satanic Purses delivered in a thousand hearses Billion-print-run at a million biles-per-hour (There will be a Submission fee for the Khartoum Contest) Tribeca Trifecta star Phecda Monsieur Houlebecq “Lemony-Ticket” a Fee-Masonic Scott Rudin Production “Kosher Prices to Rise fo' Extreme Bio-Unction” “Politicians Rushed to Photo Op Junction” Sarkozy shakes Hollande's presidential hand H. grinning ear-to-ear Like da premier of “Palais Royale” Film Diana starred in as Olive Oyl Who told da gunmen when Hebdo editors meeting Seems Masonic seems “le marketing,” In Hebrew Freemasonic Atbash code January 7 (1/7 or in Europe 7/1) is an ode To 71-O-A and in Reverse Atbash Z-Th Combining into AZOTh, Universal Solvent In alchemy the Goat's eye or blood Charb an' Cabu goat satirists sacrificed An' 1/7 refers to 3 : 17 Book of Genesis Circumcision, metzitzeh b'peh s**ing blood from infant's wound “Laugh-In” Maltese Bippy goons Spilling blood-for-ink, cartoonists swooned In Freemasonic Code of Number Conversion 7/1 = 71 = 63, in numerology 666 the Beast “The Profit Has Been Avenged” The star-planet moving to the East “ISIS Still Expanding in Spite of US Victories” Freedom of Speech Means Freedom to Peach Fo' Minister of Info' Faux Minister of Infaux Not Mohammed, naw E. Rayman playin' Allah At MohamMAD Magazine Ed., Dieudonné M'bala M'bala Jean-Marie Le Pen his child's godfather Reglement de Comte de Bouderbala Look it up chump Second verse same as perverse: Ghislaine (allegedly) sold clits to nitwits Like Kardash a-ledge-lee They dash car crash car at Leona Helmsley Whut next Reza Mohammad Shah Pahlavi In bed wit' eleven underage Antares Stars shine late in Buenos Aires O' wuz Dershowitz seen wearin' lit tits? Twirlin' mortarboard ta**els Whatta buncha – I mean, P. J. O'Porkrinds Having a twin Guinness on Isaac bu*ts Bar There he sees on the Isaac bu*t Swivel-Bridge Dershowitz teeterin' on allege “Jump!” shout da Feds “Allegedly” from da ledge he leaps Dersh' topping his pizza wit' a Dershosplash Maxwell to world, “That's show biz, Kash!” Bob Maxwell taken out wit' a shotta joy-juice “'Board his yacht on international Andrew Pa**ed da Twelve Smile Limit lost at sea wit' crew Jacked Mossad fo' PROMIS software backdoor trapdoor Couldn't run on werdnA, they got ‘im wit' a hypo Man that sh**'s from V. S. Naipaul! Name droppin' hostage swappin' Rap somethin' catchy Notorious Big Amitahb Bachchan Itchied a Scratchy Pope Leo Die Cap an' his Brother Bishop Pecci Both buggers trigger temblors finger-lickin'-techy Like Ruskin Rose LaTouche'd by Lyndon LaRuche Twin grotesquery I say it then it's in yo' bouche – Wha**up wit' dat Kurt in da Hat? I'm writin' a memoir, Separated at Kurt Me ‘n' Kurt Andersen somehow born Brians-Siamesed By Kurtian means into early retirement I'm eased I got da feelin' I been sleazed Meanwhile He-Kate be Queenin' Triplets never gon' be gleanin' “Kurt Noses his Preen Gland “anting” His book cover photo a Dorian Grey On You Tube boy looks like “Beverly Hillbillies” Miss Jane Without da “J” Kurt's tail curtailed like Kash's âne In a Zero Sum society politicians Study “L'affaire de Metro Charonne,” “Battle of Algiers'' “Punishment Park” “Potemkin'' “Zabriskie Point” “The Pa**enger” “Vanished” Ancient Incans sacrificed humans To their god Condor, Operation Condor 60,000 “disappeared,” Bottled City of Kandahar Not just the Shining Path guerillas Students, leftist leaders, union organizers Pas de problem, c'est en-dehors Freemasons k**ed Chris Marlowe An' stole his style an' career Shakespeare as da front man Lord Henry Neville as da haunt man “Da Kate whut ate da Canary Islands, but JSTOR still trumps Ca** “Canary Eats Kurt” He's a literary lyin' Huck that Sackbut “Hara-Kiri Shut Down by da French State “Over a “De Gaulle is Dead” Caricature “44 Bow Street years later “Charlie Hebdo slammed by Islamic dictature “Fo' Mohammed Hara-Kiri-cature” “Charlie Hebdomadaire “Charlie He do my dare “Bonny Prince Charlie at his Ebb do ma derrière We livin' through Hypocralypse Arabs justifiably pissed “U.S. Deliberately Missed” Children hit weddings blammed Bulgarian Chinese Emba**y slammed Cartoons vicious attacks, man No Hate Speech muzzle Fo' all white males at Hebdo hustle It's a Kalashnikovian Kardashnakovian jam Praise da' Marmite jar An' pa** da admonition “Arabs Kebobed “In a Paris Banlieue” Counter-Strike by Friends of Fascist Front Nationale Against “les meluns” but not too rational “It's been a blasphemy” Becomes “it's been a blast fo' me,” Freedom of Spit, I am not Charlie Why wasn't da whole damn French state arrested As terrorists when Mitterand's boys bombed Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior Wit' a tricky quickly tickin' apparatus? One man k**ed name of Pereira So France could test da Bomb in open-air Pacific Yet Mitterand died after a famous “Last Supper” Served in bed by Dr. Jean-Pierre Tarot An endangered Ortolan singin' ruptured Cooked Mouffetard-style rue Pot de fer Like a South Sea lost pilot Google search The Little Prince committed suicide While Mitterand gets scuppered, his hide Not a Brit Periah Not F.M. apron fo' Alain Bauer 33 Degree man of da hour Not a Socialist Messiah Not a terrorist “Me Sigher” Who k**ed Native Son Richard Wright? Got a shot of rauwolfia serpentina Left like da Israelites and Brown, Tina Forced outta da ‘Wood by Ronnie Chasen's wit in a Blonde v. Blonde cat fight Purina Later Ronnie shot by MI-6 hyenas Gov's run by Alessandra Czarina Not Il Duce but Mussolini's daughter 1.2 million on NSA surveillance list What are we, Miss USA? Or terrorists' chemical constituents valence list? Welcome to da Non-existent States of America NSA lotta bullsh**, but No Flies List Methinks Le Pen is mightier than her drawers Backwards inside-out “drawers” nearly spells “re: sword” “They went on to their just rewards” Pulled Le Pen out of le rocher “New Rochelle Arthur Fisher King seeks Holy Grail” Arab Islam Freemasonic Fail Red Crusader cross on sniper Kyle's tail GALAHAD backwards spells DAHAL A G In Sanskrit then Hebrew DEEP DISH New-Person/Ox Pride/Lift Up King Arthur's Galahad a deep dish idiot In deep sh** pyx then lifted up Sony sacri-fallen ritual Trial of da Pyx Master of da Mint Pocket precious Mittal Who'd da dude kettle In dat Tabernacle fettle Gracula religiosa Salvador Allende Tony Franciosa'd “Dracula Jets to Phuket Thailand “Mick Jagger Caught in Asia Mynah” Hepburn “worth a battleship” Yet Bill Holden got his tubes muddled Opposed to family in a world of cannibals Read it in Alec Guiness Book of Scandals George Soros an in-denial Hoofnagel Read da red-headlines in Tony Curtis beach sandals: “Peggy Guggenheim Invented the Hoof Bagel” “Jimmy Stewart Wins Croix de Guerre “For Not Understanding Heidegger” “Carstairs Calls Americans ‘Morons' “Takes a Sleeping Potion” Sleeps in The Lewiston Daily Sun During the Depression Rests on da Snooze-itchuary page beside Peg Entwhistle Girl jumped from that H in da Hollywood sign trestle Into inky blackness, pages like an open pestle Day of the Locust by West, Nathaniel Wha**up wit' dat talkin' grackle Poet inna golden cage Hollywood's “Golden Age” A lie in Balzac's “Golden Eye” Mitterand's Last Supper Steamed an Ortolan Songbird endangered Free-ma-song-ic ritual Worship of Sumerian god Dinigir All in Ortolan, rather maudlin Pereira cooked on Rainbow Warrior “New Zealand's First Act of Terrorism!” By a French Socialist President Peg called da police wit' her Endwhistle Her swansong, fell from da trestle Bomb went off as planned Rainbow Warrior sank unmanned Legend Hedgin' Hedge Fund Fudgin' Holy Grail Fail Why Not In Jail Hillary caught on tape wit' a big guffaw “…that's when I lost my faith in lie detectors!” She got her Chester client off on Child Rape charges We livin' in da Hypocralypse So much fo' da “feminist” Heard it from her own thin lips Queen G-whenever got her license to Isis Joggin' on Nastasia Kinsky Serpentine Crown da Queen wit' her own olden quotes “There are powers at work in England “We know nothing of…” Hip-hop-cracy Hip-Oprah-cy Hip-Hopera-see “This is the dawning of the Age of Hipocrisy “Age of Hipocrisy “Hip-Oprah-see – “Hip-Hopera-see…” “The Queen purred down the line When I gave her the news” – James Cameron Steamed Salmond an' furious Sturgeon a Scottish dish Da failure of Scotland's push fo' independence Scotsmen in da fen dance Tossed in by Anglo-Saxons Ministre de Travail Robert Boulin Found rigor mortis'd In a pond in da pose of Little Bear President of France Giscard d'Estaing Discard aux étangs French fo' “ponds” home of James Bonds Deepwater Horizon April two-oh Hitler's birthday and my own, uh-oh Worst oil leak ever, k**ed eleven O'Blair suspects Sultan Cistern's “Auspicious Incident.” Read da red-headlines today, oh boy: “Royals Gift Carnivore Plant To “Helen Mirren for Her ‘The Queen' Performance” Duchess of Lamebridge Dull chess of A-list Alice Off with her head put it in a chalice Splash in Sauce Houlebecq Nothing seems what it is Nothin' is what it seems Not even da Solstice beams Precession of that Equine Ox To da slaughter born Poor young Galahad Poor gal Bill had Merlin? Frank Morgan, Tina la Fey's post-partum “We need apothecary's RX perfluorocarbon!” Last words of Merlin, grips da forearm “Search for a golden preen gland “In EpStein-on-da-Thames “Have s** with Asian mynahs “Polonius will stop Polonium “Prince Andrew will feel in da pink “Fisher King be illin' “Throw in da kitchen sink!” ‘Specially Prince “Wilhem” Missed that fateful Hindenburg Hebdo cartoon meetin' “I guess that saved my life,” It was chance not Fate Guess not Kate (Arrived too late As did Margaret Both cried out With a pout “Why, don't I rate As a target?”) Fisher King Drank blood-red Werdna Backwards spell cast by Knarf Nagrom Really Frank Morgan Born Wuppermann, Zola of Gorgon Gatekeeper of Oz, Horus of indifferent “coloreds,” k**ed like Irish-American comedian Fred Allen (Born Sullivan, Died St. Patrick's Day) John Kennedy Toole for his parody Of New Orleans Freemasonry And poor, funny writer Flann O'Brien (Ga**ed away on April Fools Day) What a coinc' Missed by an inch Frank Morgan's last film, “Key to the City” Oz Gatekeeper poisoned by witch Masons For whom “Òz” means “OZ = Punishment” Anutha Freemasonic ironic gate creaks open For scared Peg Entwhistle, friend of Glinda Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man Died on that room's cutting floor Sliced not by director Ethyl Merlin By ‘Wood guys girlin' Gonfalons unfurlin' Befo' da royal funerals Sun refused to come up from London Fo' da ritual Black Sabbath Greenwich brunch On December Twenty-one King Arthur's birthday, girl expunged The Impotence of Being Ernest Hemingwayed in Key West furnace He said da FBI hounded him (Hoover's FBI, Federal bu*t Inhale) Gun in his mouth Single shot, sent south I gotta hunch back at da monks' shack Notre Dame chimera billy-goat about to lunge The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia a PrisonPlanet grunge Dat black occult sun Ibn Khaldoun'd Daggered by Senator Scoundrel Calhoun Obsidian sun's ray troweled into Paul Robeson Sank, a seagulled scow Deepwater Horizon Solar Prince George TeleTubby Appears in da British Petroleum sky For some “top brick” an' her chimney sweep A royal hubby West End play not a peep James Hewitt down but never for da money Aye, there's da rubby-dub-Dubliny Three ducks in a oil-slick robbery The Protestant Ascendancy Who will stop da brain After Global Arming's torrential reign Baptismal water blessed by Sharon, Ariel Fortunato for us not-holes, oil always spirals Down Da Drain L'Wren wit' Live an' “La Haine"! Le Pen Long Marine CUT TO: PROSPERO AT PUCK BUILDING, MANHATTAN, (mid-1980's) Full-fathom-five my blather lies Those were pearls that were my jibes Like a Low Mar Squid left by eventide Up to his collar at Deptford's change of sides Collapsed, that bridge in Chaucer's Reeve's Tale By the slim weight of Heath bereft of ale Sent down, and we're still paying The fat rub-cheeked black dye-crowned publican Isaac bu*t Home Rule Famine turned from Orangeman Dye made of squid's ink from Tristram Shandy Ireland Widow Bull's pub grub quidditch after a neap moon paen Poor Marlowe, too, marooned by prayerless Spy And twelve moons twice over, Kyd's Spanish Tragedy Put on, put off, life's invite at last in infant's humid grasp - Our last breath reduced to rude an*logy In a vinegary obit' estuary And so I erred again into life Like an actress born unto the stage Without a script or reading page White as a ski slope's end of an age The long wordless tumble into red Vanisha grave My kingdom was quick divided among my fry James M. at SNL given status as Chief Sea Leech Mike L., Horseshoe Crab of Grease, Algae, Acid Beach And what of Maximum Pross, what's he to toot? He must give his Mira on the wall the boot Gamel too must have his way, camel seahorse With switched sons in a sea ‘roo's too soon rued pouch Laugh-drunk and far off course His shame slid out without a nurse And gunsel-smooth sadder Kurt His hustler image thirty years out from his last flirt With Gemini-born King Mark, divided my royal mind T'wixt “Brothers” evil whilst I languish here in a land Quite too medieval Am I become Amba**ador to Paris? speak of the Neville left to wine And mutton, else, what?, - pa**ing gas without embarra** What Queen in the House of Etheridge would fain leave her genius With an hidalgo come to, at mejor, nada, nothingo Sarco-vagus, he has some nerve, misty e-cigarettes “zee” view Fascist Le Pens whose cold ink pool marines the dew And their Elvish King a simple Flemish a**? Puck-Arielle, fetch me Sandy Caliban Spy's Gregg “Seth” k**day, the “Celia Brady” peach And your “herbed” companions from Long Island Quahog and Patchogue and Ronkonkama Do not forget Asserie Azoth chefs cordon bleu Wolfgang, Duxbeak, Kinky Trailer Guitar, and have a care Ratza** be there with his friend Michael Caine Alert Nasty, Brutish and also Tall and Short To our predicament, have Ole and Axel call on Abort Talk “Stalin in high-heels,” and all those inducted Into the Odor of Meritorious Tatler By Merle Auberon's Blondissimus Doomkriegfrau The Blonde Iraqi (just a teensy brown) Editor of VF plays Cher for Maples Marla Then Cher for Ronnie Chasen both of “Burlesque” (The blonde “lead”ing the blonde) She let her membership in humanity lapse While I, Prospero, left on a traffic island, Berlin Alexanderplatz'd Her excuse, “After the Gulf War crisis, brunette trumps blonde,” Has Tina come to this? Burnt P. J. O'Cork for Annie Bleepowitz Though they're thick as dweebs Gemini Femini Frumpy Liebowitz Or that Diana autodafebiography (Lie detectors fail to confederate her fantasy) What a mess Rudolf Hess “The American Friend” MacArthur planned to invade turf Canadian So the Brits to sleep they pretended While England Slept the U.S. crept Into King Henry the Fowler's fine bird nets And we must invite Robert Gottlieb Who k**ed John Kennedy Toole, instead promoted Adope Heller Toole brinked to suicide, Bob a di-putz fella Assimilated simulated see ya later Uri Geller Another two feet on the thinning ledge “Too much of this so its blurring that” Power tie blue-striped shirt “Too much of sh** so its blurring shat” Poor Bob missed the fleur-de-lis on JKT's post The number 3, Bob didn't see it's the G The 33 Degree, preferred Heller's 22 skid-doo And Ian Jack of Granta's NZ Freemasonic coup When one has The Book of Codes, one sees What's next, dear Puck, a statue of your putti-shaking-pee From a ledge, drunk Puck teetering over a howling Houston Street? Or some unsteady poet cleaning windshields With a TV critic's scribblings in the Times On a TV movie based on a Chester Himes At the same time pissing poteen from the wolf's tooth At Donovan's farm off the craggy cliff At Bantry in an August-blustery Samhain IRA bomb took out Mountbatten for his Elmer Gantry (Fake name stolen by Ess** in lost Wess**) Jacob Omnium can write the Ossipovna Gannibal Column in the Times, here's my alpha guest list: Bing Crosby's Sicilian “brudda” Bada Bing, Richard Gere and Buddha Bing Martian Asparagus Amis, King Zuckerberg The anamorphic Bitcoin twins of Uglydirge Amba**adors, both gents provacateurs Drug Czars, the abattoir of stars Pro Albatross wrestlers (keep it to four) Pseudo-DionOvitz, Baron Mauswich And his latest lonely heart attack (No roamin' Vishniacs!) Ganesha given swine flu Elohim ebola Jesus down with sneezes Allergic to double crosses Dial up a photomontage by Paula Jimenez Van Gogh reading The Haunted Man by Chas. Dickens Professor Redlaw angry about poor Dick's end James Gandolfini with an escort of Egypt's top baboons (Freemasonic final photo courtesy of a “Phil-adelphia ‘Koople'”) Télésurveillance police municipale, violence ban*lisée Tranquillité vacances garanties (dans banlieues gratuites Surtout à St.-Mandé), General Munro (Fifth Column) tweets “Korben Dallas cannot meet defeat.” Seat The Wizard of Gettysburg beside Diane von Furstenberg Have her whip-wounds treated by the Asian Dr. Who With a Tincture of Dishonesty, she the first in iceberg preserved Till it splits in two to spill her out as fashion's goo Post-thrown-garter tarentellas, throw her to the fellas In the mosh pit writhing with totalitarian twits While Farnham Charlestons, X-arm-kneed, on the mantelpiece (Boston's famed balloonist McSorley's somehow missed) And tell Last, “bu*t not Least,” Still, sit Last beside the Beast Western Freedom's just a stone's throw away In the Battle of Plataea a Spartan threw a stone Hit the Persian general square on his dome Mardonius k**ed, Greek general Pausanias rushed in It all ended Persian-badly at the river of Asopus And today, radical Greeks hope to a**-soap us That being sad, we'll have the ball end badly Invite the 29 duels of Alexander Pushkin All fought over slight Olga Larina The last ball has Pushkin “ballerina” Beneath a cherry tree, shot as one of Russia's “superfluous men” Oblomov'd by “herstory” on a couch by Rudderless Tipling Or some such author perilously Chekhovian, - Yes, uninvite Kurt Kreamer-Andersen Speaking of ladies and their lapdogs Why not dig up Edie Sedgewick “End Badly” Andy, who love-k**ed her Let her die, stole her style Later got shot by the gal he defiled (After Sister or Sor Juana, Solanas and “Waltzing Mathilda,” Valerie's Carboard Andy “waltzing” after a “Mighty Battle”) Andy's Capri pants Aldo Mori'd in a cookie jar Robin Williams' watches cower in an argyle sock Because Coluche, his avatar, by a truck got smacked La Moto Braque'd under a Michelin track Viva, Bike Boy left a Basquiat case At last Valerie Jean Solanas' SCUM Manifesto Promotes the eradication of all men from “Her” planeto No more Manhattan “co-managers of the sh**-pile!” No now it will be Womyn-hat-on, celeb runway style No more men's vulgar ejaculations, “neat-o!” or “Sieg heil!” Our Jean Val-Jean Stars in “I Shot Andy Warhol,” with Ultra-Violet Cicciolina avec des pneus, Alessandra Mussolini, Tippi Hedren's lion 2Pac a Pepper's Ghost at Coachella goat-shaped Plantation golfing With Bafomet Google Map and Joe Dallesandro rapper dauphin - Buried cold in Warhol's vault behind his Factory face CUT TO: PROSPERO'S DAYDREAM INTER-LEWD Walking home the Senator spies Maura Dancing in the Tivoli fountain With her clothes on, but with Abadon What does it mean this shrewd “abandon”? “The Republican Senator from Israel a Paragon” That Act should be repealed I don't recall voting for that schlemiel The Senate needs a final face peel Getting old, this act, this “nation.” Civilization and this hypocrisy it's based on Civilization debases, one man left on Side's retired, so much for the bastion Inning over outing over bring home the caissons From Baghdad from Helmland and from Khe Sanh CLOSE: PROSPERO'S FACE AS HE SNAPS OUT OF HIS DAYDREAM Oh! and do inviteVanity Fair ‘s King Gray Dung Carter Shoveling dungster-loving Epstein, he's quite a Bart-erer Jeff frees up steins as skulls do minds Yes, – all heads lose their minds, at the last -- Yes, yes, Puck-Arielle, let these pages be the modest stage I've set A snapping, dancing firestorm balletic in its burnt ham wit Served to inane dunces slit by the Sphinx's dagger solar ambit They say in Tanzania chimpanzees have firedancers Better than our straitjacket flits. Poor Lord Peter Apnea Thought himself a spider, left without a web - Let fly, - and in his fall a nation's necromantic fancy Blossoming black wisp readings of Wills left intestate With us to s** the squirt of Hecate's next pressed breast leak Harried by autumnal colors, lightning lapels bespoke fraternity Yet touched us to the quick at Chappaquiddick That season I lost someone to a double game of quidditch While Henley ‘scaped us through starry windows with fair Eternity Abiding now in the gossamer of Winehouse Algol Mugwump Shall we as a nation hew it, this Jamestown starve's dream of London With binge-purge Diane and too-poignant Ferguson In Sloane Square encompa**ed by a Bafomet's cussing As misery would have it in a bear's paw fern or pelican's ladle The fish that flipped out like a tired dredl Or Jeffrey who clawed his way to the top To steal it from toddlers wearing bonnets With no St. Lou' as ludique guide, no arch Spencer-ian sonnet No Wainwright Building's bullet window to k** an Eric Errant like that vile girl of Metz “burnt at the stake,” Unhorsed by violent bowman, rein, spit and bloody bit Yes, cowslip-anthem, mercurial blood-bubble Puck Twin of Arielle of Dumba**le, make thee hence and fly the coop Let stars rue your rooster flight to subtle cups Drunk as a deep dish from a shallow river's d**h And brought thereby to edgy heath, Elizabeth'd By tickling Seymour and stand-offish Parr Alice through Elizabeth's The Mirror Or the Sinful Soul, (“KP” on embroidered cover With KAPHR for nations conquered perhaps meaning “KAFFIR”) Her gown nevertheless cut to tatters left in clover Like luckless Seymour when his head did shatter Bloody scalp and ensign pulver'd Thusly Puck and quickly, act the peduncle to the stigma born Steady your eager stamen in conundral ether for the Virgin Queen Crowned by her one Corona in a painting by Nicolas Poussin Ants shall mark thy anther-dusted path far as Karlsruhe's Nighttime inflorescence, there to find Lord Strange With Cistercian plotters minting finskies, Daphneange Miranda and Sabrina Guinness, Sylvie Boucsa**e And J. “Bottom” Wildenstein, ivresse at last embraced “Midsummer Night's Merde” or Dream defaced Well! a toast of dew, off you fly with curt adieu, - And have a care you post bail for Clare's Irby's Bangalore arrest! But as you fly this atmosphere goodbye Like poor Branson after his meteoric hayrick fire Bring back the Demon not some Sasquatch Fear Caliban, and keep a watch Recall that Ariel-Caliban anagrams Aréole BAL I CAN Or Ari El Bal Icon Or BAL(L) (EYE) I CAN PRO-SPEAR-O (“eye” in Hebrew) Or the Free Masons' sign Medieval mother AERIAL PEL-I-CAN That plucks its AUREOLES to feed its clan Or something worse, perhaps a soul Some dark whisper from the diary of Elias Ashmole BAL IN A Aréole, yes, ball in an aureole! Elizabeth's head pox-scarred, bewigged, half-bald Soprano to Doubting Tom, “in our coy tuss', interruptus.” Be Ronnie chastened by this verse, Puck-Arielle At Karlsruhe Institute there you'll meet BHL The greatest mind of the International Date Line Ovule go then on this Venetian-Marlovian mission Don't spend too much time with my double Poor Marlowe in the city that is sinking Pollen is the reason we're all made gay superstitions So dally not with masquerados You must return by way of Carl's rue Cormaic's Wain as it was called by Gaels and Britons Grab this wheeling Big Dipper by its “Hold de Grail” queue Below your merry round you'll hear bad German “Kartoffeln statt Döner” (“Potatoes Not Kebob!”) Yet potatoes were brought to Karlsruhe by Spanish ensigns (You'll find in that land fantasticated aphorisms) Alas, there is no time to entertain such aphid notions Here's a pence, then, stop off for something stöllen And as we live between lives in no time thrice From tottering sots to tots on trikes Here's the two-fold universe's one-time back-rent – CLOSE ON PROSPERO POURING GOLDEN SAND THROUGH PUCK'S OPEN FINGERS BY STRANGE MEANS KNOWN ONLY TO THE SORCEROR AND HIS APPRENTICE For as Zippy the Pinhead Will someday steal from Prospero's fishnet “Are we having fun yet?” EXEUNT, PROSPERO, PURSUED BY O-NEGIN (EVIL EYE) / MAL-V-OLIO'S (EVIL EYE'[S) BIER CUT TO: INT. THE “MIND” OF CALIBAN I got da magic number from a track tout Wrote it down wit' a charcoal nub On dis stub of paper stained in a tub FBI TIPS LINE: 1-800-555-2015 An' dat ain' da half, Puck-Arielle Pete Townsend an' Peg Entwhistle Said it best in their Make-out Manson co-writ spittle “Surfin' Clover Bugsy Thistle 29 O'clockish Missile” Junipered by Donovan and Brian Wilson “The Kids in the Hall Are Alright “But we can't pay them crikey's blight.” Such a tune it was, such an air Yet why Carter Burwell's Carla Bruni laugh When I told ‘im John Lennon got sacrificial calfed? Payback fo' “Don't trust anyone under 30,” Jack N's porcine white nostrils filthy-dirty Or aristocratic gaffe? Puck, I am a'feared Last night I saw a mean white cat Creeping in poplar moonlight Four X's ‘cross its back What is da meanin' of dat? Cat-meaning finds its own resolve We must seek the Universal Salve Babylon's Enkidu lies gored by the Bull of Heaven We hunt a rare rough poultice to thickly armor Prospero in the gown of Gilgamesh And, but still, Puck, maybe we should pistol Way past Bristol To da Tao of da 19heaventies For these times s** We could get laid by da Marchesa Casati Or Isabella Blow, meet up wit' Rakehell Or Weedk**er, da reverend's Dom Perignon Make out wit' da wardens of Lower Orkney Bed down wit' naked moles munchin' chaplains' organs Federico Garcia Lorca them in an Andalusian ditch While Baron Munchausen shoots a buck wit' cherry pips Or Puck, how bout' dis – Afghan women in da Second Anglo-Afghan War Into captured soldiers mouths they drowned em wit' their piss We could do some dat water-boardin' wit' da trolls of CIA-ISIS If they insist Dear, drear Caliban, while I sympathize With your plight, a virgin at age 1,098 Unlike the first woman President of the H. Lampoon Who won, they say, by a manslide We must not despair, off to the 19heaventies We must fly, to the Heavenly Music Corporation We must not tarry in your prurient imagination A division of the East India Porkeration CUT TO: PUCK-ARIELLE WHISKS CALIBAN VIA THE SPINNING BIG DIPPER TO CBGB's AND THE MUDD CLUB, (LATE 1970's) Eno I know he no Rhino Records blow where R Ramones PR began to flack: “Money talks “Nobody gawks,” In lieu of Arthur, Lucifer Helmore “Goat's Head Soup” to “Rescue Emot'” Stones bookended decade, (both times gun-tote) FLIR (Forward-Looking InfraRed) used by Roy Adzak (FLIR found Djokhar Tsarnaev in a backyard boat) I influenced “Fear of Music” Brian Eno / Brian Owt Almost MCB to MCA, he died by cancer knout Debby Harry tol' me I look good in blue Then crossed her arms and - pout Shah Pahlavi, U.S. Emba**y shaken-taken Ayatollah Khomeini-miney-mo “CIA has got to go!” Jimmy Carter signed Rendition Act We did protest we did fight back But in da end who won da flacks Wasn't it Hollywood's Oscar Pay la Renta Who on his d**h bed yenta'd “Either Disco or I go.” 19Haitis “Never change “Ron, thanks fo' da Big Game “Always be yo'self “We just da comma in our coma “'Died bu*t' not 4-got-10!!!” Margaret Thatcher Didn't quite catch her Testicular attack, blood cataracts Her reign performance piece hair shellac'd Mrs. Witch Mrs. Who Mrs. What I'm against I.T., Time's Wrinkle I read in the Children's Shelter And decades later “Banks Too Rigged to Fail,” Army's “Arpanet” to internet Today Parc Malnou Goodbye boo-hoo Must be a Baba Yaga sinkhole Or a straight b**h tesseract 19neinties, after The Wall Rise of German Kraftwerk gall But we like “Tron” after all The Unstoppable Rise of Angela Merkel Clinton Eastward, trick-shot from da mirror “Who da most handsome of Dems all?” Mirror vespers from mirror silence “Sleepin' Hillary by baby's breath heaven scent “Beauty sleeps top drawer in a sachet'd desk “Like sweet Elle Fanning in ‘Maleficent,' “But after she Victor, You go “Hillary will “k** Bill” “And then state funeral.” (Historical Note: after Paris Commune slaughter Victor Hugo to an island ottered St. Ugo's Feast in France be April Fools Day “‘Cabaret' Joel Grey sings, “Dine on You, Ghouls May.”) Bill cleaned up da Reagan-Bush econo-mess But when he heard da mirror speak Man broke down, right there confessed Bill tried thirteen times to poison his po' wife It all burned up in her Napalm fire in da jelly Like James Mason's in “North by Northwest,” da microfiche Bohemian Grove teapot whistle from a Moluch belly An' fo' his crimes so vile, with evil Epstein rife - Gotta heart attack really smelly Post-2000 it all from cow's end Not much ‘cept falla mankind Chemical Brothers Trance inna Magnetic Fields From bovine ends it all “Year of Depends” (David Wallace, Infinite Jest, stole basic ideas from me Published in early ‘80's Movies Magazine and National Lampoon “Borges in Hollywood” an' “UN Newsletter,” “Burial of the Sardine” in California's Zyzzyva But maybe not that other one in Laurel Review “All the p**ycats Are Tired,” David Logorrhea Wallace needed fifteen editors Stole from a lyrics writer better than “Yellow Ledbetter,” For which, let's hope, his neck got fettered Like our Agent Orange vets “am I da boxer or da bag” Grommet in a wheelchair made me wanna gag Wallace da grovelist was a straight tome-hack Meanwhile, I'm a general crossin' River Potomac f** Delaware let's take buyin' homes back “Gun Shots Outside Joe Biden's Home “Police Suspect Freddie Mac” “Poor Pay Seven Times the Rich Rate, Slack Of Subtle State and Local Tax” Get out da way, name's Brian McCormblack “The Beast is Back an' Eddie Vedder than Ever!”) Bee Doom, pork plagues, subprime famines Gotta get yo' head by Jay Z's Gwyneth examined “Consciousness Uncoupling!” “Scrupulous Corruption!” “Flaming Wall of Methane Up-Bubbling!” “Steam Your Vagina while Ironing!” Might got robot fleas Wear yo' red Roman prosto' wrist strings who*es wore ‘em to show they up fo' flings Wit' Romans, but they got Polanski'd Govern mental drone bees fancy Can't stay above it now sh**'s grown ant wings No Kaballah No M'Bala M'Bala Can't not save yo' fracas not even Allah We all in da Galen Org Gala Werner von Braun a spy that's why Like early NASA we all a bit shambolic Infants born wit' malware implants Kidz grow up, fast Then cannibalize They frenemies an' parentemies They parent theses really feces, got paresis Like Foster Wallace did to Jesus In “The Life of Brian” stole his god's last wheezes CUT THEY TEETH ON: Charlie Hebdo derives from Charlie Brown is Michael Brown By Lucy-fer he's taken down Snoopy iz da Homeroom snitch In a Woodstock Nation march Knott's Berry Farm attraction Y'all, they got their bloody factions Charlie look out, da kite-eatin' tree! Snagged twelve kites Les flics, da cops turned out Illuminati “lights” Took away one cop car days befo' da fight Only one car left, Islamic cop in it Minister of da Interior Cazeneuve Mysterious Lack of Insight by Claude Rains In “Casablanca” Peter Lorre shot out a coupla brains “We had no idea” but way to incite “Yes, you're right, Ugarte “I am a little more impressed with you.” Nuthin' done by our Captain Louie Renaults “Round up da Usual Suspects,” Kaiser's sosie Despite a clear an' present Den-is–da-Menace Homeland Seek-your-itty (once known as yo' penis) Ferris Bueller's “we ate pancreas,” A kind of sweetbread So is human brain, dead Freemasonic sweetbread breath Rahmbo da “sausage king of Chicago” Either St. Ugo or you go Iago Neither Ugo nor Iago Let's call the hole thing Offed CUT TO: LONDON FOG Emerging from a fog bank Counting clouds of Arthur Rank Kim Philby an' da Cambridge Five Band worse than The Curious Onlookers Tonearm Cobras, Bad Curves an' The Topless Alcoholics (“They Saved Santa's Brain” Their Boston double-platter bollocks) Meanwhile, “Beagle Found On Mars “Exobiologists Celebrate in Bars” Snoopy drones nestin' Woodstock Missiles guided by Lucy Violet Grey “The most powerful handgun in the world” “Dirty Hillary” double bill wit' “Shaft Pump Action” O'Bombersploitation, .358 b**h gotta Magnum Officers off-da-sirs, she gonna frag ‘em Hillary piece knacked peacenik k**in' children “They are s**ists, so we chilled ‘em,” Who da enemy, you or Illdom? CUT TO: SHREDS CAFÉ, DREAM INTERLUDE, CLAUDE RAINS AS “CLAWED REIGNS” OFF THE “CASABLANCA” SET “We could join the Free French in Brazzaville “Like the time we convinced that Russian villain “To dance the squat prisyadka on the oaken table “Singing ‘The Marseillaise' in the Charthouse at Malibu “Waves lashing the windows a spy's odd vodka splashings “'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,' FDNY Vulcan Society anthem “The Charterhouse of Parma, Napoleonic karma “And we thrown out, checked the wheel well for a bomb “Like a check-mirror taped to a stick women they are fick' “Or when we guys pissed the grave of the man who wrote “‘Ten-Thousand Men of Harvard,' in Old Charleston Boneyard “Where Ted Phillips lies he was our Burl Ives “We tried to raise Calhoun by magick incantations Jew and Irishman “On Christmas Day after turning down the invite by Bill Murray “Ted starred in ‘The Man Who Loved Cemeteries,' by A. Gurgan*s “Tears Get in Your Fire, that song by Morissey or was it Alanis “Or Elmer Green, or freedom wearing the idea of color in a dream “When ‘fun' meant something other than ‘F.U., Nun,' “When we were young and bright and often frisked “Sprayin' and rhymin' Garfunkelin' Simon “Runnin' hoppin' duckin' hideout 10050 Cielo “(LA County map looks like Mr. Burns, stay low as Kato) “!@*%) = 12850 in Lower Case, it's Nicholson's checkmate-o “David Lynch “Mulholland Drive” Sarkozy's fave “No address always movin' Zero-Zero Club all the rave “The only thing we not takin' is the road “f** Frost an' horses queer let's drink Generic Beer “Dicks shrinkin' by PCB's no need fo' parental fear “'Anthropocene Age Produces Armies of Dickless Toads' “Obama Declares Terror No Worse than a Favela Rhett “I do not consider terrorism an existential threat,' Meanwhile back in Europe Kerry hugs Hollande “Sarko-Lande surrounded by an ocean, Marine Le Pen “Even as Marine life foreshadows Le Pen's extinction: “'Most French Want Government of National Unity' “Only thing of it, I'm Aristide Bruant at Agile, Lapin “F-n' Rubadub Guv got off wit' lock stock impunity” Landis thing, Landis thing, can't Landis thing “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful frenemyship.” PLANE'S ENGINE STARTS UP, PROPELLER SPINS, THEY WALK INTO FOG, FADE OUT FADE IN: INT. VIRGIN ISLANDS AIRPORT NEWSPAPER STAND Read da red-headlines today, oh boy “Djokhar Strikes Again, (note da French spellin') “Batman seeks Stately Wayne Tamerlan,” (fo' his mensch k**in') “FBI Knew Tamerlan k**ed Two Guys with .12 Gauge “Let Him and his Bro' Go On Marathonic Rampage” Gatsby Epstein seen wit' Wolfsheim Clinton Sex-slave Monica-huntin' o' just funnin' kiddin'? Womyn stutter he done, hedon, hit on womyn Bill's Angry Chicks App who's winnin'? O'Bomber, Clinton, Hillary PlanetSnoopy@KnottsKerry Four who*esmen of Hypocralypse Sing wit' sleek morracca-lips Too bad they missed Bra**erie Lipp Day Mossad or Moroccans nabbed Ben Barka pissed Je suis Charlie Am-morocain Barka dissident shoulda known Flag of Morocco pentagram flown Soldiers' parades led by a goat Goat grabbed Ben Barka by his throat “Occupy a False Flag” “Chicago Seven Glib in Spite of Gag” “World Gloomed - According to Hollydoom” At Diana's Guy “Fawkes” Charles Not-laugh Tilt-a-Whirl “torch-ure” subliminal sculpture Sits above the crash site like a vulture Charles Laughton “You Tiny on the Bounty” Able semen Epstein “the better picker-upper,” Andy swabbed the deck of this ‘52 pickup Like Robin Williams' last stolen gag ‘Bout door's unhinged chokehold, nags Like Space Ghost on da coast playin' phone tag Wit' an asteroid sulfur satellite gone flamin' f*g Harpooned Diana haunts Pont de l'Alma Anti-mines, Louise done march on Thelma Now she's a sculpture by Hans Belmer “Homer-land Sickurity MICT Program” Mails Isolation Control and Tracking Males Isolation Control and Hacking Emails intercept-Ed, data “Snowden” “Cyber Chief Arrested for Child p**n!” NSA “CodeMasters” molest our messages Not Jeffrey Katzinburgers' Korean ma**ages Subliminal s** in SKG an' Disney cartoons Sowers of Discord, Inferno blood sausages “Writers Guild Wins Freedom of Speech “Hollywood wins Freedom to Leech” Customs at Heathrow Gave us a Free Throw “Ghostbusters” hero' (Apostrophe muled in by Stacy Keach) “Speedballs” a John Candy spike hit Unfortunately, kids on da set bit Plot twist at dis puncture juncture Childe Harold Cokehead quarreled Thought he controlled da world In da end, could not control his bowels Lesson is – control yo' noze wit' a rubber hose (See also, Eugene Onegin, Ch. 4 verse 44) That sh** is John Candy Stay away from girls named Mandy “Speedballs” anutha “Second City” spike hit Anutha load of irresponsible American bullsh** Unfortunately, kids on da set bit “Landis thing, Landis thing!” Who ya gonna call? Codebuster! “Brianstorm” on da You Tube No book he couldn't whip through Man snorts per payday two Grammatologies Makes Saussure an' Derrida look like world cla** apologists No net he couldn't slip through His Ramadan-a-ding-dong left NSA lookin' frou-frou Two-tie combo, still couldn't hang tho' Whatchoo gonna do, Chitty-Chitty bang bro'? Y'all can't Trifecta planet's chief defector Yo itty-bitties burn up wit' just a sun reflector EXT. HELICOPTER BLADE VIC MORROW DAY-FOR-BLACK-DAHLIA CUT IN TWO: Occupy protesters, police molest us “The Prisoner” puttin' on that “Bad Jacket” (Look it up o' yo' be Buddy Hackett) Neo-Nixon's turnin' Occupy against itself Should be allies ‘Stead it's all lies Like Michael an' Sister Janet That sh**'s the planet – That duel scene in Pushkin's Eugene Onegin This time played out in Eugene, Oregon Teen caught smokin', cops turn ‘im Infiltrator perpetrator k**ed peace movement Ma**acre play “Macbett” by Eugene Ionesco Staged in da coldest canyon in Afghanistan Silver Star Pat Tillman Burnt in a friendly-fire By Special Forces snipers Bro' was critical of US Iraqi policy Gon' meet wit' intellectual Noam Chomsky Boom, Till's hit, taken out one shot Army coroner says, “it's murder fo' sho'” But our press be the public's herder An' truth's a no-show Fox News announces “no-go zones” fo' Christians In m**m Paris, that bull's hit, they missin' No-go zones fo' deflated patriots In Afghani-damn missions, Fox be idiots sh**'s goin' viral on da net You're next, Vets Vet against vet Who fragged Pat Tillman? Like The Daily Kos say United we stand - on prosthetic alloy Divided by drones - we all their toys Like Helen Latoya, we all got balled By Paris of Troy caught Achilles by his heel If he hollers let him go how's it feel No unions in this man's Army Confederate Strike Force Barmy Replaced by clones Prez hisself's a drone Bladerunner hired like a Philip K. Dick Daryl Hannah Barbarellas doctor Genentech With a Bam-Bam Pebble triple-flip “The Boys from Brazil” cloned Adolf Hit' Tony Pellicano out in twenty-fifth Dynamite an' j**elry, La Brea Tar Pits Musta missed “Blunt Force Trauma” Starrin' Barracks O'Bomber General Betrayus bones Paula Goodbroad After that her NYT popularity soared Inappropriate behavior like Frank an' Ava Tell it to da Commander in Cheat George Washington Permanent Confined to “Quarters” General McChrystal Dash cam's Duress Pool Where was da Press Drool? Hastings' car hosed down by a prayer shawl What a coinc' Missed by an inch “He was in Failing Health, flunked out, y'all “Free tuition fo' all in Bomb-unity College!” Future not Utopia Gon' be Dystopia “Americuh a Cornucopi…huh!?” Could not be dopier A danger field moment Touch of da tie A slight lament But nevah say die It be da fall of Rome Da saddened Hebrews come to Julius Caesar's tomb twice People of da Book pay their last respects nice But Caesar sacked da Library of Alexandria Burnt it to da ground, y'all Now Senator Joe Lieberman Wanna “pull da plug on da internet” law To muzzle our maws Man that's just naus' Must give us paws Whoa-OH Whoa-OH Whoa-OH Jay Leno k**'t “Conan” why? Whussup wit' Jeffrey Zucker Muthaf**a burn his mutha Fo' a few dollar mo' I'll be NBC CEO Got-2-Go “Man from U.N.C.L.E.” on OPM Channel “Open Channel D” Coco Chanel Sean Hannity, Hans Solo Napoleon Solo, Soledad O'B Four horsemen should be boloed Like Bhopal was when it got Yoko'd Wha**up wit' cancelled “Coco”? Conan's Ferguson, (Scott), got shot We need a good buh-spiracy theory: Like Prez Truman went King Herod Tried to k** infant Yoko So Beatles would not break up Hiroshima an' Nagasaki da result Hip-hopshima became a NoGoSaki Subprime derivatives bomb dropped ‘Hood's history written by a hip-hop Mal-Krump Transformer called Evictor Reparations due black slaves an' da Irish Built up everything from here to Tara Who dug da gold in Kate's tiara? African natives enslaved by Boer constrictors Next they gon' be smokin' e-n***a-rettes! Human history be sad, need a hip-hopera Hip-hoperator turf-mimer I'm da Mary Poppin'-ator Rappin' brolley parrot Kil't Ralph Nader She take y'all out wit' a shady PMS Sport-f**in' monster-mashin' Vagina Slims, an after, you got a lady-penis We hate to admit it But we got attrited - Women have da power “Let's never shower!” EXT. BOSTON, LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK, FERGUSON, DRONE VIDEO MONTAGE FBI Bustin' Marathon For LA sprayin' Malathion FIB knew all along Tsarnaev three friends gonged Marlowe bangs “Tamburlaine,” hits bong Chimney made-a Paul Walker's “Skulls” Smokescreen Auschwitz Treblinka'd press Strike Force Piketty sez The underdressed gon' get it next Didier Fa**in's book on dirty cop nests CUT TO PENTA-GONE BY CIA TASER-SHOT: Same thang, sh** was dun' on 9/11 Here be why, it's all Freemasonic puns In Hebrew Nine-One-One white devil equals Pike's Morals and Dogma Double-Eagle 119 Biblical number of Abomination Abyssal angel of Abaddon we a bombin' nation Read Book of Revelation Verse 9:11 George Bush King of da Army of Locusts Boston Marathon “victim” lost his legs inside Iraq How'd he lose ‘em twice wha**up wit' that? sh** benefited Harvard Caught snoopin' student-teacher emails, awkward Braised Marathon runner-meat took da heat off Drew Gilpin Faust loves The Brothers Tsarnaev Bros carry 3-D-printed Kalashnikovs That JDL sh**'s right outta The Brothers Karrymatzohs Jews say it's da Age of Reverse Racism But it be mo' like Whites on Our Case-ism History be an anagram in idiom Telegram of “Chapman's Homer” From “Life of Brian” Graham-Gilliam “Reverse AGE (of) RACISM = MSICAR-AGE Of Justice.” No Justice, No Rihanna marriage Kerry don' get any cuz he da s**y savage Yet nuthin's done Yet nuthin's done Sign up da ‘Wood Sign up da ‘Wood Sign's whiter than James Woods In Franglais 2008 is deux-mille-eight And tha's whut happened Doo-meal-ate Ameriduh Got a Play-Doh press Got a Play Dead press Plagiarism heresy Evidence hearsay Cayne k**ed Gable “It's a Wonderful Knife” Jimmy Stewart cyber-attacked By “a dope-smoking cokehead megalomaniac” “Cayne to World: ‘Ripped my client's eyes out!'” Ace Greenberg Jimmied da lock at “Bare Sterns” Playin' bridge, welfare fo' da b**h Bailout's not very manly Lloyd Blankfein ran off with Goldfilled-Sacks Might as well be sellin' smack Lay-men Brothers had a great rack Dick Fulled, Dick Fold Great in Rome's sack NY Daily News Blames Rome's fall on Mayor DiBlasio Blams Mayor Die-Fastio “Save da Horse-drawn Carriages “Say Yes to Gay Marriages” But no sign-up sheeeeeeet No mob Fugazi fleeeeeeeet For JDL might be involved in poppin' alas poor 2Pac East-end West-end extortion John Cusack “Cops stop pumpin' Grosse Point Blanks “Two officers down – all over town” “Bang-bang, you shot me down, bang-bang…” Musta missed “Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang” What a coinc' Missed by an inch White-gloved cops turn they backs on DiBlasio White gloves worn by Free-ma's-sons An' blue their favorite color code What a coinc' Called 911 got 9/11 dial tone Da aprons made of human hide Smellin' of formal-JeckelDrHyde CIA supports NGO's “Free Hong Kong “Climbs Empire State grippin' topless Kate “Bi-planes circle topless towers of Illin' “Kong's black, don't get top billin' “Perfect time Kong Die Blastioed “Students for Freemasonic Cannibals “March for Total Power of Capital “Paranoia Grips New York “City Re-named Powerin'-Oy-Orc.” In LA-Y-Ferguson, N-Y-Not Solange tasers fourteen cops b**h don' know when to stop John McClane scene “Die Hard” elevator Solange now gotta “Seder “Circumcision of the ears” The media, bought ‘em for a round of beers She's a one-woman Netanyahu Yom Kippur out nettin' Yahoos Sins written on crumpled paper Soaked up what remained of da LA River John McClane sings “Bye-Bye Miss a Jerrican Spy “Russian Spy Booted from N-Y” Like wit' Fredo on that rowboat An' da horsehead in da bed wit' pedo' Make her an offer she can refuse Spy a can of refuse, off-her like a loofa In “The k**ing of Colonel Klink-hoffer” John Adams devolution Don Adams' “Nude Bomb” now a think-opera “The Brady Bunch Taken Hostage In Half-Hour Burbank Siege” Post-Modern multi-culturals Lookout fo' multi-vulturals Philip Gla** stole from “North by Northwest” golden ore “Einstein on the Beach” close to Elmer Bernstein's score “Epstein on the Beach” by Phillup da Gla** Closer to reality, “North by Nathaniel West” Eva St. Marie-Jolie Cary Grant-Clooney Jimmy Mason Hangin' from da scalp of George Wa**h**tin' Or get off da pot Jefferson an' Sally Hemmings Defacin' public prop'ty wit' they bomb tag mittens CUT TO BOMB AT: Burnin' of Cork by da Black an' Tans Cromwell k**ed millions of O'Brien, Flanns Transformed them into Osiris glans “I scream you scream we all scream ice cream” Ben ‘n' Jerry bigots should be wearin' “I Heart Cork” “Goodnight, you Al Jolsons of New England” f**amuthas try “Queue” da highest Scrabble Word Jus' funnin' it be “Hollywood” da highest rabble merde Ameriduh we spark a “beacon” on da Hill Mixed race da future, just acacia Goneril'd Regan, Martin Luther King's Norman Lear Produced at da storefront Scottish-Puertoricanist I'm da first mestizo church organist Playin' macaronic “Macarena” Onna frackin' schist CHECK DIS EBONY AN' IVORY OUT – AMERICA = “A G I REMA” C in Hebrew bein' G G for Freemasons da 33 “A G I REAMER” breaks AMERICA O'Bama's the G, I AM ERICA K-un Jong got a Fear of Flyin' Buddy Holly Big Bopper Fear of not dyin' CIA Jerry Naylor Hello sailor He be lyin' Harry Shearer's “Morning Becomes Eclectic” PBUHs radio, Pope Leo X sittin' on that Ecliptic Circle cut to feel up the papal balls Make sho' he not a girl like Leonard or Derek Smalls Bok me up on this, Derek, duty calls: Ozone goin' fast need to wear Tibetan Yamaka Carnivalesque, saw Diane Arbus at da Comic-Con Where PSY shot anutha video “Mr. Robot's Rude Rodeo” Odious goat-eo Koreans on the roof-eo K J-un fish fry Cosby got twelve ‘Rophie-wives Each one sharpenin' twelve-thousand knives “Jape Rape isn't funny!” Jackanapes opposed by Jades “Feminisn'ts: Where is “Brearly Legal” Katie Roiphe?” Now we must all take James Hunt's lessons Stutter disasters, the King's Peach Lewis Carroll ruined on da beach In a river of Pinot Noir from Puglia The heel of Italy, Camille Paglia Lynching Cos' at a showing of Kathleen Kennedy's “Milk Money,” who is speech the-rapist Speaker of the Mouse or Bring Down da House “Angel Miracle Tries To Make Infidels into Zinfandels “Alleged Cos' an' OJ into Nelson Mandelas” Master of da black-skinned grape Primitvo Even da name of da California grape be racist evil Klon dikes speak out against cloned grapes at “So No Ma” “Mendocino men do' hear ‘no' men dough speak no” Joan Rivers final screech, no brakes, lookout Lookout! Lookout! dun-DUN, Lon-DON Broils Still She Haunts Me Ellen Barkin And his brother, sat next to S. J. Perelman At da Signet, he scraped my car door on sharp ice Drunk on cognac an' cigar smoke took a slice You can read about sh** in Gray Dung's Rich People's Garbage: Different from Us Peaches Geldorf Duchess of Melba Joanie's Rivers Glitter on a seagull's beak Pellicano litter-ati Nudge an' Norbert Butz “Leo ‘Cheap Seats' Scalps Academy” not an Oscar Bub Or Babe, sorely merits an Oscar Snub Outgrabe, the Oscar nods an-ounced Lindsay Lohan girl got trounced Juiced American Princess “JAP's Methadone Acting Found to Cause Angio-gram Incest “Hollywood Docs Say Ingest Is Best” Scientific American Agency: Junior Partners : Hunk Hickory Zeke Adelson Eidelweiss and Cruller Symbol : Le Pen comme carte l'homme pendu Senior Partners : Harvey, Hardly Dworkin an' Lon Chaney Farewell song by Winehouse, Amy Tho' in mercy's hand all da stories merge Ideas “in da air” bowel purged It all reduced to a muted klaxon Joy-juice flattened Michael Jackson Dude should not have double-flipped In da shower into Bubbles slipped Still, when in da buff his tailor was Elizabeth “Never-Never! Landis-Landis!” Wendy Darling was quite candid, trashed her Peter Panic Mary Jo Kopechne'd Corey's Feldman Ferguson, Misery, new App “Slashin'” Da Bad News Bears' guns still flashin' Reverend War Neverend Where it gonna end “Heaven forfend.” WHOA-Oh WHOA-Oh WHOA-Oh Where it gonna end INT. COMEDY CENTRAL TV STUDIO, NYC Cut off Van Gogh's ear an' def-jam this I'm da Comish' of Sony Data-Diss Sky high, took down Sony Can take down PSY's palamino pony Hacked da NSA Drunk on fifth of Hennessy Blacked out da Eastern Seaboard Time machined 1965, (sh** wasn't Igor!) Hooped NASA into midnight pick-up game Wit' those nasty space lames My B-ball “The Most Dangerous Game” s** it up NASA Put you out to pasture CUT TO: SACKED HEADQUARERS Dr. Strangelove code EPO OPE POE What you doin' in da bed go NYTwitz Sunday Puzzle? Why she not fired I'm takin' off da muzzle Why she got hired? Alessandra S. Manley Missy Eliot post-hole randy Girl's an intellectual Hefty Bag lady The Berle of Sandwich Mrs. Television Tatty Ana's genes mixed doggerel an' Goneril Not much meat on her subprime ribs Better mortgage yo' chix crib Yo' gon' need a corporate drivel bib Leather drool cup for all da bubs Co-starrin' in Harry Reems' “The Goldman Girls” Fuk da foreplay I got fiveplay You don' like it lick it hit da Hershey Highway Ev'body else they can Eugene O'Neill (Get da ref cuz da ref be blind Line starts at my behind) “Morning Comes, Eject Her” Glinda turned green witch WASP inventor of da typo-writer Weisenberg Experiment article bleeds p**y's box dead o' not dead Read it in Alternative Universe News “A.S. Dies of Weisenheimer's Disease” An' Ron R Jr. I'm “Columbo” CEO Peter Falk Gave Prez's son his start edited his “My Turn” Now it's my burn comin' acha you my subaltern You “Dream of the Rarebit Fiend” done by Van Cliburn Gonna find that di-putz b**h Column cancelled Due to glitch Deadline Justmissed it was the Grinch In Reverse Hebrew Atbash GRINCh = RGMTS Put em' both together you get “GG STRICHMIN” implyin' “33 Degree STRYCHNINE” In Hebrew-Anglo-Freemasonic G is letter 3 GG is 3-3 is 33 believe you me An “I” is claw-shape Y I'm the all-seein' eye Of Horus top that equilateral Triangle, “Damage Collateral” Schwarzenegger (French Version) 9/11 cancelled Dr. Seuss strictly “District 9” Wrote da buddy-buddy book Greenmail and Hamm ‘Wood optioned, got two movies “Poison Pill” an' “Unclean Hands” Seuss has fled to foreign lands The Law of Return to Unknown Sands Wit' Crazy Eddy, Sirhan-Sirhan “Can I pencil you in to see Dr. Trance?” Man of “The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. Terwilliker,” “The Boy with Green Hair” “Trierweiler Meets Dillinger” “Dr. Mabuse” (Male Abuse) Corey Feldman in deep cahoots In liar liar France onf fire They call it “bobo micmac cohu-bohu,” Reminiscent of Jack Christmas Stole Halloween wit' a hypo isthmus At da Viper Room, bad exit scene Pope Leo da Putz Was a social klutz Till he went global nutz Scratched Jack's baksheesh On electric Jeeps Dude can munch Google search “Alex Lutz affiche.” River's strychnine-grinnin' in his coffin Journalists they miss it often Got Djokhar-sayonara-strict-nined Creepy slithers in that Viper Room Mona Lisa, balls have turned blue Too bad men are not above you Fed yo' hubbie Tofana Aqua Now he B Lugosi'd fella agua'd 86'd by that b**h Tower Pisa'd By a witch Painting's painted on poplar board Sorceresses' “Most Popular Wood” Why's her nose wart in photos airbrushed? k** a frog da spell gets shooshed X-ray shows a whorled face beneath Strangelove, Kubrick, looks like Heath sh**, even Lenny Bernstein stole my libretto Check it out wit' Nina, dude stole my “Shoah-as-Orfeo,” His obit in Time / Newsweek claimed it his last work Wrote muthaf**a estate manager a letter “what a jerk” (To bad it wasn't poisoned pen by teller) Got To-be Bryant Magic Johnsoned by Michael Jordan I am that good got composers coppin' Lizzie Borden Wit'out axin' me o' nuffin what da f** think I'm Dan Tana's Restaurant got sirloin blood red walls hot as Alabama Brother Mozart in his diary: “I got stilled By that bad Aqua Tofana,” Belladonna an' plants nocturnal River phoenixed on Halloweenie Movie stars Don Draper Dondi Rapers Viper should be Diaper If yo' dancin' bring a bat Rudin's right on one thang Stars be spoiled, they be brats “'Daily Show' Jon Stewart Hates Micks “Slams Islam and Spicks” What next rant on Afro-Picks? “Back in Black” no not very If only he hurry up get buried “Bin” Laden wit' hazards bio Produce da body U.S. Navy Habeas Porkedus What gon' be da next cons, Neo? Paul Walker Robin Williams refs The days they died McFarlane reads fates In crystal meth Segment Leno'd Due to d**hs - Conan played fo' a Zucker Who's next? Jon Stewart molests minorities “Catholics all pedophiles Of kids they take advantage” But experts say it's da same percentage In all cla**es, ethnic groups an' from religions' vantage NYT: “Rabbis from Hasidic Shirley Temple “Found To Be Epsteins, Not Einsteins” “Amy Semple “MacPhantom Appears to Boy Scouts, Frontage Ample,” “Stephen Collins, in TV's “7th Heaven” Reverend Eric Camden “Accused of Giving Girls Penis Samples” “Harvard Law School in Violation of Title IX “Federal Regulations on Sexual Harad Experiment” “Scorch-E-Z Welds Rear-View Mirror to Panaflex “Camera for Reasons Obscura Shoots His Own Ass” “Tiger Woods' Game Interrupted by ‘Heidi'” “Cab Calloway Sings to Feds: ‘Heidi-Heidi-Heidi ho'” “Bruce Jenner Named Governor of Idaho” Epstein hosts Protestant royals In Virgin Islands where is Scott Rudin'? Copped da island on Coral Turpitude “Sharks and NY Cop Love ‘Girl Meat' Chewed “In Talking Shark Show Cop Water Walks” On “Elm Street Guest House” reality epizoode Tina an' Tony O'Blair voted off for Iraqi low blow Lord Crumley begs others “Let me stay!” Cancel my nobles subscription Television a feelgood prescription “NCIS” solves ‘em all, in fact its fifty-percent “Let's be careful out there!” Hill Street Booze Character's full name: Sgt. Phil Freemason Esterhaus Sgt. Love Freemasons (at) Esther's House Sgt. Love da Freemasons in da Book of Esther Ain' that the Bible's book of racist slaughter? Drink a Bloody Mary Tiler Moors “At least Mayor Yorty brought order,” Sony movies too all grade C Kristen Wiig, Brian McCormick, Sophia Stewart Christophe Valdenaire star in “Scriptbusters: Reboot” And the Writer's Guild is Gumby Amy to World: “the rest is gravy!” Uma Thurman, ‘Lizbeth Hurley Ellen Barkin' up-an'-ATM smokes Jays Perelman A milder Billionaire Boyz Club Boko Harem Slave girls easily bought As da world falls apart Yet Saudis stoned when caught It all comes to nought Shop till you drop As males' heads get lopped Protest female excision But not male circumcision Judy Chicago's Triangular table Freemasonic strangle Husbands died in a cave-in Down in da law mines of New Haven Now they da mavens In ermine Napoleonic Smokin' boyfriend Barbarella chronic Takin' agent speakerphone colonics Inna sauna they da fauna An' da s**? they not gonna Examples given by Jeremy Piven: Sony's top gal stuff ‘Bama up her snit Way AOL-Time-Gangsta Housed Sophia Stewart's early “Matrix,” Suge Knight d**h Row Records Scott Rudin's Roshashana Tofana-Aqua soured Hillary in uniform Boston Whaler Slam mode, watches “the Energizer” uses her inhaler Problemo? Pro-whamo! Problemo? Pro-blamo! I sent in my ex-wife's head Won a “k** Bill” Frisbee Wham-o Like da opera's Madama bu*terfly Scott (t)issued a fine “final aria” His name escapes me in da wee wee hours Of this mornin's undercover flowers Operatic Diana died at Place Maria Callas It's a hiss-Tory cla** project diorama Da Torch of Liberty torchon tee-peed Buckingham Palace jacked MI-6 Wi-fi'd bu*t it ain' over till Slim Shady sings Duck-billed, “Like a Candle in the Wind.” Lemme be nice say it fo' ya twice AGE (of) RACISM mirrors MISCAR-AGE Of Justice, we all sighin' ‘tologists Sea Org King David Miscavige Have you ever seen that movie “Savages”? Yet no heads roll at racist Sony - PSY rides invisible ponies PSY-op da Wood, Psy-op da Wood Gangnam style, Gangland style b**h my nickname is sh** Cuz tag, yo' it Love you to bits You da witch's tits Thorns fo' nipples An' two slits What y'all call a journalist Received no d**h threats? Urinalist You're on a list Of da morons don' know sh** Yo' a** couldn't rhyme wit' Ca** To save Time I gotta metaphor mine All da way to China Big as yo' vagina Y'all got wit But how da Japanese pronounce it Throw yo'se'f's on mah mercy I'm feelin' reimbursey Slap yo' face twice and make some change In yo' politesse, girl Polly Tess Cracker you wanna try Brigade d'Intervention (BRI)? No one gets out “arive.” I got da bully pulpit This rap they gonna pulp it Like that film wit' Vinnie Ca**els “Mesrine” French Intelligence Wanted le gros batard to escape Good fo' da “snail-eater” biz-nez fake Prison gate left wide open engraved invitation To une balle dans la tête Dances for a moment and then the grand exit Gunned ‘im down in broad daynight ‘Least Mesrine died in a convertible cash flight (See also, Balzac's “The Comedians of Paris'' An' da website “Mesrine's Disguises”) sh** da dude got away during exercises His track suit comes in all metastasizes SHOOT TO: 1981, year in Dujardin's “La French” Marseille Judge Pierre Michel Real Popeye Doyle caught Brutus Zampas Pop-eye Evol Oy Il(l) Sutur B Pop Eye Evil Eye Ill-Suture Be Popeye Olive Oyl Brutus Backwards in da esoteric Mirror occult dinner reservation For Gogol's “The Nose” (See also Eugene Onegin, Ch. 5, verse 31) My friends now divine aflatus Taurine Defecation nation Popeye eatin' infant spinach You da collard greens all in it Wash it down wit' Red Bull “Kidz” they are a handful “Carrie” pig-blood Cary Grant-ful Judy Judy Judea Just Shoot Mia Farrow fallow “Rosemary's Baby” Frank's son got da baby blues “5,000 Slaves on Albion Shores!” m**m Russian Asian slave trade it all ignored Some say it go all da way up to Mr. Windsor h*mo essen Ate On Humbert Path Humbert Road Sandringham Estate Takin' in da scenery found Alice with Mr. Toad Wild ride in Israel no law ‘gainst slavery “I Did It My Way without Wavering” Only Palestinians built da highway “k**dozer” dug da colonizers' dieway 2,500 civilians k**ed, most recent count Open “Sesame Street” paved to da Mount Read da red-headlines today, oh boy Man it's a Stars in Bars Bugler an' Homer's “D'oy!” In Hebrew Atbash “D'oy” means “Door/Enter Eye,'' “John Lennon Shot Chapman Hits a Homer” “White House Turd Burgler Found To Be a Pyle of Gomer” “Innocent Derrick Hamilton Set Free after Decades” “March on Selma TV Cameras Blacked Out by Brigades” “Racist Cops Gon' Give America AIDS” “Hurricane Let Outta County Dade” All negative press be doin' is spreadin' “Allah Akbar!” Reglement de Comte de Bouderbala Why'd Paris police lighten security Just befo' Charlie Hebdos got January'd? “Charlie's Angels” shoulda put up janissaries Turkish Sultan's “Auspicious Incident” 6,000 janissaries drowned in a cistern f**ed wit' da Sultan now it's his turn Fo' Marine Le Pen (FN), Sarkozy (UMP) F'n' Eric (von) Zemmour, Deport Arabs in One Big Dump Hollande an' Sarko Wit' they French Pheno Barbie Dolls-o Carla Bruni an Paul Muni Ex-wife Trierweiler unleashed Growlin' cuz got no baksheesh Hubby met wit' her 11/9 noon Not a good omen hubby was foamin' Dorothy Lamour's ‘'Brotherhood of the Spoon'' Lampooned in “The Road to Bali by Way of Zanzibar,” Sarkozy-Hollande, Hope an' Crosby Marine Le Pen, Dotty Lamour Don't miss da super finale sequel ‘''Le Wife-Riot' Club Paradise from Planet Paris “Napalm-Bomb-Capable White-Nosed Bats Quelled “In Paris Suburb'' Y'all should have yo' lead examined You just plumb line crazy like “surveyor” K in Kafka's Castle Da gang that couldn't toot straight Driverless cars Wi-fi shackled Drones to be run by football tackles Kouachi Brothers were known to da state Fo' years followed closely coulda been Maced ‘Stead they were let loose straight out da gate Like Tamerlan Djokhar k**ed two friends straight FBI let ‘im go they had da goods man he wuz da goat Took a m**m to save 30 Jews at Hyper Cacher Sub-zero nerves, locked ‘em in a freezer m**m cop shot outside on da street How can you tell da freezer from da frozen “France Commits Cop-acide “Ma** Surveillance Not Effective “Info Overload GCHQ Defective “Ed Snowden Wins Info Stripper-CIA-NSA Trifecta “Julian Assange Wanted fo' Dissection “Needle Found in Haystack Dept. of Corrections.” Whuh? Arrested fo' too many quotes From Ta-Nehisi Coates Quote quota they got my goat It's G - reek to me - In Freemasonry G is 3 is 33 Degree Slang word like torn “dungarees” “Importance of Being Earnest” In Hebrew Atbash translates as “Importance of Being 330” In Hebrew Atbash 330 = ShL = “Shill,” 330 zero drops out = “Importance of Being a 33 Degree Shill” Why they stilled him at Paris Hotel 33 Speakin' of unzipped dictionaries (Bad events bring out da wurst in us) Pharell Williams Miley Cyrus wreckin' us Shia in Sia's Now-I-See-ya Leotard-ophile retarded veejays Robin Thicke nekked as a bluejay Hump-wrestlin' surreptitious girlz EMpTy-V reduced to non-nutritious Berles Cowboyz an' cowgirlz Stirruptitious flirtz After all is said an' done there been that It's still sicko schizo, skinz v shirtz INT. SONY STUDIO, SHOT DAZED FOR NIGHT Mike Deluca's hot as a socket Wearin' Amy's prom locket Got a rocket in both pockets Window-window situation Full-frontal Santa Claus von Bulow - Spike Lee's comment, “A new low.” Amy's gon' star in “CEO-patra” Scott Rudin, tootin', comin' at-ya Marc Antony the newd Sinatra Sings in da choir Julio's Iglesias Everyone wearin' fall of Rome fashions Lord Freddy Krueger haunts Elm Street Guest House taunts “Freddy Kruegers Corey's Feldman! “Crown Heights smokes Black Bud Melman!” Elm Street Guest House You're a guest I'll take your silence For a yes Oprah's first “Interview” In Ladies Home and Garden Shout-out, “I loved every minute of it” (!) Like in “The Player” Lyle Lovett One-hands that fly – She's not on the No Fly list Keep yo' mouth-fly zipped What, Coke-y Oprah squealed Feds called in - Luciferian - Scorch-E-Z jailed Die-Cap makes bail Mark Wahlberg Fail Pee-poles pulled in You the Masons' carrion It's Luciferian It's Luciferian Lucy burned the roast again It's Luciferian No one ain' gon' stop it Not even Sharpton-Farrakhan Brad still thinks dead Farrah can Brangelina CIA could be doin' drops like Jerry Naylor Tinker Tailor Soldier Naylor, ATF Brian Terry DEA Rip-Crewed Brian O'Conner Car H-E-double-hockey-struck Brian Griffin Like Merv in that film by Steven Martin Elevator scene Solange lethal injection That ‘70's Talk Show Host cut folks in sections Speak of the devil Marky Wahlberg Seth McFarlane Missed same American Flight on Nine-Eleven What a coinc' Missed by an inch Mark didn' miss that Viet “gimp.” Goodbye, Mary Stu Hello “Entourage,” Mark Execu-Produce Ari's “Hemorrhage.” “Cocaine-related Masonitis “Found to cause Lewy-Parkinsons Vasculitis” TV, film gods have clay feet Argyle socks, then six feet Capillaries dilated, gon' be visitin' Buster Keats Angie's got two clay teats “Cunning Lingvall caught in a free-fall “Man Bites Dog, Kuntz Stalk Geffen” “Older Man Seeks Locked-in Syndrome,” “Schumacher Socks World “In Blink-Morse Code “Sez He Knows Who k**ed Roger Rodin!” The poor get poorer the rich get b**hier Kardashian bought her PR snitch ether Spent two bill' on girl's bu*t-injects Looks like a queen ant Latter-Day Insect It all Don Ameci media circus lichi Nut-job Duchess of Alba veggie grocery Anagrams fo' da king in hosiery: MONA LISA / IS ANOMAL an*lEMMA / A MAN MEAL JOAN RIVERS / A SERO VIRJN Hung by her vocal cord wit' just da slightest urgin' Duchess of Positif “dyed” wit' hair so bleachy Last words, (reportedly) “Ol' b**hes marry butlers, kinda creepy.” Mad Max Mel Jodie Foster drinks Gibson neat Father of her children da Paraclete In Henrik Ibsen's “3-D Thunderdome” ‘Wood's version of “Frenemy of the Sheeple” Only thing is Torvald played by Red bu*tons “Did you hear? Torvald leapt from the steeple!” Now da world, goat's head-bu*tin 9/11's “Let's Roll!” a palindrome of people LET'S ROLL = L L OR STEL Meanin' “L L Twin Tower Gold Steal” “Or” in Hebrew meanin' “gold,” L L OR STEL LETS ROLL L L OR STEL Let's Roll Twin Towers' Gold Mission $40 mil in gold still missin' Ain' Peter Loomis truckin' humus Bush/Cheney caught in da Baf-room Dey be smokin' humans “Sons” is “bars” to Hebrew scholars So yo' sons drink “sons” at bars ‘n' parlors Ain' no gelt in Annexican dol-lars Bush and Cheney they made out Like that dog Bandit In da You Tube cartoon “Clutch Cargo” and it Ain' gon' be televised to be candid Bottled city of Kandor Congress banned it Why Masons call theyselves “the Little Bears” Yo' sons drink queers at “He-brew ‘bars'” But don' say that in “Texas, Par's.” Buddy Holly flies Mason to Moorhead Plane bangs down, drilled in da forehead Big got Bopped, Buddy's head lopped CIA popped, replaced by Jerry Naylor, cop Agnes Moorehead cross-legged, mantelpiece Gary Cooper, stonemason, “The Fountainhead” Final scene, World Trade Center Henry James' The Golden Bowl Bowling ball outta da gutter, star called Al Gol Rahm-bo north, south be Limbaugh Ferguson calls you “Little Black Sambo” - Better scram, bro Cops in personnel carriers Samantha an' Darrin Ebola carriers Married by a Justice of the No Peace Michael took chill-pills called Falderol His last concert a success all-in-all Black hat Texas Panhandled it Drained da Cajun swamps an' fumbled it Louisiana left in bada** dark, red candles lit Katrina stopped da car to take a leak All over New Orleans' jazz Sikhs An' by the by, CIA k**ed Kim Peek Buddy Holly why rap stars take bus tours Don' wanna end up heads over Masons' doors Oscar Wilde dropped at a Paris hotel Like Robert Palmer in perfect health Life cut off like by a mohel Hotel bill “paid” by Hill', he go skewered By some lame crawled outta Victor Hugo's sewers Hotel ram's head above da entrance “Wallpaper goes I go entranced” Bosie the boil that Oscar lanced Boy was a “Bad Douglas,” OW's last words (fo' real) “f** this.” EXT. MONTAGE, NO SOUND While Englund (sic) Slept wit' Ol' Vic Pee-Wee Herman played “Taps” for Nick “Herman” is Hebrew Bible code for Celtics Unfairly cut short by Doctor Dick Nicked At Night Judy Garland napped Amelia Earhart was mis-mapped Marilyn got herself capped By Dr. Greenson an' Menninger's crap Jesus in the manger sapped Is that Geffen gettin' lapped By midgets in they ‘naps? Elm Street Guest House App Geffen lost 20 to 71 Goyfriend younger 50 years, count every one 71 Azoth, that can't be fun Azoth the Universal Solvent Derives from Hebrew Atbash 7-ought-1 Equals O-A an' in Reverse it's Z-Th Put that togeth' got A-Z-O-Th tea-H Like mola**es to a moth What's up with Zayin b'Ayin (House of 77) Free-ma-chronic alchemists ain' sayin' Means in Israel “Dick you in the eye” 77 for Freemasons means “Punish'” Thoth tell you what be Azoth: It's a vitreous humor Slit eye's ocular fluid - CUT TO: Balcony scene, “Chien Andalou” Buñuel knew what knives can do Azoth's what alchemists see through Da world turned upside-down Inside eye's atrium Leaden world into golden mind Be all alchemy on that balcony No man it's butchery SLIT TO: “Circumcison City Commission “Decision Approves Penis Excision “Obama for it, Masons, Rabbis “saw” it “Mohel mo' hell, why in Englund (sic) it don't sell.” “Twilight Zone” chopper down, fatal collision No illusion, Landis not boozin' Two ‘Nam kids double-sorrowed Not gon' see Vicmorrow “Kim Phuc f**ed by Napalm Golem” Landis walks Pole-an-skis “Anagram ROMAN POLANSKI,” I KS AN POL ‘R, O MAN! Falcon snow-man insults black presidency - Walks Scott Rudin free EXT. FERGUSON, POLICEMEN'S BENELOVENT CHOIRBOYS, SHOT IN HEAD-VISION Enter, Color Guard, Assembly Singin': “We could build a snowman in the meadow “And pretend that he is Michael Brown “He'll say Am I Buried “We'll say No Man…” “Turn off that jungle music!” sh**! sh**, sh**, sh**! “KO, No, America Not Knocked Flat “Bout Lost on Points “Governor Nixon Buh-points “TKO Invest-duh-gation “Grand Jury to Nation: “TKO'd by OJ's Kato “Technical Kop-Out.” Cops k**in' bros above the Texas cyclotron Self-cleanin' oven left da spin cycle on It all The Tao of Grand Jury Bullsh** Even Steven Hawking can't explain it The Eight-Fold Way Johnny Wadd's pain-dick Cop uses it to choke black man to d**h Jury buys “checkin' his dental health.” Black man rapes white women three Pole up his a**, hung from a tree OJ won because he had mon-ee Glove didn't fit that sh** is fun-nee Cosby fits goat pentagram His evil eye, the telegram 77 fo' da Masons means “Punishment” Cos' be 77 now he da Masons' lunchmeat Model Agency “Pimp-lication Comedy,” Who likes to watch At ‘Wood's coffee klatch? Producers Guild on CCTV Almodavar's See-See TV The Goat Channel, NBC Seinfeld drinks his coffee cold Cosmo Kramer Comedy Club N-word times four OMG that's ug' But America still loves they Tracy Morgans So much so he's donatin' organs They's a waitin' line all whites, Chinese Fo' Officers Ramos and Liu's kidneys Take-out orders Freemasons first please Sign up the ‘Wood Sign up the ‘Wood Coulda shoulda woulda I'm yo' Be-There Buddha barracuda Sign up the ‘Wood If only Clooney could Ronnie Chasen, Ronny Chasin' Tina Brown Prince William chasten ‘Wood by techniques proven Mason Carson's car outsida Chasen's Cost him a bundle, pedestrian trundled Look out twirled, rumbles in that jungle Give me the goose bumps Pedestrians as speed bumps EXT. ENGLUND, (SIC), NASA SATELLITE SHOT PULL BACK TO REVEAL SNOWY “ALICE” WHITE RABBIT BRITAIN SCOTLAND AS WHITE RABBIT'S HEAD FACING WEST TOWARD IRELAND Dark Mother Hecate Day November-One-Six He-Kate Will, what a co-inc' Day Ronni Chasen ‘86'd A good year for Ronnie Reagan Royal ‘gagement ‘nounced November 16 11/16 in numerology Is 1119, the year Knights Templar founded Freemasons claim it, night car impounded Duchess of Lamebridge Sips her coffee cold Royal baby George Breughel da Younger Y'all gon' be engorged Like Russia at da royal org' Kubrick by “Hollywood royals” Olive Oyls “Save me, Popeye,” from Brutus (Amy's goyls) White House to Walker, “f** da horse you Rodin on,” The medium rare is the message Human clone meat served up as sausage Pop-o-Rocks, see, stay away from da royal weddin' Quit yo' belly-achin' Oh we pop y'all, signed Satan Oh, an' Hollywood? Stop yo' Ronnie Chasin'! F-up'd the ‘Wood, F-up'd the ‘Wood F-up the ‘Wood, F-up the ‘Wood F-up the ‘Wood That's cold EXT. NYC, FOLLOWING Brinsley Ramos Liu Who caused it, why you lie you? F'd-up the ‘Wood That's cold Eric Garner made ends meet Bro' had six kids to feed Answer? Chokehold deed No-tax tobac' cancer conglom' – Big competish from Big Bad Pharm' Eric not a Bennifer Garn' Cops form one big blue swarm I can't breathe means I can breathe Send dead flowers blood-red wreaths White No meanz white Noze Black No means white Noose It all malice aforethought Alice she be store-bought This gun be sore sought Bust up the ‘Wood Bust up the ‘Wood Gonna bonfire this holly good Selznick, Double-O, O-scar L. B. Mayer? No both men stank Never did sh** to help Ann Frank New book sez ‘Wood Jews neva showed they anga To “der Paper hanger” - “We can't Klamm the German market “Over some bombin' mutha-Fokkers “Kil't a couple outta Yonkers “We don' care H k**ed someones “'Long as when it's done “It's just ‘some.' INT. SONY STUDIO, FOLLOWING, GHOST OF STANLEY KUBRICK Kubrick paces eyes wide shut “Places everyone! Make yo' nut! “Studio can't cannibalize, eye got final cut!” Three days later, Azoth'd in the gut Universal Solvent Get thee to a convent INT. HOLLYWOOD ACTORS OLD FOLKS HOME MEDIUM SHOT, JOSEPH COTTEN, “CITIZEN KANE” “You got to bury bodies “To pay for all the hotties “Call-girls like Blue Dahlias “Love strong John Wayne “Gacys, or at least they Tony Laceys “Any Hall will do.” “Carole Lombard L. B. Mayer-murdered “Pretty head Bulgakov'd offward “Plane crash in Clark County “Freemasonic bounty “The Margarita Mastered “By those studio ba*tards “In da mouth-shaped county of Nevada “Near Marquis de Sade-a “Clark Gable's last Masada “Producers they just gotta - “Lombard's neck a fountain “Fo' Moses smokin' on that mountain “Clark X-ray visioned Aaron Sauna Soakin' “Amy Paschale and her co-CEO croakin.' “It Happened One Night “Gable wept Mayer slept “Lombard felt her final fright “'Landis thing, Landis thing!' “Long as when it's done “There's just ‘some.'” Carl Laemmle was the Man Saved a thousand Jews Was no dictator-capitulator Brought them to Decatur Illin' oy, Illin' oy Carl didn' cap ya later Brought them to Decatur Sign up da ‘Wood Sign up da ‘Wood If only Sony stood Producers fear they own Revolution of the D-girls “Let pay-for-play-ers “Ma** murder hangers-on “Selznick, Mayer “Mad mumbling Hamlet “Alas, poor Oprah “Get thee to a ‘soapera'” - “Tho' young la** Ann's of da brood “Frank's not from Hollyblood,'” She's not Hollywood royals' tease Tho' she bring in royalties Whut did da Australian hangman say To Irish-Aussie anti-hero Ned Kelly When Kelly called upon God With his final breath and fall? “Name-dropper.” What did Charlie Manson say To cellmate Son of Sam Just befo' da gas flow? “Either ‘der Paper hanger' goes or I go.” The ‘Wood got more pussies Than a pet store fulla puppies Run by loser Eighties' Yuppies Yesterday's news Tomorrow's boos Y'all done lose Double-O Seven bankers' heaven Double-O Eight, Ocean's Eleven Greenspan an escaped Not-see Neo-ex-con Uncle Milty Freidman playin' Hasbro Yahtzee Wit' Vaud-villains Bush an' Cheney Crazy like A Foxman The Giant Rat of N. Sinatra These Boots are Made Paul Walkerin' An that's just what they'll do - Geffen Kuntz-halls stalkin' Borges tracks poet Philip Larkin “Pee-Wee Herman Sought in Mexican Lair” It's a situation bombedy Swallow Drama-mine-a-day Y'all done lose Adelson means “Wolfson” or “Adolf's son” Eidelweiss - shenanigans Not very nice – call Father Finnegan “The Sound of Music” Julie Andrews sings These are a few of my least favorite things: In Chagall's “Fiddler on the Roof” Why da church a Christian doof'? Saw da head open let's have a look Abe took his roof off To John Wilkes Booth Fiddler on da Roof, da “ol' sockdolager” sooth' Updike's comedy of banners The Coup Just a Dutch treat goof Black man's revolution written by a poof CUT TO: SONG ENDS, JULIE ANDREWS FALLS OFF ICE CLIFF Sheldon Schumachered Switzerland Skied to sacred Swiss accounts Created by Ashkenazis Before the Anschluss “asked for” Nazis To hide $ from German tax-man-Stasi (Now in banks Nigerian) Now everybody uses ‘em It's “Gentlemensch Agreement” Starring John Galliano (That dude is moultin' into Bert Lars von Trier) Gregory Peck skiin' from Hitchco*k's “Land of co*kaigne” Into Renoir's “Grand Illusion,” Queen Grace's Car snakes a** at Devil's Curse Like Carol Lombard's plane Like River Phoenix at his Oxbow Incident Cause of d**h, snowblindness There goes Her Royal Highness, - WE HEAR A SCREECH, A SCREAM, MICHAEL JACKSON FADE TO WHITE FADE IN: USC MASONIC HALL, TV FLASHBACK “Welcome to the 77th Academy Awards “Queen Grace of Monaco, Grace Kelly “Will be receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award “And her ‘Devil's Curse' hairpin marriage annulled “By Papal Bull “Under the fabulous Blackfriars Bridge “In sunny ol' Big Benland, London “Home of hot cross buns and Gunga Din “Remembering racist Rudyard Freemasonic Kipling “GUNGA DIN anagrams into NIGA GUND “Down into NIGA G DUN “We all, white an' black, gon' be they din-din.” INT. GHOST-MIND OF GHOST OF QUEEN GRACE OF MONACO DOUBLE EXPOSURE (VO) P-2 Lodge snitch Bricks in God's Banker's pockets Never tried it don't knock it Robin joke-robbin' “Sybil” Williams Coluche, Robin's French comic simulacrum Read L'Accident: contre enquete Coluche cartoon flattened by a truck Right smack in his Resto de coeur After receiving by post a bullet and “you're next,” French gov wanted him hexed After running for President against Mitterand “Sixteen percent of voters intend “To vote Coluche Palais resident He is the candidat bleu-blanc-merde.” Truck driver veered into his lane Not a wince at Coluche the clown in pain Ministre Bérégovoy “suicide” with a police revolver The social pact we have dissolved her “33 ‘Suicides' in Two Years at France 1 TV Station,” Strange number 33 must be headhunter corporation State terrorism state terrorism re-state terrorism Reminiscent of “hit and run victim” Terry Gilliam We all Freemasonic “fish” in they “Imaginarium,” State terrorism state terrorism re-state terrorism History is written by da Waltons Stolen by ‘Wood icons Buried beneath acorns “Hide da goods “Bring home Kevin Bacon.” CUT TO: Heath Ledger's funeral His brother actors shoulder ‘im Now his light's just cold an' dim Who was skulkin' after him? McCauley Culkin or da Olsen twins? No man da police, da Freemasons Jack N, “I warned ‘im!” Shoulda armed ‘im CROSS-CUT: Speaking of a slow-motion Holocaust “Grapes of Wrath” Alfred Newman scored To “Potrezebie” tune Alfred E. Newman who*ed Zyklon gas chemical warfare chlorine Storing researched by Germans Boring German-Jewish pince-nez Fritz the Haber For k**ing his own given a captain's saber Packed off to Switzerland as der Fuhrer's savior Umlaut lout, give up a fat shout Saxo-Grammati-cuss White supremacists wearin' aprons Anders Boring Breivik on his lunch break Made a big fuss for far-right's Zion k**ed 77 Socialist kids on Utoya Island Like if Michael went postal on Latoya Jackson Saxo wrote Harry Potter rap for King Valdemar Far right far left now it's far MOR They all his subjects, victims of King Valdemar CROSS-CUT, AMERICAN Center for Disease Control (CDC): 2001, Ivins at the CDC Sent Amerithrax to TV Ebola Lindberged to Liberia Obama to Sigh-beeria “Kremlin Crimeas Ukraine!” Who k**ed Bob Crane? WHAT THE FUNK HATH IVAN KRUMPED!? Putin On da Ritz Takin' off da mitts “Putin Sore at The CIA Times” All da tiffs The Grey Slit prints “Hillary Berates China Censorship” Censors snip, news anchor Rupert Grint “Hill' Laughed Off Stage by Chinese Bigwigs” “Hollande Forbids Free Speech “At Pro-Free-Cheeps March “Government Crackdown on Mouths” Angry Beaks an' da Hedwig march Wit' Big Bird fo' Preserve they Ortolans Kristen Wiig busks, does Bjôrk doesTaylor Swift Thank god not topless in a Kaballah kilt M'bala Harry Styles magic Allah strings That spell out words in Kibbles flings: Russians not “the rebels” Ukrainians “white devils” Forced out they President Now he's Ed Snowden's co-resident Russians protectin' their southern flank From NATO encroachment All governments psychotronik motel hell an' breath mint Germans got theyselves a lightnin'-causing satellite Yo tourists Europe's not “Drink up it's Amstel Lite.” NGO's? CIA's ho's Arab Spring? CIA bling Who got it right? Saudi King Orange Rose revolutions? CIA “colored folks” last ablutions 1940 US oil-embargoed Japan Roos'velt knew Pearl Harbor happenin' U. S. Navy broke “Jap” codes long b-fo Fleet's g**nin' by “Nip” Zeroes Yet no FDR postwar hangin' December 7, Two-oh-fourteen A date that will live in Amy Harvard lawyer Alan Dershowitz He fo' Condoleeza's rendition of “towelheads” Girl's the Great Nation-Molester Americun' Did her doctoral on gas fields of Kazakhstan US Army now Commandos Neutron Tampons Claw yo' back with climbin' crampons Dersh' penned the first '01 pro-torture op-ed 9/11 the Great Civil Rights Cop-Out Dersh' mashed yo' Civil Rights into Drivel Rights Only Black Caucus and Net Set protested it For all that torture we got sh** Not even per diem o' monkey points Guards k**ed Guantanomos, oink-oink “CIA to World: Sit On It!” Water-boarded Water hoarded Global Bombing Global Warming Glacial Profiling Facial recog' robot dialing Indentured servitude Martha Stewart's waiters in the nude Scott Rudin gon' be they din-din food Gape-jawed nape-mawed “Joan of Arc” actress Jean Seberg Also starred: Godard's film “Breathless,” “I can't breathe” (an' it's Meth-less) We “The Young and the Restless,” Jean-Pierre Melville's “Les Samourai” White-gloves on, edits out Jean's eye On da floor of “The Whistling Room” Dupont's “Foxcatcher” wrestling gloom Gon' feel some guilt...someday soon CUT TO: Choke-hold on the President Ferguson protest morgue residents Alan Dershowitz renditioned No COP release, just CO2 increase Weathermen decide they gon' cease SLA in Philly greased Panthers' Hampton sent straight south For havin' his own self's Chrysostom-mouth CUT OFF HEAD TO: Jean Seberg's hero hogans tortured By Masons CIA FBI and the unusual suspects “Jean Seberg…should be neutralized,” FOIA: FBI memo to J. Edgar, 5/6/70, (CHIEF ONLY, EYES) No cameras please obscure her face Not invented then a can of Mace Signed LeBeau an' Major Hofstedder Girl pregnant by a Big Black Panther J. Edgar planted stories in Hedda's Hopper Gossip Walter Winchelled, then the coppers Kidnapped, tortured, raped, an opera Eleven days later, Seberg's body, Renault found St. Joan of Arc in Paris stands gold-den gowned A wild surmise with eagle eyes Like a stout vulture Silent on a speakin' carrion EXT. 1997 MALAYSIAN MONETARY DEVALUATION RIOTS, CROSS-CUT In Hebrew NINE plus ONE plus ONE alphanumerix As 365 - days in a year's Orouboros What a coinc' George Sorrows Made Malaysia dolorous Consumers rioted Chinese dieted Musta fo'got the Kryptos day code Now it's just a history net-node EXT. WACO, TEXAS, CROSS-CUT WITH ATF HALF-TRACK ATTACK CRUSHING DAVID KORESH'S YOUNG FOLLOWERS INTO THE MUD “FBI Shot First at Waco “Burned Eighty Kids Deader than Deadlier” “Federal RICO Racket Spanked by Roger Federer,” See Page Six CIA, MI-6, ISIS-tortured innocents 9/11 lies ordured US innocence St. Joan of Arc Jean Seberg Pregnant by a Panther Freemasons clip those with longer anthers Jean, they lost they moral compa** Our Glorious Leader Slim Shady Wampus Big Man on Grampus Like yo' hero Scoobs You don' bereave it? You Tube “National Security Alert,” believe it They even got a 9/11 Co-conspirator to give up some Yet bullsh**'s done Co-bullsh**'s done Read “Pilots for 9/11 Truth” website That sh** reads like a piss-storm plebiscite Makes Vlad the Imp Putin Look like an imp-POTUS to impeach Rasputin Obama at his apogee White House Fort Apache “Gable k**s Cayne “At Alamo Theater Chain” Appointed Military Atta-shay Sony stars in “Beau Geste,” Props up that Aaron Sorkin pest In studio parapets Yet bullsh**'s done Co-bullsh**'s done EXT. OFAY, COLORADO, A VERY LONG SHOT Meanwhile, back at the Ofay Corral White Devil news anchors get s** oral Congressman Sonny “Sony” Bono Skis into Mr. Bill's Yoko “Oh no!” Politicos the seventh sons Of Argentinians Adopt Lon Chaney Richard “Dick” Cheney Their B-movies, they just slay me Rolling Stone retracts, rolls uphill “UVA Controversy Rape Faked” “Land sake alive! Go step on a rake!” White frat boys like Strawberry Shortcake Got mo' strawberries then girls abortions fake Campus blacks wear ‘fro straw boaters Sippin' chocolate egg cream sodas That campus needs a lashin' Fo' they stupid fashions Same thing with religion Believe and you a pigeon In a sect and tough Get gut-shot by ATF Umpteenth Century Literature Professor Smattering's signature College of Lack of Knowledge University of the Unacknowledged Invisible Man go tell it on the No-Ledge Took a final recourse in Suicide Studies Was a slam-dunk ace taught by Dr. Fuddy Duddy Professor Smattering an' his Assistant Luddites Deconstruct that sh**, Post-Mod Klingon Ur-dikes INTERMISSION? IMPOSSIBLE “Peter” Graves Foreskin shaved Barney builds cheese-radios We all in Camp X-Ray Stupid-Gitmo Femocrats fo' Torture Former Hippies for Political Ordure Billary Al Gored-ya Clinton caused September Surprise Dem' Dick Fuld “Dick Full Dick Fold” CEO of Lay-man he wuz apprised By FBI his bank would fall Clinton pal took a six-month world golf jaunt Why? To cause Bush econ' ta tank Hill' landslides November ‘08 In Florida swamp Jeb's whiskey You winsky fo' a finski Monica she's back-insky If only we could vote But ------- nope Now white cops make race an issue Tear gas it's a jerker For the bad berserkers Break out the Fritz Habers An' pa** the cops they sabers Like in Potemkin, Dostoevsky A cop charge can be pesky Civil War II Comin' a-choo INT. SPIKE LEE'S MIND INSIDE QUEEN GRACE'S MIND INSIDE KATIE COURIC'S MIND, TELESCOPE TO XT. CLOSE-UP TO TONY PERKINS' FINAL SCENE IN “PSYCHO” We're Comin' Up Better “X” that prenup Maybe it all maybes But I don' wan' no babies ‘Cuz this world got rabies Karl Rove White Housed double-dome Bohemian Grove Rupert Moluch's home Got da fire in da belly Open window, getting' smelly “Dearly beglovèd “We are gathered here together “In a witches' coven “To put a cowen in the oven “If there be any Simon Lagree “Who has reason to prevent this barrage “From takin' place, please stand “So we can zipgun both yo' ‘nads,” In a single clip, style Mosul Islamabad We three stops past Barking Lord Ganesha now the Bar King Lord of the Bling-Blings Got his gimlet on Emma Watson But Hermione's got her hiney On Harry Potter's tiny Rupert da Grint Made off wit' da mint Unda metaphysical pillows At da Buddha's Pissed Hotel Now he meta-criminel Lord Voldermort's got gout Now Rupert's got da clout Murdoch got his tail docked By that red-head went off half-co*ked Caught snoopin' people's poopin' But Ed Snowden's tapes? Still bloopin' Like Jesus Christ The Romans iced Got more palms an' hay Than Easter got Sundays Quasimodo On da eighth day rang his mojo Look out Notre Dame They comin' afta lames In this the End Days Burgers burnt at Wendy's Our freedom's fried We the human clone-meat Jehovah we comin', we gon' meet US-Europe da hippo sent to Crete CUT TO: ISLAND OF CRETE, AFTERNOON OF THE FAUN, A HIP-HOP LULLABYE, YET SOMEHOW PERTINENT TO PRESIDENTS The hippo sent to Crete Denied it was a creature Because it sported human features When questioned at Cretan customs It scraped and lowed and mooed and bowed To the customary doubts Employed the usual nostrums It japed and booed and soiled and howled But turned back once, turned back twice The poor hippo was turned back thrice! Mr. Customs in his uniform so fine Wondered aloud if hippos could be humankind “Do you have a sparkle in your eye “And a waltz inside your feet?” “I can gargle, and I'm very good at sleep!” “Can you fiddle “Nail-bite nibble “Do you even think? “I can dribble “I'm all middle “And occasionally I blink!” Turned back each time and much less nice Nothing worked, not even hippo spice! “Can you sing “Do you speak Twaddle “Can you cook while reading books?” “I can swim “I can waddle “I can fish without a hook!” “It takes more than that! “YOU'RE JUST A MONSTER IN A HAT!” Finally, and with a voice KA-BOOMING The hippo on two legs stood there LOOMING “I AM NOT A CREATURE! “I'VE GOT HUMAN FEATURES!” The tired Customs man glared Then stared and stared and stared He did not care Like a Duchess made of ice He wasn't very nice Then suddenly Mr. Customs Stamped the hipposterous pa**port Shouting to two tubby a**istants Who'd fallen asleep in their drool (Two little guppies had snuck in To swim inside their nostrils Till the a**istants felt a double-trouble tickle Ending with a sudden sneeze of fishy trickle The guppies didn't want to tumble Into just anybody's middles! They safely hopped away into a barracuda's muzzle The a**istants snapped awake Blinked and waddled Through their nasal muddle To gape at a hippo on two feet with a hat Standing there quite befuddled As Mr. Customs shouted with a great big snort “Let him through the back door quick! “Like you two Cretans claiming to be human “HE'S A HIPPO CRETE!” Whoa-oh Whoa-oh Woah-oh They comin' afta lames An' shaggy hippo japes CUT TO A KANSAS TONGUE-TWISTER It all easy as Tax Form E-Z Z in Hebrew, “Weapon, To Cut Off,” Like Kim, Z works her bu*t off Why E at the end of vowels Influence verbal bowels Sumerian Pictogram E a five-thousand-year-old Erect phallus drawing F upside-down triangle yawning F-E-mal-E sums up s** Sumerians say with F-E Who gon' get some next Got a Jonathan Wild surmise Gon' be stout Cortez Silent, on abecedarian leks “Emma” an*lemma an*l Emma Kate Beckinsale Gettin' summa George N Knightley Three weddings an' da gypsies' funeral Three an*lemma criss-cross dates Three an*lemma criss-cross mates Robert Walker Farley Granger On that train criss-cross two strangers Frat house pranks Ain' no Tom Hanks As Roland Gift All the Fine Young Cannibals Playin' at the Apollo Jim Lovell ate Kevin Bacon Took a Swigert Jack Apollo XIII cancelled Ran outta astro-snacks Sliced white bread Cut off da crust Bleed to bloody d**h Black bread's gon' up be dead Pumper-nickel-plated barrel Crackers hold that gun's handle April 12, 13, August Thirty FDR poisoned, by April Twelved Diana died near Aug-Three-Oh's belfry Paparazzo took Joan Rivers selfie an*lemma criss-cross August Thirty No doubt about, that hit wuz dirty EXT. ST. LOUIS CITY SKYLINE, RE-ESTABLISMENT SHOT Michael Brown mo' bullet-griddled Than the Wainwright Buildin' Got four foreheads fulla bullet windows While Barack, Nero, stands there, fiddles Chagall's “Fiddler on the Roof” Ain' that da troof Mon ami Chagall's my Amen corner Admits that he's the “wall-painter” coroner Pretty as “Miss Saigon” poster In the pages of The St. Lou' Cipher Story ‘bout we all just lifers Better say yo' Pater Nosters “Ricky McCormick's Mystery Code” Like CIA statue's Kryptos load Ferguson Ricky body limed, the first one ho'd Veiled threats Okay Veiled Beyon-say No Way White lies, “O-tay!” Black lies, you flayed John Brown lies a-moulderin' Inside Peter Graves Welcome to “Press the Flesh “Embrace the Mess,” Where is John Tesch? Deep in Misery, J-Law MO-jo'd Meat Jody Foster's Hanni-beau Wit' that mask he Lecter Wonder if he liked her Got my G-dar On da Zohar “Fox News, this here's Radar O'Reilly” Really gon' rile me New Years' Revolution Drink up news pollution Sham-pain Illin'-oy Television k**in' joy Happy New Fear 2015 “No one by Double-oh-sixteen “Will be left alive.” - Gov Nixon To Ferris Bueller f**y Buller Cool Hand McLuhan Fox News mewlers “The medium is the mensonge,” The “Te Deum” goes unsung There is no God bu*t god An' she named Kardashian G. W. playin' us like CIA's “Great Wurlitzer” Kim wet her trombone with a Pull-it-sir bu*trenda Starr yo mo' than ink n' paper Yo' mo' than Abe Lincoln's sapper Hungry like a maneater Like the white guard at black Ford's theater “We journalists just missed it” Goodbye, you kissed it “WME tail-ent Agents Somehow Missed Cos'” (!) America, just fist it Augusto Pinochet, Salvador Allende Vladimir Lenin, John Reed in the End Days La vida es slain, yo Agents don't agent, writers don't write Studio with no dough, give up da fight NYT editorial, “Was it not Tubal Cain “Gave birth to Mad Bill Gaines?” Intellectual Hefty sandwich baggies Zip-lock the mind, preserve yo' sanity CIA four-poster boy, P. J. O'Dork Republicans' Mork Mindy sez Save the Manatees Yet she marries Sean Hannity INT. NEW YORK TIMES LA BUREAU, 1980, CLOSE ON NEWSCASTER-ATION BRIAN WILLIAMS This just in Douglas Kenney k**ed in a Chevy chase James Deaned off a cliff By Natalie, ‘Wood, what if Moby got Dick'd By Captain Rehab National Lampooned by a bunch Of SOB's “They k**ed Kenney!” Maybe he got Hawaiian punched Laid there in pain fo' three f-in'days “Take over, Kato, I've got a hunch!” “Quincy M.E.” Episode 86'd Chevy did da b**h Left ‘im in a ditch His hip-hopera Hymenoptera No Madama aria Gloomy-eyed Sue-me-cide Torture terror Qaeda no Ralph Bunche Isis name of Ibis statue on Hyde Park's Serpentine Harvard invented Napalm befo' 1949 Firebombed Japanese cities wasn't just Kim Phuc Irish tortured, hunted fo' they skulls they say “fook,” Frederick Dougla** Sojourner Truth She smoked a pipe he taught Duluth Bin Laden flattened but not 4-gotten Had nuthin' to do wit' ‘01 Manhattan WTC Pentagon, “It's Space Invaders!” Bin first denied it Could not decide it Took credit for the infidel George Tenet's sweatshirt “Hey-jerk-you-work,” Raul Castro Fidel berserker lurk Johnny Casino Animal Farm last scene It's not “La**ie” French-kissin' Fredo nasty Who k**ed that memory of Che Guevara Fidel his back-stabber? Moe Green a one-eyed Horus Knocked-up a girl from da chorus Nobody gon' bring Che back Abracadab' cut ‘im no slack Like Johnny Fontane At the Copacaban' k**ed two Irish tenors Paid the “house-painter” Two thou' an' some tenners Miss Vengeance comes in many colors Hemorrhaged his juke box, Don Corleone Horsehead in Epstein's bed not Tea Leone Behin' every great fortune lies a crime Fontane upped an' fled federal confines FBI at the wed' He wuz all broke up Half in the bag loosened the gag Like Shaft on his final scene payphone Made his bones In the Game of Thrones Bullet through his Atlantic City Man that was sh- CUT TO: HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL backwards spells LOUCHES At least for Harvard's scaramouches Now introducin' Drew Faust Bargain FBI shill good at arguin' An' da lady's sidekick, Doctor of the Law An' Master of Guffaws Ca** “Son of Dershowitz” Sunstein Supreme Court near-nominee: “Conspiracies Are Dangerous And Should Be Federally Controlled” - you dangerous you troll Professor Dangerfield Who writes yo' material? Dersh', give Crimson journalists Face time wit' yo' cla** sh**'s beneath yo' Ca** In Hebrew “Dersho” meanin' “idiot,” Charlie Chan three-peat “Second son's a nitwit.” INT. NY CLINIC OPERATING ROOM, CANDLELIGHT SURGERY, SELFIE-VISION SHOT Joan Rivers, Prince Charles' licensed jester Allegedly murdered by Uncle Fester “RU-486? it was Joan's first trimester,” Our prim anti-Prynne name of Hester Pricked by a Hawthorne A Star Is Boring No mo' vocal cording Joan insulted Hamas and Shoah victims Not to mention unmentionable sickdom Prince Charles' lady friends Joan called them ho's comin' up wit' lady bends She shoulda notta mentioned saggin' Betty Grable's fins - Boil, royal, toil and trouble Why Joan bit off a shady end EXT. HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, THE DARKNESS COMMUNE Ca** what's under yo fedora A Hasbro hula-hoop Or “Torah Torah Torah”? “Professor, the Phoney War callin' from Bora-Bora…” Yo' book Nudge is THC poop-fudge Rather read scoops of Drudge Ca**, Samantha's Power addict Claims he wrote The Declaration of Dependence On Jefferson's Constant-tootin' Thinks he's Superman More like Frank Wuppermann Got Samantha Powers It's the tenure track rat packin' Take a back seat see the ack-ack-action They fo' da Phoney War Good fo' Bush-Clinton-Gore Create a common enemy An' call ‘im Eminem an' they Unite the Peephole aroun' da Anti-m**m Caucus Hollande say, “it's da m**ms hurt far worse.” Maybe true but on da other bandaged hand ISIS got 20-20 Ex-gay vision Philip K. Dick crushed in a collision Jimmy D's pure dork sausage Up his 00-heaven Sicko once tried to k** me Wit' Hadaka Jime Neil Sedaka Jimmy “Naked Strangle” hold Wit' they “Flame…ON!” bold They be lamin' Think da final light shines out they Ca** “Meat Depress” Wash it down with punks steamed “I'll have a West Wing “Pa** da Cranberries “Irish band a condiment “Fine Young Cannibals “Pogue(s) mahon “Waiter, this frank is sandy,” Who k**ed John Candy? Eric von Zipper Win it for the Gipper Ray-gun O'Bammer Clickgun, where's Trigger Cosby, he's Bigger It's worse than Wolfowitz-Pearl Wearin' neck towels, hands-out Runnin'down Green Zone halls Like Thatcher's Fawlty Tower KA-BOOM, “Neo-Con Got Steam Punkt.” What's in the trunk, krump? Man that sh** is bump MI-5 pissed they panties Rendered aunties Worse than Wolfowitz-Pearl Actin' on information scanty They straight gormless manatees It's “reported” Through a Scanner Darkly News anchor Charles Barkley Smashed da plate gla** window Spat at a heckler, technical fowl Yo Barkley, who k**ed Barnaby Jack? White hat hacker at the Black Hat Wi-fi'd pacemakers made ‘em jump Wi-fi'd insulin pumps made folks slump Jackpotted ATMs by malware an' RF Crash an' Cash, Black Hat Conference Black Irish be our Sgt. Swa-Healey “Dead of an O.D. an' pills” - No man, bein' too smart k**s You Pin the Zipped Head Chagall unscrews the Crip's head Man got bu*t “Two Brains” Steve Martin occult reference Head's gonna need some Bufferins Hollywood got Washingroomed ‘Wood filled with fixer goons Tony Pellicano dropped some “fish” Was it OJ paid his pelican bills? Musta been green in that home's fist Kilgore Trout, Lensky's duel in Russian mist Hemingway's Last Supper a shotgun shell FBI dogged him straight to Hell - When we gon' lance that Pat Tillman cyst? But I don' mind I ride a Harley ‘Cross a page fasterthanCharlieBarkley Got mo Rhimes than homegirl Shonda Gonna buy her show a bra** ballz chimichanga Girl, Al Stanley's over sixty Now we gon' see if she can write her way out Of an Old Betty White Bag Hefty Mr. Grant not be there to make it deftly Girl gon' be buried wit' doggie bag lefties Girl put da fun back in funeral, me attend? F.T.! I'm a dissident refusenik In the Ghoulish Archipelago Paprika'd Tanganyikan Wore his Nikes leakin' A David Rockefeller An Archimedes seeka Unfortunately in a heated beaker I'm a population displaced Up da volume in diss place Up da volume in Dis space Hollywood you reeka No noose is good news No news is ‘hood noosed Say Reverend Sharpton-Farrakhan His twin bro' be Abraham Foxman Through Philip Gla** Charles Barkley “Queer cohorts” in a dark blur ‘S like that Marx Bruthas routine Leo McCarey's “Duck Soup” mirror scene Racism's ZTUPID = DI PUTZ, Era: Obscene INT. CLOSE ON WHITE-DUSTED MIRROR In da US like in Cuba Best say nuthin' you might get Martin buboed Plagued from fear to ear-regardless Of yo' color o' yo' age, Negronymous Jones “In Living Color” da singin' agronomist Taxi Driver 911-day got hisself just missed Name's Lloyde England Lamp post hit, “lost his spine,” Began to whine on One-One-Nine Later on, admitted it, he ain' no hero Blast of the Mohicans Robert Deniro'd Pentagon lamp post hit taxi but not a dent ‘Cept da Prezident See “National Security Alert” on You Tube Get off yo' a** ya cable b**b tubes 13 witnesses, one Paul Krugman “Quincy W.M.E.” right as Jack Klugman “CIA K-Y'd da Pentagon “Plane came in an' went again “Color: Joel Silver, had a Charlie Sheen,” Security guard saw it Up close, Pentagon heliport Line up said facts and rake a belly-snort EXT. SPACE SKY-HIGH CRANE SHOT White folks black folks we all da same Jean Seberg, Fred Hampton Breitbart, Russert, Valerie Plame Masons think eye's in yo' palm Hampton, Malcolm, Martin bombed Susan Lindauer a**-sylumed Sibel Edmonds FBI-slammed Jorg Haider in his Phaeton Wi-fi jacked Fascist nut by Israeli a**a**ins carjack-cracked Meanwhile Jeff Spicoli must've just slacked “Return to Sakharov Island,” Dude, I'm bummed Watch it on NSA the Prism Channel Got mo' color bars than Terrycloth Flannel Poison poised Miss Saccharine Vicki Morgan silenced again This time by an acronym CIA See-Ya FBI FIB IRS IRIS NASA our space MASSAH Ground zero Tracy Morgan sidelined By that insult after injury Satellite Rosetta “Temple of Philae” Harpoons asteroid for white lillies Like da opera soap “Aryans' Hope” Starrin' Anders Breivik what a dope Edgar Allen “Fall of the House of Asteroid” Masons gon' be Pretty Boy Floyd We be enslaved By the veriest Knaves NASA be our MASSAH Bad as Second Mana**as Don' pay no taxes No noose is good news No news is ‘hood noosed Bad as Second Mana**as INT. SET OF “HIS GIRL DOOMSDAY,” DAY FOR NIGHT Amy Rascal CEO of Sony Now GTO of phony “Amy Data-Dumped by Disgruntled Employee! “Stealth Promo for ‘Interview'?” Shouts The Hollywood Deporter and Buh-riety But not, “Who Ankled the Shots at USS Liberty?” French-Algerian-Jewish TV personality Eric Zemmour in France's media: “We should deport all Arab immigrants.” But French black comedian Dieudonné Fo' a “Hate Speech” got b**h-slapped: Sketch was Ariel Sharon on Hitler's staff Fortune sez, “Ari Emmanuel's a lunatic!” Mayor Rahmbo's son rear-chokeheld by a stick But he no “Sambo” so on the sly, it's fixed Michael Richards, 33 De-gree seig Heils the N-word at his anti-N gig Sarah Silverman “I love Chinks!” Jon Stewart disses Irish If comedian be Italian, Jewish Slap on the wrist, no big newish Slap on the face If a different race Sarah Silverman, Jon Stewart Michael Richards What's up with slap-hap' b**hes When did Hate Speech Turn the color black? Hollywood calls blacks “schvartzes” Why there no “Nate Speech” choruses? Racist Giuliani ghoul-iani'd Empire State carpaccio'd America by blizzards snowed Tongue of Queen Hel b**h is cold “Klone Dike Descends Past Chicago” Pascalgate all over Gawker Salon and The Newd Yorker Doug Feith and Nathan Pollard Got they bad selfs collared “Good grief, Michael Brown, we Captain Dreyfus “Persecuties like Shoah victims given Typhus!” Man, that Wailing Wall know how to holler Louder than Paul Robeson after Wife left lipstick on Rasputin's collar But Israeli hospitals threw out Ethiope blood Even though it be Kosher, Holy City a racist ‘hood Holocaust ain' no Pollard Get over it, spy collared Amy knows who k**ed Paul Walker But torture Homey, Aim' gon' be no talker Yippee-ki-yo mutha-Fukiyama That's a tsunami water-boarder Walker knew CIA birth control doses in da salt pills Typhoon Haiyan aid workers CIA shills Put poison in da poor's rations Auto-asphyxiation nation Secret war against da rabble Permanent sterility fo' hardscrabbles “Give us Jim Belushi!” be a fat-a** Barabbas The rest is all boo-hoo Boko “furkini” tohu-bohu Google-Sat-Map's Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo Walker died 28300 Rye Canyon Loop – oops! Homeland changed the crash-site address Whut next on “Big Brother” Bruce Jenner in a dress? On the net Wiki Google Nettin'-Yahoo censored “The Simpletons” Homer Simpson got hisself profiled By Google Sat Map control freak Froot Loops Masons mess da Goog' Maps somethin' awful Check it out NASA sat App While at work yo' take yo' catnaps Wiki secretly's patrolled By Google-heimer net trolls Homeland Securilapse “Brianstorm” Arctic Monkeys Fast and Furious Auto-graph seekers nast' and curious Who be the next Brian to be murdered? By April Twelve, called Sunday Quasimodo Anutha Brian bit by R. Mutt an' Gurdjieff Speakin' of Duchamp an' other artist chimps LHOOQ, qui cyber-humped Michael Hastings' brake pumps? The Fonze, Maynard G. Krebs, Dobie Gillis illin' The Professor, Roy Hinkley, L'il Buddy Gilligan? Who chilled Michael Hastings? Chilling effect from a chillin' defect Installed by cyber Jack-the-Gipper rejects Second verse same as da hearse: Who k**ed pacemaker-hacker Barnaby Jack? Hacker wore a white hat not jet black Wi-fi'd Hastings took a pasting Near 6606 Melrose Ave., C-4 basting An' 666 North Highland Ave., a Wi-Fi Beasting What an address-coinc' Missed by an inch Hastings burned bare on a Google Map crucifix Black body charred, ‘dentified by fingerprints Paul Walker's tree no dent no burn Musta been the Grinch Who stilled John Hughes, Russert, Breitbart? Wasn't Lisa's slight Bart Fearless Leader an' his Cubs' cheerleader? That no seventh inning stretch Yeah like that dick “Fletch.” Mob took out Gandolfini Near da Vatican's Castel Gandolf, eeny Meeny miney mo, catch a mobster Last pho-to, James between Egyptian d**h god baboons Enters a crypt, Phila-delphia (“Love of the Brothers”) lampoons Freemason criminal couple took that pic, gadzooks! What a coinc' Pic' of da lynch EXT. 2014-2015 NASA PHILAE SATELLITE PAN ACROSS USA Aim' Rascal coulda been a Supergal But Krypto-night housed her fight Now she's Dennis Rodman's pal b**h needs COLORADO anagram ODAR O' LOG and a gram In Hebrew C is Big “G” Smokin' sh** Beyon-say Jay Z's Det. McClane elevator vid' pink ha-zee MAN! FIRST-b*tch IS CRAZY INT. BOSTON HOME, SHOT IN EXTREME BEN AFFLECK PANIC-ROOM-PANAFLEX Ben Affleck built a panic room Now he E. Garner's panicked groom Runnin' from da Boston Mara-BOOM Dick's gone girl, got big bazooms Meanwhile, Catholic Chris Farley got 666'd Hollywood Walk of Stars at ‘Wood Bl. 6300 Got X'd just befo' Xmas at 33 the age of Jesus ‘Wood, why 3 sixes? the Beast be us INT. MIND OF QUEEN ELIZABETH IN KATIE COURIC'S MIND, (TED) KNIGHT FOR (SUSAN) DEY David Frost MS Cunard Line the Queen Elizabeth 2013 Aug. 31 Frost died same day Diana did Poisoned by Diana Rigg Not far from Joan Rivers' gig John Steed sinks Brian O'Goner “Hoisted on Frost's own connard,” Richard Connell's “Most Dangerous Game” Count Zaroff to host “Dangerous Fame” “Frost / Nixon'' cost Frost his sun Nixon's frost cost everyone “'Survivor' show cancelled - “Ancillary rights bungled “Co-production fumbled “Bumstead, get in here!” Amy Dagwood deadwood TEMP-ur-a culture Dick “The Gorilla” Fuld Pariah penny stock shock-jock Jacked and Chilled Took the $ ran up the bill When will he be politely k**ed? Prime Minister Magwitch Thatcher Tony O'Blair Oligarch Cameron “The Queen purred down the line “When I gave her the news” Scotland's Sturgeon, Salmon, both cooked up fine With a bit of lemon Miss Salmon, Mr. Sturgeon, a bit of Union Jack the Ripper Eric von Zipper Put some bu*ter in and a dash of gipper London speaks Russian Boris Johnson “Crimea takes Brixton “Everybody's a binner!” Hoist the vodka drink a Joan Collins UKIP US-SNIP U-PIP What a coinc' Sons lost six inch Across the pond The Atlantic Gulch Global Warming World turned 2 mulch Gormless arming Perpetual warring Polonius be illed Polonium stilled Paddington “the Little Bear” Likes trains up his rear Things are bollocksed River phoenixed I'm da hand scene In “Deliverance.” Who stood to gain? Cops say Qui bono'd River's Bottom Who stood to gain? B.O. Leo got three of River's pix Wasn't Spartacus In that next-to-final scene Leo wearin' T-shirt Je suis Abdo Or Ronnie Chasen-ed after “Burlesque,” Cops: “Musta been a black and angry teen” You Berle-esque Alas, poor MCA and 2Pac Goodnight, sweet princes You died befo' yo' rhyme Life's a bitter lime Diseased befo' its time Let flights of Angies Sing yo' to yo' weep While we the castle keep INT. “THE VIEW” TV SHOW TAPING AT SLO-MO TRAINWRECK STUDIOS POLITICO-ROMANTIC INTERLUDE “On Boo-Berry Hill” By Jeff Free Upstein Huma an' Hill' ran up da Bill To “Fletch” Ep-stein of Werdna Andrew fell down An' lost his crown And Bill came tumblerful after Huma Abedin Anthony's Weiner Tweeted selfies of his peener His pants fell down He lost his crown His peter came tumblin' after Monsieur Republican Guillotine Lopped off a Libber-teen Lewinskied down Mount Herman Got away wit' political incest Cos' he's fo' FEMA-liberation Jean Renoir lost his illusion Had to stop production losin' Used up da ice in Gladje-Frusen Hollywood sho' be confusin' But not so much as Washing-boozin' Hillary knows Booty v Barnaby Famous case, sailors seen da ghost of Booty Devil chased ‘im into Hell, 19th Century Tripped over da lip of Stromboli Widow sued so somberly She lost, (witnesses numbered thirty) Moral of this sad story: Po' boy Bill Came over da Hill' No Accounts amount to nil RANDY QUAID (INTER) ‘LUDES CONTINUES Star whackers chasin' Randy Quaid Freemasonic k**ers trackin' his housemaid In da getaway car he an' girlfrien' got da jitters Play a game of Scrabble while da world titters ‘Whackers k** change da star's Last Will Randy hidin' cross da border not a ha**le Didin' wannabe square burger at White Castle “Ten Highest Word Scores “Wit' Eight Scrabble Tiles “Sums Up Recent History” Jacquard (333) invented da loom Led to computers by Chutzpah (333) (333 plus 333 = 666) Wheezily (324) Highjack (315) Quixotry (315) Mitzvoth (315) Brezhnev (315) Quixotic (306) Hangzhou (306) an' Flapjack (306) Adds to 2015 Chinese Year of da Randy Flagon Sold to Klondikes at da Big Dipper Wagon Hey man why no Ladies Dragon No high-powered women heart-attacked Just men who stoke Bush-Clinton-‘Bama's flacks Suddenly they Hillary-Bush-Cheney-Barack'd Stabbed in the back and rat-a-tat-tat HBCB'd not Debby Harry CBGB Rip Hill' to shreds She Be G, B' D. B. Cooper solitary Alcatraz'd Breakout rap sheet parachute pzazz If da sharks don't get you, Devil Taz' Who k**ed Jimi Hendrix wit' an OD fix “Taxi Driver” didn' save poor Belushi Ace Greenberg, Private Eye Pimplicated in the ‘08 Biz-aster Dick Fuld but got a Blankfein “You talkin' to me? “You talkin' to me? “Well I'm the only person in this doom…” What happened to Paul Schrader Last of the Lost Ark Raiders Snowed downh-illin' like in “The Player” Snakebite paddy-whack Give the dog a bone Gov Nixon lissens in on evybodeez fones Public got sicka Sixties' head-cokes Puked Three Strikes Yo' Out Go N Git Smoked Schrader seppukued his Big Fat Career “The Dying of the Light” very light sleeper “I'm not Rappaport: Inside the Remake” No need to pay, Paul, keep the gate Dead Christian baby thrown down da chimney “Partridge Family” film found by stunned family Rapper porte J. Edgar Poe, quoth the Raven Nevermore a maven Amen I'm leavin' Y'all won't find me in Vineyard Haven J. Edgartown or Martha Pinioned Try Exclamation Lake Gon' be yo' final take Hand gon' yo' hand shake Then da Leo snores CUT TO: Schools cut out tongues Of the very young Anthem's sung From teachers' bungs “America buys new anthem “'The Star Spengler'd Spanner' In da works, written by Justin Bieber An' Patches the Clown Rainbow Warrior Mitteranded down “Save River Amphibians “From the Namibians!” Leo Die Cap ecologist Gon' save da poison Pufferfish Phoenix River you are mist Arsenic down his cochlea - Better than a nuclear River strychnined by a bear Fiddlehead Fern cooked in a thimble Homeland Security's first lame symbol? Pinkeye in a pyramid Horus peerin' down What's with that NY shmira sh**? It all Sauce Ferdinand Bullsh** painted on Hawkeye surgeon's pinion “Falcon Crest” with Lubavitcher minions Frederick the Great “Falconry is Fate.” I thought it was Will Charles and Kate INT. TO EXT. TRACKING SHOT, EXIT THE MIND OF KATIE COURIC, FADE TO FERGUSON BLACK END CREDITS Ain' no moral to this story ‘Cept life is Deadward Gorey Only diff'? in ancient times They had mo' rhymes Corrupt courts like Naples' who*es Black man freed after two score Freemasons walk Y'all Bob Mapplethorped Dunkin' fo' an apple Waterboarded In crabapple Snapple America the Baffled Border thwarted Raising walls in Arizona Raisins in da solar Raffle got some molars Punched out handful Face contorted Or so reported “Facts distorted” Molars make good dice Snake-eyes, roll ‘em twice Mo' pussies in the ‘Wood Than “The Wood'-man” in two pussies Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon 21 Club Christians by Satan bakin' 33 Obama Hillary Jebediah Reagan Duh ‘conomy's run by Donald f*gin “Land Sykes, call Jarndyce & Jarndyce!” In room 2022 Nancy anorexic Ron dies Terminal Dyslexic Wizened by Dr. Alan Heimer “Dissed, hex, hic! “DEGNIHNU SELBRAM DELBMARCS,” Sinatra, Satan, sold many DSK's In with the Fisc' Out wit' tenor micks Never did a perp walk Brought mob money laundered In his Hello Kitty (Kelley) luggage, money squandered Ron freed the Russian-Jewish mafia Like Cyrus of Babylon so they could off ya' President's Taste of the Onion Speech Brought tears to his Ides Declaration of Depends United States Constipation Tea Party vs. Tease Party He-ice-t Party Tongue-Twister garbled Prez lost his Demosthenes marble But there's somethin' plent' mo' horr'ble Buckingham Palace Sandringham Estate Screw-Plus-Ball Screws skulls to wall Mo' Larry Curly pussies in the ‘Wood Than Seven –‘Leven Slushies could Mo' pussies in the ‘Wood Than Pearl Harbor seamen sushi Put yo' hands up, Charles Foster Kane And his Sallay Suzies This gun is Guchi Sign up the ‘Wood Sign up the ‘Wood If only Sony stood ‘Gainst disgruntled ‘Wood ‘Gainst laid off cyber hoods Gruntled Dis Employees pissed They pa**ed over Amy's Range Rover Speed bumped off Turn yo' head an' cough Amy's finger fickled Yo' fo'skin slit BPUH Maltese Bipp'd Metzitzah b'peh Suction Rabbi Oral Her pleased Employees Diseased Herpes Sore Cut Us No M' Becuz' those frackin' cyber-pirates Blocked by Sony's NAND gates Caused Oaklahoma-to-Oakland frack-quake Balaclava headgear turfin' poppin' mimin' Got angry buyin fool's gold iron pyrite At “s**ism sale on aisle nine” Buy Rite Silicon Valley Sortie and sally Stealth malware Wiped CEO gal's rear Unicorn horn's torn from a Narwhal Dis grunts Sony punts Allen Funt's “Candid Camera” stunts Only tourists drive past IMAX near Gower “All the Boys Love Mandy Lane” “All the Girls Love Andy Vain” Head-shape of Islands Andaman In Arthur Doyle and on “Conan” The 24-hour Cannibal Channel Chief Thief Mike L. Reese Author Ed Conlon Officer of the Piece My Last Supper funded by da Po-lice Ben-Evil-Lent So-Sigh-Itty Bitty “Ben” (“son of”) sung by Jackson in that rat movie Judas Is-“Carrie”-ot shut down that pisser Sony Name of island, Coney Kewpie dolls can – “WHO, WME?” Or was it Ari-kiri “Liaison, Kyrie”? On “Hit”ler's mountain eyrie King Ludwig McDuck “Hit”ler need be deloused “Gilmore Girls” name of Nevada cathouse “Leave It to Beaver” Wall-y immured needs a cleaver Why they call kid “Beaver” “Cask of Amontillado” sh**'s high-grade Colorado Or was it the FIB See-Ya First time sh** is good Both sides the body politic: Reason to attack Promo for our flacks Who dumped da coiled dada A kind of false flag Intifada In Sony halls so say-crud CLOSE ON: Power naked Scientology Temple Celebrity Center film Amy Semple in a silver nitrate kiln “Harry Potter Pooh-Bears A. S. Milne” MacPherson doin' Charlie Chaplin Foster Kane On Hearst's yacht with Jimmy “Bailout” Cayne “I never snorted Rogaine!” The Monarch bays through a septum's wane Man's last word sacred yet profane Bridge scene, “Richard III” Hoarse whisper - with a dying fall “Rosebud.” THE END SPECIAL THANKS TO: The State Department of Sony Pentagon Brangelina's Burner Barn Mexi-cago rip crew yarn Angie's cosmetic chicken pox Paparazzo turned into lox In Micky Cohen's Deli, bagels and Glocks Finagle-boy Geffen's shicksa goy Chi-town (not anymore) Mayor Rahmbo Emanuel Operation Northwoods Manual WME William Morris End-devour WME repped Bill Cosby til Two-oh-12 Uh-oh! “W hat M y E rror?” “Pudding” elf My T-Fine on that prison shelf Ripped script “purchasers” Hollywood's den of thieves, Lurch a sir's Hat grabs an skull open sesame, CLOSE TO REVEAL The Unusual Suspects of Island Scriptsteal Ari Emanuel DUI Bloody Mary-Stu Mark Wahlberg McFarlane who freed three hostage Stooges ISIS for its Team Six feral urges Now we be watchin' Preston Sturges' “Hail the Conquered Babylon” While our hero prattles on ‘Bout sad press purges Russert, Hastings, David Frost an' Breitbart Four horsemen of Erin Brokovich An' that blackface Djokhar Did Bush, Obama impersonations Died of “super jet lag,” did ‘Bama favor Presidents' precedent: Bram Stoker Brian Williams' “Ari's scorched earth policy”? Brother Rahmbo will “pull it!” on the polity WTC Masonic WTCh-ery Manhattan E-W streets Stonehenge sunset history One World looks like a whitewashed pyramid Half-painted by G. W. or St. Tom Sawyer Mob's “carpenters” dispose of dead bodies “We've Only Just Begun” an' other oddities Diana's “sawyer” an' Dodi's “house-painters” FEMA's telegenic fainters Fallin' from One World praise it to da rafters PBUH Islamic for “Praise the Prophet” Diminished to “Poobah” just to mock it What you think, they not gonna sock it? World One sun, reflected eye of Horus Still no Greeks in a growing chorus Neither is there Chuckles Norris He got shot by Natasha's Boris 30 Rock, Hudson, End Days Doris Pa** the Clorox Bleach an' Borax Brain cell that holds a cold September day One-hundred jumpers, the fire or The Way Catch “National Security Alert” on You Tube 9/11, Pentagon, KY-lubed We in the NASA 119th SAROS cycle 71 Azoth eclipses zodiacal Clooney, Mason, not a word Damon, treason, must have heard Affleck's “Argo” Naylor's turd In Brad Pitt's palm the eye of Berg Mad Magazine 9/11 fold-in FAA GR-ID America frack-foldin' FCC GIRD Jim Jones' Kool-Aid psychotronic cult Steven Bridges hung from Satan's Bridges k**ed by jet lag on 3/3, who the b**hes Work for top 33 Degree? Trigger finger itches Mr. T, George Peppard sprayed by Fergie's snitches TV CIA–controlled, news anchored by David Spayed Goliath Scott be Rudin' President: “He's a spade!” Obama no response to vile insult Freemasons say we all gon' get culled Each Presleydent the public lulled Stealth Promowood Stealth Promowood Stealth Promowood Hamlet shrieks to high heaven hell Den of Mark stinks like “high” mavens, YELL WHOA-oh WHOA-oh WHOA-oh TWO-oh TWO-oh YOU Owe $ Fifteen Election upcomin' Both sides got plenty nuthin' “Sony Party Debates FBI Party” Tea Party got no smarties The United States Constipation Declaration of Depends First time Good Ol' sh**s On both sides da body politic: Reason to attack Promo for our flacks What's black ‘n' white An' read all over? Amy an' Barack's Weddin' bed covers Virgin Branson My, he's handsome Better take a hansom “Chantilly lace and a Napalmed face “Buddy and Big Bopper aced “Don't talk back.” Amy betta buy a bodega Yo' frenemies had theyselves a kegger Served up cheese from da Island Smegma Now you gimme-gotta-Gotti Pray to Haitian voodoo god Inna Gadda Da Vida Pik-a-chu an' Poke-a-mon like a Lego Legba CEO Lisa “Miss Piggy” Henson Only lost Sony money $two-billion An' it's a “and then some,” Makes Amy look like she Armageddon fencin' “Italian Stallion Pulverizes Ensigns,” Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Aim's gon' be in super Cali' frail Jill lipstick Ex-peeled Alba Duchess - Girl be ex pee-alley ‘trocious Sent to bed without no sup Aim's ready fo' her close-up Sony's Lisa Handsom available on Yo' Tube Girl got her b**bs Tubed I'd love to fraggle that Sgt. Rock Made it on her second back At The Harvard Lampoon She can pogue mahon Pee-pole movin' in Pee-pole movin' out Amy losin' billions Of her dollar clout “Ghostbustiers: Reb**bs” Starring Sony's Adolf “Hit”-ler Scott Rudin an' Granma Whistler Anutha Bette-noir Middler Lina Wertmüller Re-makes “Ferris Bueller,” Brian Williams NBC News wa*ker: “I Am Amy's Elvis-baby Rising!” National Bumcasting Corporation Who k**ed the scenes with Ernie Hudson? Blackactorbusters, you like da Coens' Munson Amy “Racist” Riefenstahl Re-edits “Freddy Krueger” Madoff wit' Fonzie's Ponzi money Blackfriars Bridge honey Hidin' in da bunker Wit' a mutha-clunker Rhymes I got a k**ion “Interview” s**s Sicilians Let's give it da boot Franco's such a snoot Seth Rogaines hairy hogans God of darkness hung a loogar At Granma Grauman's he be da golden booger Tony Perkins hotel too bad no shower scene Water drains too bad no Toluene James Franco still playin' dayd Hacktor needs a womp upside da hayd Sony got hacktored On da “James Franco Factor” Speak of da livin' dead actors Like da “Archons” episode on “Star Trek” Six o'clock Temps Clair Landru Guillotined on a Paris map Influenced ‘‘Monsieur Verdoux'' (Charlie's Chap') (Portrait closer than ASAP) 171, Pas sage Landrieu Near Pont de l'Alma Diana's haunt, Club Albacore Linea alba “My Last Duchess” Preggered up by a penis on crutches Full moon tonight uh-oh she's sore What a coinc' Missed by an inch RAZOR-CUT ON A MIRROR TO: Epstein, Andrew Ghislaine, Maxwell Pas sage St.-André Taken away on Satan's dray Second British Invasion Same as the first! Brought Beatles' Ebola contagion Hysterical, we hang, together we bang Orgone Box, Wilhelm Reich, R. D. Laing World goin' out wit' ‘Lesters, Bang Robert Maxwell Charlie Hebdo's “Mr. Mogul” Did it wit' a Mowgli ogled “Oh Mogul, you've done it again!” Magoo an' Murdoch got ‘way wit' sh** “'The Simpletons' a great big hit!” “Mr. Epstein can you sign my mitt?” When they gon' keel they accuser Demanded money fo' they abuse her Alan's Redshowitz “won't stand up in court” Tell it in “Bud Cort” Better call Phoebe Advo-Cates Girl rents a hot video Explain yo' case to Judge Reinhold Work that gavel, Judge Dersh' hires Ca** Sunstein's Nudge Martha Stewart, Drew Guilty Faust No help not even Mighty Mouse “The Cosby Show” Miss Huxtable She's handicap-accessible For Epstein's Andy Capp a Jezebel But she's the wrong color: visible Fill out da form y'all At I'mnasty International Our planet's been molested Trees planted, polyester Rich are hated ‘cept fo' Hugh Manatee Changed his name, advice of his manager Claims to be the people's candidate But today, Hugh lives in Mandalay Only honest Kafka's Klamm is Kim Future of the world Lookin' kimchi dim Yet Katie Couric cheerleads dudes High school gunners snipe up da ‘Wood Rahm the sign up West Hollyblood Ramonage that chimney, drain da public sump Interview Lydia Lunch, a**a**inate Forrest Gump Get thee to a gunnery or a model's runaway Writer for Dr. Ruth Westheimer former IDF sniper Sexologist just missed targets wearin' diapers “Always young males, blame the NRA” Not snippin' surgeons, guns penis substitutes Unconscious anger, “I'm the 8th old man I'm ‘enery Injury the VIII I am.” an*lemma 8-shaped like a noose Aroun' Place Bobby Sands at Parc Malnou Park Badly Knotted, where'd da town go to? Boko Haram wiped two towns off da infra-red Homeland Security French Intel wiped Parc Malnou Whuts drawn now ain' da real town it's Khartoum Hebdo twenty minutes from Paris near Disneyland Hom.S. changed that Google Map silly goose Parc was befo' a subliminal sicko Dr. Seuss Streets on da Google January 2-zip-1-5 not even close sh**, this The bu*ter Battle, or “Father Goose”? Ministry of info Ministry of Infaux Delfeil de Ton criticized Mathieu Piga**e (No relation to Kardashian's) In Nouvel Observateur, of Charb', (editor of Hebdo) “He dragged the other editors to d**h,” Now 54 arrested for exercising Free Speech Everyone except Hebdo himself impeached Who's next da Pope Punched his mother-insult out Silk verse not worth a sow's ear The Sonytanic Verses Everybody livin' in ‘Wood-to-Paris fear sh** we all locked in The Goulag Charliehebdo It's like some priest-exorcised orange-flavored banjo Took by da spirit of L'il Black Sambo Br'er Rabbit playin' ‘Duelin' Djangos' Tracy Eminem wrapped in candy spangles Spike Lee does white movies subtitled by da Bangles Whiter than Polish gov' in a blizzard's Mickey glove Whiter than Nikola Tesla's white dove sicky-love I seen some immured Leonardo Graffiti he be sprayin' “Iz Paris Bombin'?” inside da Crystal Palace cave-in Solzhenitsyn he could eat sin, Dostoevsky Mornin' he “executed” grabbed his Asbo Laughed so hard, read himself da Patriot Act Up Fake Cop Riot Act or Is Dat de Facto Three-Fifths Bompromise p**y Riot turf-krumpin Golden roof of red-faced Kremlin Putin knocked up RU-486 Chagall fiddlin' on da church's roof Seems like art, propaganda, whut iz da troof “U-571” Enigma broke by Poles not U.S. or English Why England entered war to save Poland Not in John Bull's strategic interest Led to disaster at Dunkirk Brits over-expanded couldn't cover flanks Like Spy an' dat dumb Kurt don' know crank Ben Gurion dabbled wit' da Buddha Ariel Sharon ate snack locusts (Shlomo Sand, pages 85-86 How I Stopped Being a Jew) Tirade or a tie raid Lynch mob wit' a slip knot Can't un-tirade it not even Mingus Wit' all eleven fingers an' hands humungus Depends from which government they dun' hung us Mussolini at da Pentagon Decorates a lamp post Taxi Driver Rahmbo? Brianstorm's fat ammo Stand up an' salute False flag in cahoots Moroccans tortured on our dime “Saudis Behead Sorceress “Crowd Stones Adulteress” International Lord of Crime Jeb Bush next in line Here da hundred-proof Evidentiary post-script strychnine no goof: Day after 1-7 sh** happened, midnight January 8-9 Top French Police Commish Helrick Fredou “Shot hisself” wit' his service revolver (Often a sign of Freemasonic involvement No powder burns on da man's hands) Fellow cops say, “He died of depression, burnout” Shot wit' a bullsh** straight through da earn-out Suspected foul play pay-off copout, b**h One year earlier da previous Keystone Kommish' Found dead in his office shot in da head Found by Helrick Fredou now he be dead Mirror image occult flip it both men tread On dangerous areas in top cop investi-gays-shun Strange Twilight Zone when cops be Masons Helrick workin' on Charlie Hebdo Now he's wit' Gandalf an' Hobbit Bilbo Baggin' two Commissioners At a convenience store-like straight-ma**acre d**h of vicious caricaturists Good fo' Sarko good fo' Hollande Good fo' Marine Le Pen da FN Golem Allowin' France to shut down freedom “You cannot free dem” From da Gilligan-otine No mat' whut you do We still rhymin' an' Bastille-in' – What a coinc' Missed by an inch Musta been a film By David Lynch I got mo' rhymes than Joan Rivers' “Blue Velvet” cords “Polanski Extradited by the House of Tracy Lord” He's set to remake “Le garcon aux cheveux verts” Starring Dean Stockwell an' Zazu Pitts Harry Dean Stanton an' two Jesuits But don' bet on big boxin' it Jacques Prévert, scenariste sh**'s Luciferian, Helrick Fredou's Body found 1/9 2015 in a hell rick, he a Fredo Wa'n't spaghetti afraid o' 119 Abomination cop funeral Knights Templar founded 1119 AD Freemasons claim they the Templars' heritiers Only thing positive, Fredou had no lady No flights o' pool-peein' putti to cry ‘im to da grave, he Be William Shatner Captain Kirk breakin' dialogue strange- Ly Re:nonsense Man “house-painted” by Angela Miracle Put a red coat on Merkel at da march Place Bobby Sands Da halo circle sh**'s Luciferian “South Park” be Trey'd At One Freemasonic World Trade Kenny yo' a** straight-saved OVERLAY, SLOW FADE: Take a busby to Buckingham Palace Bearskin hats Ursa Minor with aforethoughts malice Huntin' L. Carroll's Snark-KransCrânes RX Alice Falls asleep brain in a jar Solange Black Maria Callous Formal-DrHyde Missed her Jeckel Dress Ball invite for Cinderfella “Prognathic” skull Greek word means “Fo' eatin'” Irish skulls hunted fo' Great Britain meatin' Protestant power elite got to Arthur Rack-‘em up “Medicinal Cannibalism,” Skulls snap ‘em up NightVision Goggles invented to help Draculas Read Dr. Sugg befo' Grinch pluck yo' oculars Man that would Sugg Sony pull da plug “Jews, when you gonna open up Brentwood?” Town's McFarlane-phony Seth anti-Semitic like Tolkien's Ent Wood Tho' he got a point Ent don' sell to Goyim They own da airspace drone patrolled deploy ‘em “We ‘Saw' Your b**bs” sung by b**b McNutt an' William Saroyan Cartoonists move in there goes da Jim Naborshood McFarlane don' live in no Hobbit hut dude Song celebrates Elmer Smut's “Film Score Symphony” PSY rides an invisible pony ‘Wood takes Stan Laurel Drive Leaps off da H in ‘Ollywood Peg Entwhistles in da day-fo'-dark Played Hazel “Clay” Cousins in “Thirteen Women” Left fo' dead on da room cousins cuttin' Like that story, “The Whistling Room,” only guttin' Hazel (dowser) “Clef” G-O U SINS, girl gave up nuthin' G is 33 Degree Owe You SINS Hazel Key In Hebrew Code C is G, like in Da Vinci She figured it out, scared her Y B SOC Y B SOG-gy after sleep, what's it COS BY Tide is neap, Mar low, rising oceans Chrysostom flow, can't ‘ford debt, Goshen Gone, her scream France's Scott off-Key k**er never found o' let off wit' a smack He da Beachwood Canyon sandalwood mack Reminds me of anutha Cold Case in da sack Producer Don Simpson's head found pill-cracked Died January 19th, 1/19, Revelation 9:11 The number means “Abomination” Angel of Destruction swept rug, DNA, nuthin' “Deface-in' da Crowd” a bombin' nation Bruckheimer skips rope an' twirls Batons of NK Party whirled Head of state still spinnin' Like in “da Scottish (Ferguson) play” “Burn ‘em, ‘Wood!” hath come to dunces inane Studios burnin' double entry wolfsbane Flight 777 disappeared Chinese gon' 7th heaven What in Japland happened? me no speak Sony Vanish “Pencil in Guber-Peters fo' a guillotine-Shampooin'.” “Sea Ice Melts, Methane Hydrate Sea Gas Eruptions “Vacuum Bomb the World, Angel of Abaddon Rising “The Prisoner” bespoke jacket, Patrick Mcgoohan “On PrisonPlanet island, who wins last episode What da see-saw he-said she-said Grey area showed: But even with Amy's neck stuck out And in da hands of Kim LIGHTS DIM FADE TO COSBY PARTYGIRL BLACKOUT