Hindi Lyrics - Jai Ram lyrics


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Hindi Lyrics - Jai Ram lyrics

Haree om haree om Om purna madah, purna midam, purnat purna mudachyateh Purnasva purna madaya purna mebabosishyate Whatever we see is purna, whatever is beyond is also purna From purna emanates purna, if we subtract purna from purna What remains is purna Isavasyam idam sarvam yat kinca jagatyam jagat Tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasyasvid dhanam All things of this world, the transitory, the evanescent Are enveloped by the lord who is the real reality of each Therefore they have to be used with reverent renunciation Without covetousness or greed for they belong to the lord And not to any one person Yam brahma varunendra rudra marut stunanvanti devai stavai Vedai sangpadokramopanishadai gayanti, yam samaga Dhyanavasthit tadgatena manasa pashyanti yam yogino Yashyatmam na me vidu suraganah devaya tasmai namah I offer my obeissance unto that supreme lord who is worshiped And adored by lord brahma, lord varuna, lord rudra (shiv), lord Maruta (air), whose very name iss recited inn the vedic hymns, whom The yogis meditate upon and whom the demigods don' t know Mukam karoti vacalam, paggum lagghayate girim Yatkrpa tamaham vande, paramananda madhavam My sincere salutations to that madhava, whose divine grace makes The dumb elokuent and the cripple cross mountains Ya kundendu tushara haradhavala, ya shubhravastravritha Ya veenavara dandamanditakara, ya shwetha padmasana Ya brahmachyutha shankara prabhritibhir devaisada vanditha Sa mam patu saraswatee bhagavatee nihshesha jadyapaha May that goddess sarasvati, who completely destroys dullness Of intellect, who is beautiful like kunda flower, the moon And a neckless of dew, who is clad in white garments, whose stute Hand is adorned with the excellent vina, who has white lotus As her throne and who is always respectfully greeted by lord Brahma, lord vishnu and lord shiva etc - protect me. Namostu te vyasa vishalabuddhe phullara vindayata patranetra Yena tvaya bharatatailapurnah prajvalito jnanamayah pradipah Obeisance to thee, o vyasa of great intellect, with eyes like the Petals of a full-blown lotus for, u have brightened the flame Of knowledge by feeding it with the richness of mahabharata Vyasaya vishnu roopya vyasa roopaya vishnave Namo vai bhramha nidhaye vasistaya name namaha Lord vishnu is inn the form of veda vyasa & vyasa himself is in the Form of lord vishnu! such is the greatness of veda vyasa Om sahana vavatu sahana bhunattu, saha viryam karawavahai Tejasvinavaditamastu, ma vidvishavahai Together may we be protected, together may we be nourished Together may we work with great energy May our journey together be brilliant and effective May there be no bad feelings between us Om shanti shanti shanti, om peace peace peace