Ghosts And Vodka - Laser Guided By God lyrics


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Ghosts And Vodka - Laser Guided By God lyrics

A musical tribute to the preserved brain of filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, Laser Guided by God speculates on the path Mr. Kubrick's cryogenically frozen head will take once technology is capable of thawing and restoring 100% of his adorable brain activity. As of this writing, all of us at the laboratory are optimistic, and believe that Stanley's final film, A. I. (Artifical Intelligence), will be completed by 3001 (the year the wheel becomes obsolete). Kubrick will then gladly pull the plug on his restored existence and permanently join the after-life. In the meantime, I ask the angel-faced girl sitting next to me....... "Did you happen to leave your face in my memory?" "No," she replies, "but if you pick the ticks from clocks so the tocks chime half the time, you'll memorize only half of me." "Hmmm, Ok," I say, "but I'd like to love you wholeheartedly." "Wow!" she goes, "that's very romantic and all, but you know half of me belongs to my Siamese twin, I just can't cut her off." "Yeah, I suppose you two do look cute together. Well, I'll see you at tonight's performance." I wave so-long to the inseperable twins with my deformed hand that resembles a lobster claw. While walking towards my tent, I remember to think of how these past few days have been so futuristic.