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Every Action has a reaction, Its one of the laws of the land, Every Action has a reaction, It something we all must understand, So anytime you decide to act in a negative way, Expect a negative reaction to come your way, Just look at the Rangers and Blue Jays, It all goes back to when Joey bats, Hit a walk off homerun and disrespectfully flipped his bat, The Rangers waited to the next season, Last at bat, To react, By hitting him with a pitch on his back, Then he retaliates back, With a hard take out slide at second base, So Odor responds with a strong right to his face, A team fight breaks and the players thought that was it, Then Prince Fielder gets hits, Now we are right back to the beginning Because even with all of the fines and suspensions, This beef is never ending, In the words of Ghandi, Violence is never a solution, Violence appears to do good, The good is temporary, but the evil it creates is permanent, So overall, One thing we can learn from this brawl, Is Newton's third law, For every action there is an opposite reaction, So anytime you decide to act in a negative way, Expect a negative reaction to come your way, And a negative cycle to be created in the entire space. Don't Waste Our Planet