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Unfortunately many of us as kids are left wandering in the jungle alone, With no role models to call on the phone, We often don't know which way to go, So we constantly find ourselves lost at a fork in the road, Where one bad decision can lead us down a trail of no return, The lonely path of regret, 2 Chainz said it best, Your worse enemy is your pride, So In order to survive, We must not ride or die for pride, We must think about our family, And learn how to let small things ride, Instead of fighting every fight, So when C Murder changed his name from 2 Chainz to 2 Stainz, he got no reply, You can do the same thing, When someone steps on your js, stares in your face, Bumps into you on the train, or any other small thing, Just dust off your shoulder and laugh, Don't allow they to determine your future And take you off your path, Think about what you have, to loose, Dont let that emotional move be your last, And yea it is easy to react, But it takes a stronger person to take a step back, To look past, or see through it, To realize its the devil trying to ruin ya, By putting an end to your future, So the next time, you reach that fork, and you are being pushed by that negative force, Before you move forward, ask yourself, Is it worth it? See the bigger picture and be the bigger person. Don't Waste Our Planet