Geo Friend-Lee - Texas Drought sends a Strong Message lyrics


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Geo Friend-Lee - Texas Drought sends a Strong Message lyrics

Which do you prefer? Turning on your faucet and drinking water straight from the sewer? Or turning on your faucet and there is. nothing coming out? This is the decision faced by thousands of Texans because of the drought, This is evident, In Wichita Falls Texas, Which ironically is named after its water fall and river presence, They are now forced to become the first in the US, to start directly sending water from the sewerage to residents, The effects of our negligence, And overuse of one of the most precious resources on the planet, Coupled with the lack of rain, Has led to this drastic change, They can no longer simply, rely on their public water supply system because it is now close to empty, Say goodbye to good times from years ago, When water from reservior was sent into treatment plants, Cleaned and cloned, through water mains Into our homes, Say hello to the future, The same water that sat in a toilet bowl Will be used in your soup bowl The same water you pooped and pee with, Will be the same water you brush your teeth with, Yes it will be cleaned a bit, But will it get every piece an bit? There is no debating, Because of, Over consumption and our growing population, We must now come together as a nation, To stop wasting and focus on water conservation, Before it's too late. Don't Waste Our Planet