Gabriel Ebert - Miracle, Pt. 2 lyrics


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Gabriel Ebert - Miracle, Pt. 2 lyrics

[DOCTOR] A baby, Mrs Wormwood. A child. The most precious gift the natural world can bestow upon us has been handed to you. A brand new human being! A life. A person. A wonderful new person is about to come into your life to bring love, and magic, and happiness, and wonder! [MRS WORMWOOD] Oh, bloody hell! [DOCTOR] Every life I bring into this world Restores my faith in human kind [NURSE] Push, Mrs Wormwood, push! [MRS WORMWOOD] I'll push you in a minute! [DOCTOR] Each newborn life a canvas yet unpainted This still, unbroken skin This uncorrupted mind [DOCTOR and ENSEMBLE] Ev-er-y life is unbelievably unlikely The chances of existence almost infinitely small [DOCTOR] The most common thing in life is life . . And yet every single life Every new life Is a miracle! Miracle! [MR WORMWOOD] Where is he? Where's my son? [DOCTOR] Mr Wormwood! Are you smoking a cigarette? [MR WORMWOOD] What? Oh, of course. I'm sorry, doctor. What am I thinking? This calls for a proper smoke. Oh, my word, he's an ugly little thing [DOCTOR] This is one of the most beautiful children I've ever seen [MR WORMWOOD] Oh, my good Lord. Where's his fingie? [DOCTOR] His what? [MR WORMWOOD] His fingie. His whatchamacallit. His doo-dah. What've you done with his fingie? [DOCTOR] This child doesn't have a "thingie" – [MR WORMWOOD] What? A boy with no fingie? Look what you've done, you stupid woman. This boy's got no fingie [DOCTOR] Mr Wormwood! This child is a girl. A beautiful, beautiful little girl [MRS WORMWOOD] Is there still time for the Bi-Annual Inter-Championship Amateur Sausage – [MR WORMWOOD] Dance competition's over. You missed it. Look, I don't suppose we could exchange it for a boy, could we? [MRS WORMWOOD] This is the worst day of my life!